vrijdag 8 juni 2018

Israeli Terrorism

Mohammed Jamal
These are butterfly bullets or "dum-dums," they're banned by international law, and their use is listed as a war crime by the International Criminal Court, yet israel has been using these bullets against unarmed Palestinian protesters. If these israeli bullets hit you anywhere above the waist, you're dead, if they hit you below the waist, you will be crippled!

1 opmerking:

Ron zei


'Heartland Centraal-Azië doelwit voor bedreigingen, omkoping en kleurrevoluties van de VS en de EU.’

In september 2014 ondertekenden 43 reserve-officieren en -soldaten van Eenheid 8200 een protestbrief in de Israëlische krant Yediot Ahronot...