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Jeruzalem 25 november
Spreker: Prof.dr. W. Otterspeer ‘Professor Cleveringa tussen mythe en voorbeeld’
Locatie: Mexico Auditorium, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
Aanvang: 19.00 uur
Betaling: nader bekend te maken
Opgave en informatie: Irgoen Olei Holland (IOH), Sd. Jehudit 10, P.O. Box 57704, 61575 Tel-Aviv, ioh@netvision.net.il, tel. +972 (0)3-5625611. Alleen toegang met toegangskaart. (Gratis) toegangskaarten tot 15 november 2010 aanvragen bij IOH te Tel-Aviv.
Let u op wie mede-organisator is: Irgoen Olei Holland (IOH). De Irgoen was a zionist terorist group, active chiefly during the period (1917–48) of British control by mandate of Palestine.
Nu mijn vraag: waarom zou de Leidse Universiteit en u professor Willem Otterspeer zich willen encanailleren met een groep mensen die joods terrorisme niet afwezen?
List of Irgun attacks
During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the British Mandate of Palestine the militant Zionist group the Irgun carried out sixty attacks against Arabs and British soldiers.[1] Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by the New York Times[2][3], the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry[4], prominent world figures such as Winston Churchill[5] and Jewish figures such as Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others[6]. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs describes it as "an underground organization."[7] The New York Times at the time cited sources in an investigative piece which linked the Haganah paramilitary group to the Irgun terrorist attacks such as the King David Hotel Bombing [8].
Irgun launched a series of attacks which lasted until the beginning of World War II. All told, Irgun attacks against Arab targets resulted in at least 250 Arab deaths during this period. Following is a list of attacks resulting in death attributed to Irgun that took place during the 1930s. The Irgun conducted at least 60 operations altogether during this period.[9][10][11]
Contents[hide] |
[edit] List of Irgun attacks 1937-1948
Date | Casualties | References | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1937, March | 2 Arabs killed on Bat-Yam beach. | [12] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1937, November 14 | 10 Arabs killed by Irgun units launching attacks around Jerusalem, ("Black Sunday") | [13][14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, April 12 | 2 Arabs and 2 British policemen were killed by a bomb in a train in Haifa. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, April 17 | 1 Arab was killed by a bomb detonated in a cafe in Haifa | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, May 17 | 1 Arab policeman was killed in an attack on a bus in the Jerusalem-Hebron road. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, May 24 | 3 Arabs were shot and killed in Haifa. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, June 23 | 2 Arabs were killed near Tel-Aviv. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, June 26 | 7 Arabs were killed by a bomb in Jaffa. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, June 27 | 1 Arab was killed in the yard of a hospital in Haifa. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, June (late) | Unspecified number of Arabs killed by a bomb that was thrown into a crowded Arab market place in Jerusalem. | [15] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 5 | 7 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks in Tel-Aviv. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 5 | 3 Arabs were killed by a bomb detonated in a bus in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 5 | 1 Arab was killed in another attack in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 6 | 18 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab melon market in Haifa. | [14][16] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 8 | 4 Arabs were killed by a bomb in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 16 | 10 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, July 25 | 43 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Haifa. | [14][17] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, August 26 | 24 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jaffa. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1938, February 27 | 33 Arabs were killed in multiple attacks, incl. 24 by bomb in Arab market in Suk Quarter of Haifa and 4 by bomb in Arab vegetable market in Jerusalem. | [18] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, May 29 | 5 Arabs were killed by a mine detonated at the Rex cinema in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, May 29 | 5 Arabs were shot and killed during a raid on the village of Biyar 'Adas. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 2 | 5 Arabs were killed by a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem. | [14][19] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 12 | 1 British bomb expert trying to defuse the bombs killed, during a post office in Jerusalem was bombing | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 16 | 6 Arabs were killed in several attacks in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 19 | 20 Arabs were killed by explosives mounted on a donkey at a marketplace in Haifa. | [14][20] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 29 | 13 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks around Jaffa during a one-hour period. | [14][21] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 30 | 1 Arab was killed at a marketplace in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, June 30 | 2 Arabs were shot and killed in Lifta. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, July 3 | 1 Arab was killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Haifa. | [14][22] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, July 4 | 2 Arabs were killed in two attacks in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, July 20 | 1 Arab was killed at a train station in Jaffa. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, July 20 | 6 Arabs were killed in several attacks in Tel-Aviv. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, July 20 | 3 Arabs were killed in Rehovot. