Omar Barghouti e-mailde me dit:
'An insideous, inflammatory and racially-loaded title like this, in today's Haaretz, published anywhere else in the western mainstream media would, rightly, draw sharp criticism and accusations of anti-semitism. But silence is usually what we hear when Zionists are the ones pushing such anti-semitic headlines.
At least two Haaretz writers make every effort to always blow out of every proportion how Jewish influence in the US is unparalleled, always highlighting, unabashedly, the disproportionate number of Jews involved in any major act, in any leading business, in any famous artistic work, etc., and always judging everything in the US according to one single obsessive criterion: whether it is "good for the Jews." Such blatant racism is glossed over by otherwise decent critics, lest they anger the Zionist mad dog, bringing "ruin" upon themselves and their careers, as Alan Dershowitz recently threatened British academic pro-boycotters!
Zionists in the US, in particular, like to boast, in exaggerated terms, of Jewish "influence," "shaping opinion," financial clout, massive and decisive impact on Congressional decision-making, etc. They use this mythologized, self-created "Jewish power" to scare Israel critics and other dissidents into submission, often with enormous success and efficacy.
But if any "Gentile" dares to make any factual, well-founded statement criticizing Zionist influence in Congress, the White House, Wall Street, the media or Hollywood he/she is immediately dismissed and derided as an anti-semite, unjustifiably, almost in a knee-jerk reaction that smacks of bullying and intellectual terror.
Apparently, Zionists think they are the only ones that are allowed to have their cake and eat it too!
Haaretz 17/10/2008
Members of the tribe / 36 Jews who have shaped the 2008 U.S. election
By Bradley Burston and J.J. Goldberg
At least two Haaretz writers make every effort to always blow out of every proportion how Jewish influence in the US is unparalleled, always highlighting, unabashedly, the disproportionate number of Jews involved in any major act, in any leading business, in any famous artistic work, etc., and always judging everything in the US according to one single obsessive criterion: whether it is "good for the Jews." Such blatant racism is glossed over by otherwise decent critics, lest they anger the Zionist mad dog, bringing "ruin" upon themselves and their careers, as Alan Dershowitz recently threatened British academic pro-boycotters!
Zionists in the US, in particular, like to boast, in exaggerated terms, of Jewish "influence," "shaping opinion," financial clout, massive and decisive impact on Congressional decision-making, etc. They use this mythologized, self-created "Jewish power" to scare Israel critics and other dissidents into submission, often with enormous success and efficacy.
But if any "Gentile" dares to make any factual, well-founded statement criticizing Zionist influence in Congress, the White House, Wall Street, the media or Hollywood he/she is immediately dismissed and derided as an anti-semite, unjustifiably, almost in a knee-jerk reaction that smacks of bullying and intellectual terror.
Apparently, Zionists think they are the only ones that are allowed to have their cake and eat it too!
Haaretz 17/10/2008
Members of the tribe / 36 Jews who have shaped the 2008 U.S. election
By Bradley Burston and J.J. Goldberg
The John McCain-Barack Obama contest has been one in which the issues of Wall Street and fitness for the presidency have far overshadowed the subject of Israel. But the Jewish vote remains a key element in battleground states, and, playing a wide variety of roles, Jews have helped to shape the campaigns. Thirty-six of them are mentioned below. This list is by no means all-inclusive, and, for considerations of space, many Jews who have played active parts in the campaigns do not appear - among them Obama surrogate U.S. Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, and Obama advisor and ex-California congressman Mel Levine. Also missing are a number of Jews who have played minor roles, but merit mention for the interest they have attracted - in particular, Sandra Froman, the first Jewish president of the National Rifle Association (2005-7), and a steering committee member of Sportsmen for McCain; and Linda Lingle, the first Jewish governor of Hawaii and an early defender of Sarah Palin. It should be noted that perhaps the most significant name that appears on the list belongs to a man who has been dead for 153 years. Following is the list, in alphabetical order: Sheldon Adelson: He is Republican, neoconservative and a mega-donor, however, a combination of financial reverses and internal disputes has muted his contribution to the McCain effort. David Axelrod: Chief strategist and media advisor for the Obama campaign, he has harnessed grassroots support through "viral" media, new technology and emphasis on the theme of change. Steven Bob and Sam Gordon: The two Reform rabbis from the Chicago area founded Rabbis for Obama, which has persuaded hundreds of rabbinical colleagues to go on record by name supporting the candidate. The group's influence on the Jewish electorate has been difficult to gauge. Matt Brooks: The executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition is a frequent media "first responder" on Jewish issues. Mark Broxmeyer: A businessman and chair of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs conservative think tank, Broxmeyer serves as national chairman of the McCain campaign's Jewish Advisory Coalition and as a member of the candidate's national finance committee. Eric Cantor: This Virginia congressman, the sole Jewish Republican in the House, has emerged as a primary McCain surrogate in a bid to sway Florida and his home state. Laurie David: The global-warming activist and producer of "An Inconvenient Truth," starring Al Gore, she is ex-wife of "Seinfeld" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm" creator Larry David and one of Jewish Hollywood's most prodigious fundraisers. Ira Forman: The executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, he is Matt Brooks' counterpart. Barney Frank: The Massachusetts Democratic congressman is one of the most visible, outspoken liberals in the House. He is openly gay and a frequent target of pro-McCain commentators, particularly on Fox News, where, because of his role as chair of the House Financial Services Committee, he has been said to bear crucial responsibility for the sub-prime lending crisis. He played a key role in negotiating the Wall Street bailout package. Malcolm Hoenlein: Formally nonpartisan as professional chief of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, he invited Sarah Palin to speak at an anti-Ahmadinejad rally at the UN, then bowed to pressure to rescind the invitation. He is seen to have aided the McCain campaign in terms of some Jewish undecideds.'
Lees verder: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1029302.html
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