woensdag 29 mei 2013

Boycot Israel 124

Dear Stan,

Tell them:
Churches and campuses have done it--let your shareholders vote on divestment too!

They’ve done it again. TIAA-CREF has for a second time successfully sought permission from the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) not to include our resolution on their ballot at this summer’s shareholder meeting. Despite their stated commitment to respect shareholder rights and to participate in shareholder votes, they chose an end-run around shareholder democracy. TIAA-CREF asked for and has now received assurance by the SEC that they will not penalize TIAA-CREF for refusing to submit the divestment proposal to its investors for a secret ballot vote.
The thing is: they still can choose to include our resolution on the ballot. The SEC didn’t forbid them to, they just said they are not required to.
I just called TIAA-CREF to urge them to include the divestment resolution. Will you call them too?
Student senates on campuses across the country have debated divestment. The Presbyterian (USA) and United Methodists have debated divestment. Why can’t TIAA-CREF allow their shareholders the opportunity to vote on whether they want their retirement money invested in abuses of Palestinian human rights?
Pick up the phone today as part of a national call-in day to TIAA-CREF’s CEO Roger Ferguson at (212) 490-9000 to say:  Churches and campuses have done it--let your shareholders vote on divestment too!
Thanks for all you do,

Nikhil Aziz
Executive Director, Grassroots International
Grassroots International is a member of the We Divest National Coordinating Committee)
P.S. After you have called in, please help spread the word and keep the pressure on TIAA-CREF by logging onto Twitter and/or Facebook and post this as your status:
ACT: Tell @TC_Talks it’s time to listen: let shareholders vote on divestment.http://bit.ly/10pwoh3 #DumpVeolia #BDS

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