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Hoi Stan,Tony Karon vertelt meer over Mohammed Dahlan:http://tonykaron.com/2007/05/15/palestinian-pinochet-making-his-move/
6:54 PM'
Hoi Stan,Tony Karon vertelt meer over Mohammed Dahlan:http://tonykaron.com/2007/05/15/palestinian-pinochet-making-his-move/
6:54 PM'
Dit is een analyse die NRC, Volkskrant en Trouw bewust verzwijgen voor hun lezers, ten koste van de Palestijnse burgerbevolking. Het past niet in de dichotomie goed/kwaad, waarbij Hamas de rol van het kwaad krijgt toebedeeld door de westerse politici en dus de westerse commerciele massamedia en Fatah (vroeger het kwaad) nu ineens de rol van goed.
There’s something a little misleading in the media reports that routinely describe the fighting in Gaza as pitting Hamas against Fatah forces or security personnel “loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas.” That characterization suggests somehow that this catastrophic civil war that has killed more than 25 Palestinians since Sunday is a showdown between Abbas and the Hamas leadership — which simply isn’t true, although such a showdown would certainly conform to the desires of those running the White House Middle East policy.
The Fatah gunmen who are reported to have initiated the breakdown of the Palestinian unity government and provoked the latest fighting may profess fealty to President Abbas, but it’s not from him that they get their orders. The leader to whom they answer is Mohammed Dahlan, the Gaza warlord who has long been Washington’s anointed favorite to play the role of a Palestinian Pinochet. And while Dahlan is formally subordinate to Abbas, whom he supposedly serves as National Security Adviser, nobody believes that Dahlan answers to Abbas — in fact, it was suggested at the time that Abbas appointed Dahlan only under pressure from Washington, which was irked by the Palestinian Authority president’s decision to join a unity government with Hamas.
If Dahlan takes orders from anyone at all, it’s certainly not from Abbas. Abbas has long recognized the democratic legitimacy and popularity of Hamas, and embraced the reality that no peace process is possible unless the Islamists are given the place in the Palestinian power structure that their popular support necessitates. He has always favored negotiation and cooperation with Hamas — much to the exasperation of the Bush Administration, and also of the Fatah warlords whose power of patronage was threatened by the Hamas election victory — and could see the logic of the unity government proposed by the Saudis even when Washington couldn’t. Indeed, as the indispensable Robert Malley and Hussein Agha note, nothing has hurt Abbas’s political standing as much as the misguided efforts of Washington to boost his standing in the hope of undermining the elected Hamas government.'
The Fatah gunmen who are reported to have initiated the breakdown of the Palestinian unity government and provoked the latest fighting may profess fealty to President Abbas, but it’s not from him that they get their orders. The leader to whom they answer is Mohammed Dahlan, the Gaza warlord who has long been Washington’s anointed favorite to play the role of a Palestinian Pinochet. And while Dahlan is formally subordinate to Abbas, whom he supposedly serves as National Security Adviser, nobody believes that Dahlan answers to Abbas — in fact, it was suggested at the time that Abbas appointed Dahlan only under pressure from Washington, which was irked by the Palestinian Authority president’s decision to join a unity government with Hamas.
If Dahlan takes orders from anyone at all, it’s certainly not from Abbas. Abbas has long recognized the democratic legitimacy and popularity of Hamas, and embraced the reality that no peace process is possible unless the Islamists are given the place in the Palestinian power structure that their popular support necessitates. He has always favored negotiation and cooperation with Hamas — much to the exasperation of the Bush Administration, and also of the Fatah warlords whose power of patronage was threatened by the Hamas election victory — and could see the logic of the unity government proposed by the Saudis even when Washington couldn’t. Indeed, as the indispensable Robert Malley and Hussein Agha note, nothing has hurt Abbas’s political standing as much as the misguided efforts of Washington to boost his standing in the hope of undermining the elected Hamas government.'
4 opmerkingen:
Hoi Stan
Misschien vind je dit ook interressant: een stuk van de immer excellente Naomi Klein, ook over Gaza, maar nu een algemener maar daarom niet minder sinister perspectief. De security-industrie als booming business met Gaza als laboratorium.
Het lijkt wel of er de laatste dagen een enorm media offensief aan de gang is. Een soort manufacturing consent, maar voor wat? Wat zijn de snode plannen?
Het valt mij inderdaad ook op, maar ik kan niet echt mijn vinger erop leggen. Ik voel ook dat er iets in delucht hangt. Een offensief om iedereen toch weer in het gareel te krijgen qua gedachtegang.
marit, wat in de lucht kun je hier lezen: het met geweld vernietigen van Hamas en daarmee het verzet van de Palestijnen en de hoop op een eigen staat. daar is het altijd omgegaan.
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