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1939, August 27 | 2 British officers were killed by a mine in Jerusalem. | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1944, September 27 | Unknown number of casualties, around 150 Irgun members attacked four British police stations | [23] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1944, September 29 | 1 Senior British police officer of the Criminal Intelligence Department assassinated in Jerusalem. | [23] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1945, December 27 | 7 British policemen killed during the bombing of British Intelligence offices in Jerusalem; 1 British soldier killed during attack of British army camp in north Tel Aviv | [24] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1946, July 22 | 91 people were killed at King David Hotel Bombing mostly civilians, most ... staff of the hotel or Secretariat, 41 Palestinian Arabs, 15-28 British citizens, 17 Palestinian Jews, 2 Armenians, 1 Russian, 1 Greek and 1 Egyptian. | [25][26] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1946, October 30 | 2 British guards killed during Gunfire and explosion at Jerusalem Railway Station. | [27] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1946, October 31 | Bombing of the British Embassy in Rome. Nearly half the building was destroyed and 3 people were injured. | [28] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, January 12 | 4 killed in bombing of British headquarters. | [29] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, March 1 | 17 British officers killed, during raid and explosion. | [30] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, March 12 | 1 British soldier killed during the attack on Schneller Camp. | [30] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, July 29 | 2 kidnapped British sergeants hanged. | [31] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, September 26 | 4 British policemen killed in Irgun bank robbery. | [29] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, September 29 | 13 killed, 53 wounded in attack on British police station. | [29] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 11 | 13 killed in attack on Tireh, near Haifa | [32] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 12 | 20 killed, 5 wounded by barrel bomb at Damascus Gate. | [33] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 13 | 6 killed, 25 wounded by bombs outside Alhambra Cinema. | [34] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 13 | 5 killed, 47 wounded by two bombs at Damascus Gate. | [34] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 13 | 7 killed, 10 seriously injured in attack on Yehudieh. | [34] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 16(ca) | 10 killed by bomb at Noga Cinema in Jaffa. | [35] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 20 | 6 Arabs killed, dozens wounded by bomb at Haifa refinery, precipitating the Haifa Oil Refinery massacre. | [36] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1947, December 29 | 14 Arabs killed by bomb in Jerusalem. | [29][37] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, January 1 | 2 Arabs killed and 9 injured by shooting attack on cafe in Jaffa. | [38] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, January 5 | 14 Arabs killed and 19 injured by truck bomb outside the 3-storey 'Serrani', Jaffa's built Ottoman Town Hall | [39] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, January 7 | 20 Arabs killed by bomb at Jaffa Gate. | [40][41] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, February 10 | 7 Arabs killed near Ras el Ain after selling cows in Tel Aviv | [42] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, February 18 | 12 Arabs killed and 43 wounded at a marketplace in Ramla | [43] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, March 1 | 20 Britons killed and 30 wounded in the Bevingrad Officers Club bombing | [44] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1948, April 9-April 11 | 107-120 Palestinians killed and massacred (the estimate generally accepted by scholars, instead the first announced number of 254) during and after the battle at the village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, by 132 Irgun and 60 Lehi fighters. | [45][46][47][48][49] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Between 1937-1948 | During 11 years of attacks, Hundreds of Arab civilians, over 20 British officers and over 20 Jewish civilians were killed in total by the Irgun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Irgun_attacks Deir Yassin massacreFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Irgun and Lehi Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, a Palestinian-Arab village of roughly 600 people.[1] The invasion occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.[2] Around 107 villagers were killed during and after the battle for the village, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes.[3] Several villagers were taken prisoner and may have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem, though accounts vary.[4] Four of the attackers died, with around 35 injured.[5] The killings were condemned by the leadership of the Haganah—the Jewish community's main paramilitary force—and by the area's two chief rabbis. The Jewish Agency for Israel sent Jordan's King Abdullah a letter of apology, which he rebuffed.[2] The deaths became a pivotal event in the Arab-Israeli conflict for their demographic and military consequences. The narrative was embellished and used by various parties to attack each other—by the Palestinians to besmirch Palestine's Jewish community and subsequently Israel; by the Haganah to play down their own role in the affair; and later by the Israeli Left to accuse the Irgun and Lehi of violating the Jewish principle of purity of arms, thus blackening Israel's name around the world.[6] News of the killings sparked terror within the Palestinian community, encouraging them to flee from their towns and villages in the face of Jewish troop advances, and it strengthened the resolve of Arab governments to intervene, which they did five weeks later by invading Palestine after Israel's declaration of independence on May 14.[2]
