donderdag 30 mei 2013

Geert Mak en de Kroning van 2013 (30)

The point is, ladies and gentleman, is that greed - for lack of a better word - is good. Greed is right. Greed works.
- Michael Douglas (Gordon Gekko) in Oliver Stone's 1987 film Wall Street.

It's too easy to externalize responsibility by pinning the blame on villains. Every people has used the symbolism of demons in an attempt to extirpate something within themselves. The Jamie Dimon story (CEO van JP Morgan Chase, de op één na grootste bank ter wereld. svh) shows that something more fundamental needs repair – in our economy, in our society, in us.

Don't get me wrong. That isn't meant to suggest that we're guilty of fraud, or greed or fiscal mismanagement. But we definitely have some work to do.

Chuck Prince. Robert Rubin. Lloyd Blankfein. Jeff Immelt. Brian Moynihan. Jamie Dimon. The bank CEO names roll off the tongue almost as rapidly as the billions pass algorithmically through cyberspace. What happens if one falls, as Prince did? Another takes his place before his predecessor's shadow has left the ground he was standing on.

And we use the male pronoun advisedly, since so far they've all been male. Male, and ambitious, and aggressive. To a man, in fact, they've embodied the aggression we profess to idolize as a society, in our leaders and in our athletes, until it gets us where we live.

If Jamie Dimon and his peers have any legitimate complaint about the condemnation that's heaped upon them today, it's this: A few years ago you praised us for doing exactly what you condemn us for today. You're the ones who made Gordon Gekko a culture hero, these bankers might say, not us.
Can't you people at least be consistent? […]

Before you condemn them… too harshly, remember: People in great fear sometimes overcompensate. And, as economist Robert Johnson notes in this compelling video discussion with Cornel West, our most powerful financial executives live in fear today. They feel, not without reason, that their way of life is being threatened.

A change in their way of life might be good for the rest of us, but those kinds of insecurities don't bring out the best in people. Given the power bankers possess, that should worry us. […]

JPMorgan Chase is a perfect example of modern corporate leadership in its native habitat: at the center of a complicated matrix of human desires which it manipulates to suit its own ends. And you and I are allowing it to continue.

Deze leegte, waarin de overgrote meerderheid leeft, geeft ‘con artists’ de noodzakelijke ruimte om in te  opereren, en ‘you and I are allowing it to continue.’ Een van de belangrijkste oorzaken dat

people cannot face evil is fear. The true nature of psychopaths is the stuff of childhood nightmares. Many people simply  cannot deal with the fear this realization causes and so to sooth their nerves they revert to an infantile strategy of denial and magical thinking. If they do not acknowledge the existence of monsters, then the monsters cannot hurt them,

zoals de Canadese auteur Stefan Verstappen schreef in Defense Against The Psychopath. A Brief Introduction to Human Predators. (2011)

Dit verklaart de escapistische houding van Mak en zijn mainstream publiek die weigeren de werkelijkheid te accepteren omdat, zoals Mak mij schreef:

ik niet zonder hoop [kan], Stan, dat klinkt misschien wat pathetisch, maar het is toch zo.

Feiten spelen daarbij geen doorslaggevende rol, want zoals hij tegenover mij opmerkte:

Jij ziet veel dingen scherper en eerder, maar…

inzicht moet het daarbij afleggen tegen de ‘hoop’ dat er licht is aan het einde van de tunnel. Er moet een verlossing in het verschiet liggen, ook al is dit niet het geval. Het probleem daarbij is dat degene die het overtuigendst belooft dat hij ‘change we can believe in’ zal brengen de meeste aanhangers trekt, met als gevolg dat we onder de CEO’s van grote concerns, in de politiek en in de commerciele westerse massamedia het hoogste percentage ‘con men’ tegenkomen. Dat is de voornaamste reden dat de wereld  gerund wordt door psychopaten die nu de toekomst van de  hele mensheid op het spel zetten. Dat is geenszins vreemd. Nog afgezien van het feit dat psychopaten in een ziek systeem het 't verst schoppen, geldt voor de meeste mensen, hoe fatsoenlijk die ook mogen zijn, dat ‘in a psychopathic culture, everyone must adopt a ruthless attitude as a survival strategy.’ Hoewel volgens westers wetenschappelijk onderzoek sociopaten slechts 3 tot 4 procent van de mannelijke bevolking uitmaken en minder dan 1 procent van de vrouwelijke bevolking, zijn de normen en waarden van de kapitalistische consumptiecultuur dermate verziekt dat de psychopaten gebruik kunnen maken van ondergeschikten die gedwongen zijn hun ‘moral insanity-game’ mee te spelen. De speculant Gordon Gekko zegt het in Wall Street met deze woorden:

The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation. It's bullshit. You got ninety percent of the American public out there with little or no net worth. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paper clip. We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody sits out there wondering how the hell we did it. Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy? It's the free market. And you're a part of it. You've got that killer instinct. Stick around pal, I've still got a lot to teach you.

