- Media Lens heeft geretweetHeißer Mai: Auf dem Telegrafenberg in Potsdam wird seit 1893 gemessen, es ist eine der wertvollsten Wettermessreihen weltweit. Die mittlere Tageshöchsttemperatur in diesem Mai war mit 24,3 °C nicht einfach nur Rekord, sondern hat den alten Rekord um satte 1,2 Grad überboten!
- Kees van der Pijl vindt dit leuk#BREAKING #Israeli sniper shot dead #Palestinian nurse Razan al-Najjar, 24, as she was treating the protesters wounded by #Israeli Occupation forces. #IsraelCrimes #ICC4Israel #GreatReturnMarch #GazaBleeds #GazaMassacre #StopArmingIsrael #BDS @ifamericansknew @Zionocracy
- Razan Alnajjar is a 21 year old nurse and a mother of a child who just became an orphan after an Israeli sniper murdered her while she was helping other wounded Palestinians who are participating in the #GreatReturnMarch.
- Commentator Dan Glazebrook sees parallels between the US strategy towards N-Korea and how Milosevic was handled: an 'offer' to surrender which if refused becomes the pretext for an attack
- Media Lens heeft geretweet
- Media Lens heeft geretweetThe increased frequency/ferocity of these storms is a function of the increased energy in the atmosphere caused by more CO2 emissions *&* the gradually failing ocean-land sinks: - http://www.gci.org.uk/Sinks_Shrinking.html … In a nutshell, the hands are moving towards midnight on the 'climate clock.
- Media Lens heeft geretweetEXCLUSIVE - looking into Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Eye-witnesses describe Israeli military aid to Islamist fighters in Syria. @Channel4News tonight
- Media Lens heeft geretweetPicture taken to today: A Pinochet refugee ("Clara") protests for the freedom of @JulianAssange outside the Ecuadorian embassy while UK diplomatic police stand by to arrest him (operation "Kudo")--on which it has spent nearly US$30m. UK blocked the extradition of Pinochet.
- Kees van der Pijl vindt dit leukInfo-porno van Oekraïne een dag na neerhalen #MH17: "SBU arresteerde twee Russische vuurgeleiders van Buk." https://www.unian.net/politics/941248-sbu-zaderjala-dvuh-rossiyan-podozrevaemyih-v-korrektirovke-ognya-iz-ustanovki-buk.html … Nooit meer iets van de arrestanten gehoord of gezien.
- 'Since coming to power in 2013, Sisi’s rule has been marked by efforts to crush all forms of dissent'. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/02/egypt-abdel-fatah-al-sisi-sworn-in-second-term-amid-crackdown-on-dissent … 'Coming to power'? The Guardian is referring to Sisi's 2013 military coup when his forces massacred 1,000 people.
- Kwaliteitsonderwijs en goed betaald, zinvol werk met carrièreperspectief, daarmee maak je burgers van iedereen. Maar we doen liever mee met NAVO-provocaties in de Oostzee https://www.german-foreign-policy.com/news/detail/7624/ …
- Kees van der Pijl vindt dit leukOSINT model dat ik ontwikkelde voor MH17 brononderzoek toegepast op Babtsjenko-zaak. +++ Uitnodiging om links te posten van tweets die deze pseudocide in eerste instantie als feitelijk nieuws brachten +++
zondag 3 juni 2018
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