[edit] Background[edit] Political and military situationFurther information: 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine The UN's Corpus Separatum proposal for Jerusalem included Deir Yassin. The invasion of Deir Yassin took place after the United Nations proposed on November 29, 1947 (UN Resolution 181) that Palestine be divided into an Arab state and a Jewish one. Jerusalem was to belong to neither state, but was to be administered separately; Deir Yassin lay within the boundaries of the proposed plan for Jerusalem. The Arabs rejected the proposal, and civil war broke out. British rule in Palestine ended on May 14, 1948; Israel declared its independence that daya, and several Arab armies invaded at midnight on May 15, triggering the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. In the months leading up to the end of British rule, in a phase of the civil war known as "The Battle of [the] Roads,"[7] the Arab League-sponsored Arab Liberation Army (ALA)—composed of Palestinians and other Arabs—attacked Jewish traffic on major roads in an effort to isolate the Jewish communities from each other. The ALA managed to seize several strategic vantage points along the highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv—Jerusalem's sole supply route and link to the western side of the city where 16 percent of all Jews in Palestine lived—and began firing on convoys traveling to the city. By March 1948, the road was cut off and Jerusalem was under siege. In response, the Haganah launched Operation Nachshon to break the siege. On April 6, in an effort to secure strategic positions, the Haganah and its strike force, the Palmach, attacked al-Qastal, a village two kilometers north of Deir Yassin overlooking the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway. On April 9, Irgun and Lehi forces attacked nearby Deir Yassin.[8] [edit] Deir YassinDeir Yassin was a Palestinian-Arab village of several hundred residents, all Muslim, living in 144 houses.[9] The International Red Cross reported that there were 400 residents; Yoav Gelber writes that there were 610, citing the British mandatory authority figures; and Menachem Begin's biographer, Eric Silver, 800 to 1,000.[1] It was situated on a hill west of Jerusalem 800 meters above sea level, overlooking the main highway entering Jerusalem.[10] The village was relatively prosperous, thanks to the excavation of limestone from the village quarries, which allowed the residents to make a good living from stone-cutting. By most accounts, they lived in peace with their Jewish neighbors in nearby villages, particularly those in Givat Shaul, an Orthodox community just across the valley, some of whom reportedly tried to help the Deir Yassin villagers during the Irgun-Lehi invasion.[11] On January 20, 1948, the villagers met with leaders of the Givat Shaul community to form a peace pact. The Deir Yassin villagers agreed to inform Givat Shaul should Palestinian militiamen appear in the village, by hanging out certain types of laundry during the day—two white pieces with a black piece in the middle—and at night signaling three dots with a flashlight and placing three lanterns in a certain place. In return, patrols from Givat Shaul guaranteed safe passage to Deir Yassin residents, in vehicles or on foot, passing through their neighborhood on the way to Jerusalem.[12] Yoma Ben-Sasson, Haganah commander in Givat Shaul, said after the village had been captured that, "there was not even one incident between Deir Yassin and the Jews."[13] [edit] Arab militiaArab militiamen had tried to set up camp in the village, leading to a firefight that saw one villager killed. Just before January 28, Abd al Qadir had arrived with 400 men and tried to recruit some villagers, but the elders voiced their opposition and the men moved on. The leader of the village, the mukhtar, was summoned to Jerusalem to explain to the Arab Higher Committee (AHC), the Palestinian-Arab leadership, what the village's relationship was with the Jews: he told them the villagers and the Jews lived in peace. No steps were taken against him, and he was not asked to cancel the peace pact.[14] On February 13, an armed gang of Arabs arrived to attack Givat Shaul, but the Deir Yassin villagers saw them off, the result of which was that the gang killed all the village's sheep. On March 16, the AHC sent a delegation to the village to request that it host a group of Iraqi and Syrian irregulars to guard it. The villagers said no then, and again on April 4,[15] though Irgun fighters said they did encounter at least two foreign militiamen during the April 9 invasion.[16] The view that the relationship between Deir Yassin and its neighbors was invariably peaceful is disputed by Yehuda Lapidot (underground name, "Nimrod"), the Irgun's second-in-command of the operation to take the village. He writes that there had been occasional skirmishes between Deir Yassin and Givat Shaul residents, and that on April 3, shots had been fired from Deir Yassin toward the Jewish villages of Bet Hakerem and Yefe Nof. He writes that the village was defended by 100 armed men, that ditches had been dug around it, that Iraqi and Palestinian guerrillas were stationed there, and that there was a guard force stationed by the village entrance.[16] Morris writes that it is possible some militiamen were stationed in the village, but the evidence is far from definitive, in his view.[17] In Gelber's view, it is unlikely that the peace pact between Deir Yassin and Givat Shaul continued to hold in April, given the intensity of hostilities between the Arab and Jewish communities elsewhere. He writes that shots had been exchanged on April 2 between Deir Yassin and several Jewish communities. Over the next few days, the Jewish community at Motza and Jewish traffic on the road to Tel Aviv came under fire from the village. On April 8, Deir Yassin youth took part in the defence of the Arab village of al-Qastal, which the Jews had invaded days earlier: the names of several Deir Yassin residents appeared on a list of wounded compiled by the British Palestine police.[18] [edit] Irgun and Lehi militia Israel's sixth prime minister, Menachem Begin, was Irgun leader at the time of the attack, though not present. Further information: List of Irgun attacks The Jewish forces that entered Deir Yassin belonged in the main to two extremist, underground, paramilitary groups, the Irgun (Etzel) (National Military Organization) and the Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), also known as the Stern Gang. The Irgun was aligned with the right-wing revisionist Zionist movement and Lehi, although not politically aligned, viewed itself as an anti-imperialist movement.[19] Formed in 1931, Irgun was a militant group that broke away from the mainstream Jewish militia, the Haganah. During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine, in which Palestinian Arabs rose up against the British mandate authorities in protest at mass Jewish immigration into the country, Irgun's tactics had included bus and marketplace bombings, condemned by both the British and the Jewish Agency. Lehi, originally an Irgun splinter group, was formed in 1940 following Irgun's decision to declare a truce with the British during World War Two. Lehi subsequently carried out a series of assassinations designed to force the British out of Palestine. In April 1948, it was estimated that the Irgun had 300 fighters in Jerusalem, and Lehi around 100.