Dit is precies de mentaliteit van de mensen die vandaag de dag de macht in handen hebben. De uitgeholde ‘democratie’ kan daar niet effectief tegen optreden. Ons systeem wordt gekenmerkt door het ‘Killer Instinct,’ en het resultaat is ernaar. Verstappen:

Most psychopaths leave a long trail of destruction and heartbreak and will try to cover their tracks. A lack of background information is therefore as suspicious as a history of betrayals. Another of their fundamental flaws is a lack of patience and the incredible energy they use to maintain their façade… In conclusion, the study of Psychopathy is an important new tool… in understanding the source behind many social ills.

In geen van zijn geschriften heeft de zich prominent presenterende Geert Mak dit aspect van de westerse maatschappij beschreven, laat staan geanalyseerd en in een bredere context geplaatst. Sterker nog, op pagina 521 van zijn Reizen zonder John schreef Mak nog in 2012 met een pendante stelligheid:

Zullen Steinbeck en zijn pessimistische geestverwanten alsnog gelijk krijgen? In 1960 sloegen ze… met hun sombere voorspellingen de plank mis. Amerika zou na 1960 nog decennia van grote voorspoed beleven.

Mak verwees daarmee naar alleen de materiele ‘voorspoed’ van vooral de Amerikaanse middenklasse, zonder erbij te vermelden dat sinds het einde van de jaren zeventig het reële inkomen van de Amerikaanse werknemer niet meer steeg en dat die stagnatie werd opgevangen doordat Amerikanen op grote schaal begonnen te lenen om aan de ‘voorspoed’ te kunnen blijven deelnemen. Zoals we nu weten stortte dit systeem tijdens de kredietcrisis van 2008 ineen met als gevolg een economische depressie die volgens experts ‘Shows Uncanny Parallels to Great Depression’ die na de beurskrach van 1929 de westerse wereld in zijn greep hield en waaraan alleen de Tweede Wereldoorlog een eind wist te maken. Door de huidige crisis

the American middle class, once the only effective counter weight to Wall Street greed, has been decimated. Over 25 million people, in what was the US middle class, are now in full-blown crisis mode and urgently need to increase their income…

Every seven seconds, another American family is kicked out of their home. We are confronted by a lost generation of young workers who cannot find jobs… and bankruptcies continue to skyrocket…

a revealing new survey suggests that an outraged significant majority is coming to the realization that an organized financial cartel has taken over the government and robbed the US public blind.

Terwijl  meer dan 7 miljoen Amerikaanse gezinnen hun woning verloren, kregen de corrupte bankiers meer dan een biljoen dollar aan belastinggeld om hun banken overeind te houden. Ondertussen is

the crisis of foreclosure and lost wealth not over. Every three months, 250,000 new families enter the foreclosure process. According to a May 2013 report of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), more than 13 million homes are still underwater, which increases the risk of foreclosure.

Tegelijkertijd zijn de inkomens

stagnant or falling. Foreclosures are tearing through communities, and falling home prices are destroying family equity. It's like a reverse New Deal.

28 mei 2013 werd bekend dat:


The Census Bureau has reported that 15% of Americans live in poverty. A shocking figure. But it's actually much worse. Inequality is spreading like a shadowy disease through our country, infecting more and more households, and leaving a shrinking number of financially secure families to maintain the charade of prosperity.

1. Almost half of Americans had NO assets in 2009

Analysis of Economic Policy Institute data shows that Mitt Romney's famous 47 percent, the alleged 'takers,' have taken nothing. Their debt exceeded their assets in 2009.

2. It's Even Worse 3 Years Later

Since the recession, the disparities have continued to grow. An OECD report states that "inequality has increased by more over the past three years to the end of 2010 than in the previous twelve," with the U.S. experiencing one of the widest gaps among OECD countries. The 30-year decline in wages has worsened since the recession, as low-wage jobs have replaced formerly secure middle-income positions.

