zondag 2 mei 2010

Israel als Schurkenstaat 124

Settler shoots at Palestinian demonstrators with soldiers present, 26.2.2010

On Friday, 26.2.2010, residents of the village of ‘Asira al-Qibliya in Nablus District held a joint demonstration with Israeli activists from Combatants for Peace and Rabbis for Human Rights, protesting takeover of their lands by settlers. During the demonstration, youths from the village went over to a guard tent that settlers had erected near the outpost and took it down. Following their action, soldiers and armed settlers arrived at the scene. The soldiers fired tear gas and rubber-coated metal bullets at the demonstrators, and a settler standing near them opened fire from an M-16 rifle at the demonstrators, who posed no danger as they were running away from the spot. During the event, an Israeli activist went up to a group of soldiers and demanded that they put a stop to the settlers’ firing, but the soldiers did not act accordingly. Later, settlers threw stones and what appear to be firecrackers toward houses in the village, whose inhabitants responded by throwing stones back.

Length: 1.40 mins

Video: Qassem Saleh, resident of ‘Asira al-Qibliya, volunteer with B’Tselem’s camera distribution project.


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