[20] A third group that took part, though to a lesser extent, was the Palmach, the armed wing of the Haganah, whose leadership was aligned with the political Left (see Mapai). Morris writes that two Palmach squads evacuated the wounded, and helped to invade and secure some of the villagers' houses. When the Irgun and Lehi fighters ran low on ammunition, they obtained thousands of rounds from the Haganah. Haganah squads also provided covering fire, and fired on villagers fleeing south towards Ayn Karim.[21] [edit] Battle plans[edit] Decision to attackLapidot writes that the attack on the village was important for two reasons. First, in the view of Irgun and Lehi, Deir Yassin posed a threat to Jewish neigborhoods and the main road to the coastal plain, and secondly, he writes that it was the first time Jewish forces had gone on the offensive, as opposed to responding to attacks. It would show the Arabs that the Jews had become proactive and that they intended to fight for Jerusalem.[16] Eric Silver writes that Irgun and Lehi commanders approached David Shaltiel, the Haganah commander in Jerusalem, for approval to attack the village. He was initially reluctant, because the villagers had signed a non-aggression pact, and suggested attacking Ein Karem instead.[23] The Lehi and Irgun commanders complained that the proposed mission would be too hard for them, and Shaltiel ultimately yielded on condition that the attackers remained in the village rather than leaving it empty, in case it became an Arab military base.[24] His approval was met with resistance. Meir Pa'il, an intelligence officer with the Palmach, the Haganah's strike force, objected to violating the peace pact with the village, but Shaltiel maintained that he had no power to stop the guerrillas. Pa'il said in 1998 that Yitzchak Levi, head of Haganah intelligence in Jerusalem, had proposed the inhabitants be notified, but David Shaltiel had refused to endanger the operation by warning them.[25] According to Morris, it was agreed during planning meetings that the residents be expelled. Lehi further proposed that any villagers who failed to flee be killed in order to terrify the rest of the country's Arabs.[17] Most of the fighters at the meetings, from both the Irgun and Lehi, favored killing the male villagers, but the Irgun command, including Menachem Begin, rejected those proposals.[26] According to Yehuda Lapidot of the Irgun, the troops were specifically ordered not to kill women, children, or prisoners.[27] [edit] Pre-attack briefingAccording to the Haganah, the attack force consisted of about 120 men—80 from the Irgun and 40 from Lehi.[28] They met for briefings on April 8, a few hours before the attack began. Lehi met at the Etz Hayim base, and the Irgun at Givat Shaul. Lapidot writes that the mood at the Irgun meeting was festive. It was the first time such a large number of underground fighters had met openly, and the collaboration between the groups increased their sense of solidarity. They chose a password to reflect the mood, "Ahdut Lohemet," "Fighters' Solidarity": this was the phrase that would signal the start of the attack. According to Lapidot, Mordechai Raanan, the Irgun commander in Jerusalem, stressed that women, children, and the elderly must not be harmed, and that the villagers were to be warned by loudspeaker to give them a chance to escape. The road to Ayn Karim would be left open so they could head there.[16] [edit] The attack[edit] Invasion Irgun statement in Hebrew about the attack[29] After the briefing, the fighters were driven to their assigned positions. A Lehi unit approached Deir Yassin from the direction of Givat Shaul,[30] while one Irgun unit moved in from the east, and a second from the south. Despite their confidence, the fighters were by all accounts ill-prepared, untrained, and inexperienced.[21] The loudspeaker that was meant to encourage the villagers to leave wasn't working properly, and the truck carrying it got stuck in a ditch outside the village, though Abu Mahmoud, a villager, told the BBC in 1998 that he did hear the warning.[31] At 04:45, a village sentry spotted them moving in, and he called out in Arabic, "Mahmoud." One of the Irgun fighters thought he had said "Ahdut," part of the password. He responded with the second half of the password, "lohemet". According to Uri Milstein, the Arabs shouted "Yahud" (Jews) and opened fire.[32] Irgun and Lehi commanders had believed the residents would flee, but the fighters encountered resistance. The residents did not realize that the point of the attack was conquest, thinking it just a raid, and failed to run while they had the chance.[33] The villagers' sniper fire from higher positions in the west, especially from the mukhtar's house, effectively contained the attack. Some Lehi units went for help from the Haganah's Camp Schneller in Jerusalem.[34] The men had no experience of attacking an Arab village in daylight, and lacked support weapons. They resorted to house-to-house attacks, throwing hand grenades through the doors and windows before entering, a couple of grenades per house, following an order from Ben Zion Cohen, the Irgun's commander.[35] Ezra Yachin recalled, "To take a house, you had either to throw a grenade or shoot your way into it. If you were foolish enough to open doors, you got shot down—sometimes by men dressed up as women, shooting out at you in a second of surprise."[36] The Lehi forces slowly advanced house by house. Weapons failed to work, a few tossed hand grenades without pulling the pin, and a Lehi unit commander, Amos Keynan, was wounded by his own men.[37] Meanwhile, the Irgun guerrillas on the other side of the village were also having a difficult time. By 7:00 a.m., discouraged by the Arab resistance and their own increasing casualties, Irgun commanders relayed a message to the Lehi camp that they were considering retreating. Lehi commanders relayed back that they had already entered the village and expected victory soon. The large number of wounded was a problem. A Magen David Adom station was called for an ambulance. The fighters took beds out of the houses, and doors off their hinges, laid the wounded on them, and ordered villagers to carry the injured to the ambulance, forcing them to act as screens. They believed the villagers would not shoot at their own people, but they did, according to Milstein.[38] The Irgun arranged to receive a supply of explosives from their base in Givat Shaul, and started blasting their way into house after house. In certain instances, the force of the explosions destroyed entire parts of houses, burying Arab fighters and civilians. At least two Haganah members on the scene reported the Lehi repeatedly using a loudspeaker to suggest the residents surrender; over 100 were taken prisoner by the end of the day.