3. Based on wage figures, half of Americans are in or near poverty.

Desondanks bleef Mak beweren dat 'bij Obama het erg [speelt] over het verdedigen van verworven rechten.'  Nog treuriger dan deze leugen is het feit dat Mak niet beseft dat ‘Steinbeck en zijn pessimistische geestverwanten,’ zoals bijvoorbeeld Jack Kerouac, wiens werk door Mak als ‘egotripperij’ wordt gekwalificeerd, het niet over de materiele ‘voorspoed’ hadden, maar kritiek hadden op de spirituele leegte van die materialistische Amerikaanse consumptiecultuur. Kritische Amerikaanse intellectuelen en kunstenaars waren al langere tijd op zoek naar de niet materialistische invulling van de ‘Amerikaanse Droom,’ die voor de jeugdige Mak in de ‘provinciestad' waar hij opgroeide alleen maar de komst van ‘Donald Duck’ betekende en ‘platte pakjes kauwgom,’ en niet te vergeten ‘pakjes groen-witte poeder waaruit een huisvrouw een pan soep kan toveren: California heet het spul. California fluisteren we, California.’ Het is vanuit deze kleinburgerlijke context dat hij het imperium beschrijft. ‘Amerika een droomland’ waarvoor hij ‘atijd al’ een ‘geheime liefde’ koesterde, zo laat hij zijn publiek op de achterflap van zijn boek weten. En ook zijn bewering bij de EO Radio dat

Het beter is voor Nederland en de internationale gemeenschap dat Obama de verkiezingen wint,

getuigt van een totaal gebrek aan inzicht in de drijfveren van imperia. Ik vrees dat Mak buitengewoon weinig van de geschiedenis begrijpt. Zijn geschriften staan in het teken van wishful thinking. De vooraanstaande Amerikaanse journalist Glenn Greenwald schreef in dit verband op 27 mei 2013 naar aanleiding van Obama’s beloften:

what should be beyond dispute at this point is that Obama's speeches have very little to do with Obama's actions, except to the extent that they often signal what he intends not to do. How many times does Obama have to deliver a speech embracing a set of values and polices, only to watch as he then proceeds to do the opposite, before one ceases to view his public proclamations as predictive of his future choices? Speeches, especially presidential ones, can be significant unto themselves in shaping public perceptions and setting the terms of the debate, so Obama's explicit discussion of the ‘ultimate’ ending of the war on terror can be reasonably viewed as positive.

But it signals nothing about what he actually will do. I'm genuinely amazed that there are still smart people who treat these speeches as though they do. As Esquire's Tom Junod put it after the speech: ‘if the Lethal Presidency reminds us of anything, it's that we should be a long way from judging this president on his rhetoric or his portrayal of himself as a moral actor.’ The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf added that Obama ‘has a long record of broken promises and misleading rhetoric on civil liberties, and it would be naive to assume that he'll follow through on everything he said on Thursday.’

What Obama has specialized in from the beginning of his presidency is putting pretty packaging on ugly and discredited policies. The cosmopolitan, intellectualized flavor of his advocacy makes coastal elites and blue state progressives instinctively confident in the Goodness of whatever he's selling, much as George W. Bush's swaggering, evangelical cowboy routine did for red state conservatives. The CIA presciently recognized this as a valuable asset back in 2008 when they correctly predicted that Obama's election would stem the tide of growing antiwar sentiment in western Europe by becoming the new, more attractive face of war, thereby converting hordes of his admirers from war opponents into war supporters. This dynamic has repeated itself over and over in other contexts, and has indeed been of great value to the guardians of the status quo in placating growing public discontent about their economic insecurity and increasingly unequal distribution of power and wealth. However bad things might be, we at least have a benevolent, kind-hearted and very thoughtful leader doing everything he can to fix it.

The clear purpose of Obama's speech was to comfort progressives who are growing progressively more uncomfortable with his extreme secrecy, wars on press freedom, seemingly endless militarism and the like. For the most part, their discomfort is far more about the image being created of the politician they believed was unique and even transcendent than it is any substantive opposition to his policies. No progressive wants to believe that they placed such great trust and adoration in a political figure who is now being depicted as some sort of warped progeny of Richard Nixon and Dick Cheney. That creates internal discomfort and even shame. This speech was designed to allow progressives once again to see Barack Obama as they have always wanted to see him, his policies notwithstanding: as a deeply thoughtful, moral, complex leader who is doing his level best, despite often insurmountable obstacles, to bring about all those Good Things that progressives thought they would be getting when they empowered him.

The terrorism speech, when dissected, provided very little in the way of actual concrete substance. Its most heralded passage, as the ACLU quickly pointed out, did nothing more than call for the ‘ultimate’ repeal of the AUMF; ‘the time to take our country off the global warpath and fully restore the rule of law is now,’ said the ACLU's executive director Anthony Romero, ‘not at some indeterminate future point.’ Moreover, he noted, ‘the president still claims broad authority to carry out targeted killings far from any battlefield, and there is still insufficient transparency.’

Het zijn leugens die de mainstream opiniemakers als Mak verspreiden die elke keer opnieuw serieus aan de kaak dienen te worden gesteld. Alleen op kennis kan hoop gebaseerd zijn, niet op vrijblijvend wishful thinking. Morgen meer.

Geert Mak: Door de macht tot Ridder in het Legioen van Eer verheven, vanwege zijn 'bijdrage aan het Europese Project.'

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