[39][40] At about 10:00 am, a Palmach unit from the Haganah arrived with an armored vehicle and a two-inch mortar.[41] The mortar was fired three times at the mukhtar's house, which stopped the sniper fire. Lehi officer David Gottlieb said the Palmach had accomplished "in one hour what we could not accomplish in several hours."[42] [edit] The killing and the aftermath[edit] Numbers killedThe fighting was over by about 11:00 am. Jacques de Reynier, head of the International Red Cross delegation in Palestine, visited Deir Yassin on April 11, 1948 and observed "a total of more than 200 dead, men, women, and children.[43] Palestinian historian Arif al-'Arif wrote in 1956 that of the 117 people he calculated had died, seven had died in combat, and 110 were killed inside their homes.[44] Sharif Kan'ana of Bir Zeit University interviewed survivors and published figures in 1988: 107 villagers had died, with 12 wounded. Only 11 of the villagers known to have been armed were among the dead.[45] An Irgun fighter testified years later that Irgun and Lehi men had killed 80 prisoners after the fighting was over. Gelber writes that the figure is inflated and has not been corroborated. Kan'ana writes that 25 villagers were executed and thrown into the quarry after the battle, which Gelber regards as accurate. The only alternative to killing prisoners was to release them, according to Gelber—maintaining underground POW camps was impossible under the noses of the British authorities.[46] [edit] Eliahu Arbel accountMorris writes that the Irgun and Lehi troops began pillaging the houses and corpses, stealing money and jewelery from the survivors, and burning corpses.[21] Many of the eyewitness accounts come from Haganah officers. Eliahu Arbel, Operations Officer B of the Haganah's Etzioni Brigade, arrived at the scene on April 10 and he wrote that:
[edit] Meir Pa'il accountThe most detailed report comes from Meir Pa'il, a Palmach intelligence officer who visited the village on April 9 to observe the operation on behalf of the Haganah.[48] He wrote that he "started hearing shooting in the village. The fighting was over, yet there was the sound of firing of all kinds from different houses ... Sporadic firing, not like you would [normally] hear when they clean a house." No commanders directed the actions. Groups of guerillas were running around "full of lust for murder," he said.[11]
Pa'il writes that the Haredi people of Givat Shaul came to help the villagers at around 2 p.m., and were able to stop the killing:[50]
[edit] Villagers taken to Jerusalem, possibly killedMorris writes that the Irgun and Lehi troops loaded some survivors, including women and children, onto trucks, and drove them through the streets of West Jerusalem, where they were jeered, spat at, and stoned.[21] Harry Levin, a Haganah broadcaster, reported seeing "three trucks driving slowly up and down King George V Avenue bearing men, women, and children, their hand above their heads, guarded by Jews armed with sten-guns and rifles."[51] Contrary to Pa'il's account that people from Givat Shaul had helped the prisoners, Mordechai Gichon of the Haganah wrote on April 10 that they had taken part in what he called the "torture" of the prisoners, referring to their being kicked and shoved with rifle butts.[52] Pi'al reported to Haganah intelligence on April 10 that he saw five Arab men being paraded through the streets, and later saw their bodies in a quarry near Givat Shaul. The version of his report currently available appears to be an abridged one; the IDF will not open the original to researchers[53]:
Fifty-five orphans from the village were left by the Jaffa Gate to fend for themselves. Mordechai Gihon, a Haganah intelligence (HIS) officer in Jerusalem, reported on April 10 seeing people carry bodies to the quarry east of Deir Yassin: "We entered the village around 3:00 in the afternoon [of April 9] ... In the village there were tens of bodies. The dissidents got them out of the roads. I told them not to throw the bodies into cisterns and caves, because that was the first place that would be checked..." He described beatings, looting, and the stripping of jewelry and money from prisoners. He wrote that the initial orders were to take the men prisoner and send the women and children away, but the order was changed to kill all the prisoners. The mukhtar's son was killed in front of his mother and sisters, he said.[54] The head of the HIS in Jerusalem, Yitzhak Levy, wrote in reports dated April 12 and 13: "The conquest of the village was carried out with great brutality, whole families [including] women, old people and children were killed and there are piles and piles of dead."[21] He wrote that a mother and child who had been moved from Deir Yassin to Sheikh Badr were killed there by Lehi fighters. Seven old men and women, who had been taken to Jerusalem, were taken back to Deir Yassin and killed in the quarry there, he wrote, and an Arab man, believed to be a sniper, was killed and his corpse burned in front of foreign journalists.[21] Fifty-five children from the village whose parents had been killed were taken to the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, and left there. They were found by a Palestinian woman, Hind Husseini, a member of the prominent Palestinian Husseini family. She at first rented two rooms for them, bringing them food every day, before moving them to the Sahyoun convent. In July, she moved them again, this time to her family home, a large house her grandfather had built in Jerusalem in 1891. She renamed the house Dar Al-Tifl Al-Arabi (Arab Children's House), and set up a foundation to finance it. The orphanage continues to this day.[55] [edit] Irgun-Lehi press conferenceOn the evening of April 9, the fighters invited American journalists to a house in Givat Shaul, where they served tea and cookies while explaining the attacks. A spokesman said he regretted the casualties among the women and children, but they were inevitable because every house had to be reduced by force.[56] Ten houses had been blown up entirely, he said, though Yoav Gelber writes that this is untrue. He says the Irgun and Lehi forces had not been carrying explosives.[33] Other houses had had their doors blown off and hand grenades thrown inside.[56] Morris writes that the killing continued after April 9. Several residents who had either hidden or pretended to have died were apparently killed by Lehi men on April 10 or 11.[57] [edit] Criticism of Meir Pa'il accountIsraeli military historian Uri Milstein writes that Pa'il's report is not an eyewitness account, because Pa'il was not in Deir Yassin on April 9. Milstein argues that there was no organized massacre, though he acknowledges that whole families were gunned down during the fighting. He regards the Haganah intelligence reports to have been doctored, either by the authors or later by their superiors, to exaggerate the atrocities and blacken the names of the Irgun and Lehi within the context of in-fighting within the Jewish community.[58] He argues that the killings were typical of war and that the Haganah did similar things on many occasions, even if not on such a scale. He writes that the idea of a massacre was a myth created by the Israeli Left to prevent unification of the Haganah and the Irgun, and in particular to prevent the Irgun's commander, Menahem Begin, from taking office in Israel's first national unity government under David Ben Gurion.[59] Morris writes that part of Pa'il's account, where he reports that he saw five Arab men paraded, then later saw their bodies in the quarry, is supported by a report from Drs. Avigdori and Druyan, sent by the Jewish Agency to examine the scene (see below), who found five male bodies in a house by the village quarry.[60] Pa'il responded to the criticism in 2007 when he told Yoni Mendel that he was sent to Deir Yassin by the Haganah to assess the fighting capabilities of the Irgun and Lehi. "What I discovered there," he said, "is that they didn’t know a thing about field war. Worse, I saw that they knew how to massacre and kill ... They are angry with me that I said these things. Let them first be angry at themselves."[61] [edit] Allegations of atrocities[edit] Haganah and Palestine Police Force reportsA number of sources alleged there had been instances of rape (but see the propaganda section below). Yitzhak Levy, head of Haganah Intelligence, wrote on April 13: "LHI [Lehi] members tell of the barbaric behavior of the IZL [Irgun] toward the prisoners and the dead. They also relate that the IZL men raped a number of Arab girls and murdered them afterward (we don't know if this is true)."[62] The main source of the rape allegations was Assistant Inspector-General Richard Catling of the British Palestine Police Force. He wrote one or more reports based on interviews he conducted in Silwan with some of the Deir Yassin women:
[edit] Red Cross visitJacques de Reynier, head of the International Red Cross delegation in Palestine, and his assistant Dr. Alfred Engel, visited Deir Yassin on April 11. In his personal memoirs, published in 1950, Reynier wrote: "a total of more than 200 dead, men, women, and children. About 150 cadavers have not been preserved inside the village in view of the danger represented by the bodies' decomposition. They have been gathered, transported some distance, and placed in a large trough (I have not been able to establish if this is a pit, a grain silo, or a large natural excavation). ... [One body was] a woman who must have been eight months pregnant, hit in the stomach, with powder burns on her dress indicating she'd been shot point-blank."[43] He wrote that he had encountered a "cleaning-up team" when he arrived the village.
After his inspection, the Irgun asked him to sign a document to say he had been received courteously and thanking them for their help. When he refused, they told him he would sign it if he valued his life. "The only course open to me was to convince them that I did not value my life in the least," he wrote.[43] His assistant, Engel, wrote: "In the houses there were dead, in all about a hundred men, women and children. It was terrible. I did not see any signs of defilement, mutilation, or rape. ... It was clear that they (the attackers) had gone from house to house and shot the people at close range. I was a doctor in the German army for five years, in World War I, but I had not seen such a horrifying spectacle."[64] [edit] Jewish Agency doctors reportThe Jewish Agency sent two doctors, Dr. Z. Avigdori, the chairman of the Jerusalem branch of the Palestine Physicians Association, and his deputy, Dr. A. Druyan, to examine the corpses, and to report any mutilations or other atrocities. Lapidot writes that the doctors asked to be allowed to move around the village freely. They walked from house to house, counting and examining corpses. Their report said they found 46 corpses. The cause of death had been injuries from bullets or bombs, and that, "all the bodies were dressed in their own clothes, limbs were whole and we saw no signs of mutilation."[65] [edit] Reaction[edit] Appeals to the BritishThe Arab emergency committee in Jerusalem learned of the attack around nine in the morning of April 9, including reports about the killing of women and children. They requested the help of the British, but did nothing further. In the late afternoon, they started to hear reports of women and children being paraded through the streets of Jerusalem. They sent the prisoners food and again appealed to the British army to intervene, to no avail.[33] Gelber writes that the British were not keen to take on the Irgun and Lehi, who would have fought back if attacked, unlike the Haganah. High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham urged that troops be sent to Deir Yassin, but General Sir Gordon MacMillan, commander of the Palestine Forces, said he would risk British lives only in British interests. The RAF commanding officer offered to fire rockets on the Jewish forces in the village, but the light bombers had been sent to Egypt and the rockets to Iraq.[66] Cunningham later said the RAF had brought a squadron of Tempest aircraft from Iraq to bomb the village, but he cancelled the operation when he learned the Haganah had arrived there and had garrisoned it.[67] [edit] Propaganda
The Jordanian newspaper Al Urdun published a survivor's account in 1955, in which he said that the Palestinians had deliberately exaggerated horror stories about atrocities in Deir Yassin to encourage others to fight, but unwittingly had caused them to flee instead. Everyone had reason to spread the atrocity narrative. The Irgun and Lehi wanted to frighten Arabs into fleeing; the Arabs wanted to provoke an international response;[69] the Haganah wanted to tarnish the Irgun and Lehi; and the Arabs and the British wanted to malign the Jews.[70] In addition, Milstein writes that the left-wing Mapai party and David Ben-Gurion, who became Israel's first prime minister on May 14, deliberately exploited Deir Yassin to stop a power-sharing agreement with the right-wing Revisionists—who were associated with Irgun and Lehi—a proposal that was being debated at that time in Tel Aviv.[71] Mordechai Ra'anan, the Irgun commander in Jerusalem, told reporters on April 10 that, "so far, 254 Arab bodies have been counted."[72] He later said: "I told the reporters that 254 were killed so that a big figure would be published, and so that Arabs would panic."[73] That figure was published by The New York Times on April 13. In 1987, Sharif Kan'ana of Bir Zeit University interviewed survivors and concluded that 107 had died, with 12 wounded. Only 11 of the 100 armed villagers were among the dead.[45] Hazam Nusseibeh, the news editor of the Palestine Broadcasting Service at the time, gave an interview to the BBC in 1998. He spoke about a discussion he had with Hussayn Khalidi, the deputy chairman of the Higher Arab Executive in Jerusalem, shortly after the killings: "I asked Dr. Khalidi how we should cover the story. He said, 'We must make the most of this.' So he wrote a press release, stating that at Deir Yassin, children were murdered, pregnant women were raped, all sorts of atrocities."[74] Gelber writes that Khalidi told journalists on April 11 that the village's dead included 25 pregnant women, 52 mothers of babies, and 60 girls.[69] The stories of rape angered the villagers, who complained to the Arab emergency committee that their wives and daughters were being exploited in the service of propaganda.[75] Abu Mahmud, who lived in Deir Yassin in 1948, was one of those who complained. He told the BBC: "We said, 'There was no rape.' He [Hussayn Khalidi] said, 'We have to say this so the Arab armies will come to liberate Palestine from the Jews'."[74] "This was our biggest mistake," said Nusseibeh. "We did not realize how our people would react. As soon as they heard that women had been raped at Deir Yassin, Palestinians fled in terror. They ran away from all our villages."[74][76] He told Larry Collins in 1968: "We committed a fatal error, and set the stage for the refugee problem."[77] Mohammed Radwan, one of the villagers who fought the attackers, said: "There were no rapes. It's all lies. There were no pregnant women who were slit open. It was propaganda that ... Arabs put out so Arab armies would invade," he said. "They ended up expelling people from all of Palestine on the rumor of Deir Yassin."[68] [edit] Exodus and invasion Golda Meir, disguised as an Arab, appealed to King Abdullah not to invade. Further information: 1948 Palestinian exodus, Declaration of Independence (Israel), and 1948 Arab–Israeli War Mapam's leaders later concluded that the fall of Deir Yassin and Haifa were the two pivotal events of the Palestinian exodus.[78] On April 14, Irgun radio broadcast that villages around Deir Yassin and elsewhere were being evacuated. HIS intelligence reported that the residents of Beit Iksa and Al Maliha had fled. The village of Fureidis appealed for arms. The villages of Fajja and Mansura reached a peace agreement with their Jewish neighbors. Arabs fled from Haifa and Khirbet Azzun. A Haganah attack on Saris encountered no resistance, because of the fear of Deir Yassin, in the view of the British.[79] Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun at the time of the attack, though not present at the village, wrote in 1977: Abdullah said Deir Yassin had changed things, and that invasion was now unavoidable.
The Deir Yassin attack, along with attacks on Tiberias, Haifa, and Jaffa, put pressure on Arab governments to invade Palestine. News of the killings had aroused public anger in the Arab world, which the governments felt unable to ignore.[81] Syria's foreign minister remarked that the Arab public's desire for war was irresistible. The arrival of tens of thousands of refugees further convinced them to act. A consensus favoring invasion began to emerge the day after Deir Yassin, at a meeting on April 10 in Cairo of the Arab League Political Committee.[82] Golda Meir, disguised in an Arab robe, met King Abdullah in Amman on May 10–11, the second such meeting between them. During their first, Abdullah had agreed to a partition of Palestine to include a Jewish state. Now, he retracted, suggesting instead a Jewish canton within a Hashemite kingdom. Deir Yassin had changed things, he said. Meir reported later that Abdullah was approaching war "as a person who is in a trap and can't get out." The Arab invasion began at midnight on May 14, when Abdullah fired a symbolic shot in the air, and shouted "forward."[83] [edit] Deir Yassin today Remains of the village inside the Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center. Two Deir Yassin descendants by the perimeter fence; the grounds are closed to the public and the refugees.[84] In 1949, despite protests, the Jerusalem neighborhood of Givat Shaul Bet was built on what had been Deir Yassin's land, now considered part of Har Nof, an Orthodox area.[85] Four Jewish scholars, Martin Buber, Ernst Simon, Werner Senator, and Cecil Roth, wrote to Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, asking that Deir Yassin be left uninhabited, or that its settlement be postponed. They wrote that it had become "infamous throughout the Jewish world, the Arab world and the whole world." Settling the land so soon after the killings would amount to an endorsement of them. Ben-Gurion failed to respond, though the correspondents sent him copy after copy. Eventually his secretary replied that he had been too busy to read their letter.[86] In 1951, construction of the Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center began, using some of the village's houses, now hidden behind the hospital's fence, with entry closely restricted.[87] Har HaMenuchot, a Jewish cemetery, lies to the north. To the south is a valley containing part of the Jerusalem Forest, and on the other side of the valley, a mile and a half away, lie Mount Herzl and the Holocaust memorial museum, Yad Vashem.[88] Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi wrote in 1992:
[edit] See also
[edit] Footnotes
[edit] References
[edit] Further reading
Coordinates: 31°47′11.31″N 35°10′40.92″E / 31.786475°N 35.1780333°E
Categories: Zionist terrorism | Massacres in Palestine | Irgun | Lehi (group) | 1948 crimes | 1948 in Israel | Terrorist incidents in the 1940s | Terrorism in the British Mandate of Palestine | Battles and operations of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War Irgun staat voor terrorisme, tegen Palestijnse bevolking alswel tegen de Britse militairen die tegen de nazi's vochten. Israel has been a terrorist state from its beginning, and has its foundations in terrorism. Three Israeli prime ministers were or are terrorists:
10 opmerkingen:
Zou ik ook wel willen weten. Bovenstaande kan toch niet de drijfveer zijn voor intellectuele uitwisseling of wel?
Tussen mythe en voorbeeld. Hij zou zich de ogen uit zijn kop moeten schamen.
Hier vindt een vergissing plaats.
De "Irgun Olei Holland" heeft niks te maken met de terroristische organisatie Irgun Tsva'i Le'umi. Het modern Hebreeuwse woord irgun betekent slechts "organisatie".
Eerstgenoemde org. betekent iets als "Organisatie van Israël-immigranten uit Nederland" of "Nederlandse Israëlgangers Organisatie". De terreurgroep betekent ongeveer "Nationale Militaire Organisatie."
herman (kent wat Hebreeuws)
Ik heb even hard moeten lachen, als het niet zo treurig was geweest. Het is ongeveer hetzelfde als ik Stan van Houcke vergelijk met Stan Huygens omdat ze beiden Stan zijn. Het belooft in elk geval niet veel goeds voor de uitleg in de komende dagen....
Henoch Wajsberg, voorzitter van die Irgoen Olei Holland
Ik vond het toch zeer informatief, meneer Wajsberg, om te lezen hoe uw geliefde land is gesticht door terroristen. Bent u ook al in Jaffa in het Irgoen-museum geweest, waar joodse terroristen worden vereerd als martelaren, en waar we hun grote verdiensten zoals het opblazen van het King David hotel kunnen bewonderen, met maquette en al? Een museum gebouwd op de puihopen van een Arabische wijk? Ook zeer informatief. U zult wel trots zijn om voorzitter te zijn van een vereniging met zo'n klinkende naam!
Irgun Olei Holland... Waarom ook niet een Nazi Olé Holland Vereniging voor Duitse Nederlanders in Berlijn? Nee, met nazi's heeft dat heus helemaal niets te maken hoor, echt niet. Hoe verzint iemand het!
Irgoen olei Holland is een zeer vriendelijke vereniging die graag luistert naar de "vredelievende"Wiesje de Lange.
Je kunt je ook via de site aanmelden voor grenswacht
een link van Irgoen olei,joodse mensen zoveel mogelijk naar Israel laten verhuizen.
Een traditioneel Joods leven houd in verantwoordelijkheid voor de gehele Joodse Gemeenschap en soevereiniteit met de bevolking van het land. Deze verantwoordelijkheid houd een kwalitatieve zowel een kwantitatieve omvang in.Daarvoor geeft de Masorti beweging grote importantie aan het bestaan van de staat Israël, en moedigt Joden aan naar Israël te emigreren en daar te gaan wonen.
Het doel van het Jodendom is om een Heilig Volk te creëren die het Koninkrijk van de Hemel voor de gehele wereld zal brengen.
En wat dan te doen met de Palestijnse burgers?
Stan van Houcke, ik ken u niet en was waarschijnlijk nooit bij u terechtgekomen als ik ...... niet over een paar uur naar de Cleveringa lezing van prof. Otterspeer in Jeruzalem ga luisteren. In dit verband ging ik even m.b.v. Google kijken wie deze prof. eigenlijk is en kwam ook bij u terecht of beter gezegd ten onrechte - zie verder.
Vertalen is moeilijk evenals het vertaalde begrijpen.
De naam "Irgun Olei Holland" (IOH), waarvan ik sinds mijn emigratie van Nederland naar Israel in 1972 lid ben, betekent niets anders dan "organisatie van immigranten uit Holland".
Met de "Irgun Tsevai Leumi" hetgeen betekent "nationale militaire organisatie" die u er bij betrekt hebben de IOH en zovele andere organisaties in Israel met het woord "irgun" in hun naam, alleen het woord Irgun=organisatie gemeen.
Een correctie is daarom zeker op zijn plaats, doe het snel dan kan dat nog voor de lezing zelf.
Barend Elburg, Rehovot Israel
ik vrees toch dat je ook de rest moet lezen, anders weet je niet waar het over gaat.
stan van houcke
Barend, rehovot?
On 29 February 1948 the Lehi blew up the Cairo to Haifa train shortly after it left Rehovoth killing 29 British soldiers and injuring 35 as well as 100 civilians. The Lehi announcement said the bombing was in retaliation for the Ben Yehuda Street Bombing a week earlier.[4]
barend elburg, kennelijk weet je niet dat irgoen olei holland zich weigert te distantiëren van de terroristische aanslagen van bijvoorbeeld de irgoen, de lehi, de stern groep en al die andere zionistische anatici die tijdens en na de tweede wereldoorlog bries militairen aanvielen en vermoordden. de ioh noemt bijvoorbeeld de aanslag op het king david hotel geen terroristische daad, het bloedbad in deir bassin ook geen terrorisme, etc. met andere woorden: net als de zionist salomon bouman die jarenlang correspondent voor de nrc was en die publiekelijk verklaarde dat het gedocumenteerde terrorisme van de joodse milities geen terrorisme was omdat er toe sprake was van een gewapende strijd is ook het ioh in de war en weet nagenoeg niets van het oorlogsrecht. nu weet ik wel dat u hasbara bedrijft, maar doet dat svp in de geëigende lobby kanalen. ik zag nu pas dat u dat ook hier doet. daar is deze weblog niet voor.
ik begrijp nu dat de ioh een verkeerde naam heeft, 'organisatie van immigranten uit Holland' het zou moeten zijn 'in holland.' de hollanders die naar australie emigreren hebben daar hun organisatie, niet hier. ik begrijp ook dit wel, de joodse nederlands die prefereren in een hun eigen land te blijven leven, moeten met hasbara worden bestookt door de ioh. hou daar mee op. zionisme en judaïsme sluiten elkaar uit.
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