Menachem Begin kust de Irgun-vlag op 4 augustus 1948, toen de terroristen opgingen in het Israëlische leger.
Het was dezelfde Begin die later schreef dat het judaisme terrorisme niet afkeurt.
Paul heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Israel as a Rogue State 65" achtergelaten:
Amerikaanse versie van Wiesje interviewt Livni...
New York Times reporter calls Zionist terrorism ‘romantic’
A little-noticed comment in a New York Times interview with Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni has critics arguing that it shows the media has a "double standard" when it comes to terrorism.
In an interview published Tuesday, Livni, the leader of Israel's centrist Kadima party, boasted that her parents, both members of the Zionist militant group Irgun in the 1940s, were the first couple to be married in the newly-formed state of Israel.
"Both of them were in the Irgun," Livni said. "They were freedom fighters, and they met while boarding a British train. When the British Mandate was here, they robbed a train to get the money in order to buy weapons."
To which New York Times reporter Deborah Solomon responded: "It was a more romantic era."
Amerikaanse versie van Wiesje interviewt Livni...
New York Times reporter calls Zionist terrorism ‘romantic’
A little-noticed comment in a New York Times interview with Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni has critics arguing that it shows the media has a "double standard" when it comes to terrorism.
In an interview published Tuesday, Livni, the leader of Israel's centrist Kadima party, boasted that her parents, both members of the Zionist militant group Irgun in the 1940s, were the first couple to be married in the newly-formed state of Israel.
"Both of them were in the Irgun," Livni said. "They were freedom fighters, and they met while boarding a British train. When the British Mandate was here, they robbed a train to get the money in order to buy weapons."
To which New York Times reporter Deborah Solomon responded: "It was a more romantic era."
New York Times reporter calls Zionist terrorism ‘romantic’
A little-noticed comment in a New York Times interview with Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni has critics arguing that it shows the media has a "double standard" when it comes to terrorism.
In an interview published Tuesday, Livni, the leader of Israel's centrist Kadima party, boasted that her parents, both members of the Zionist militant group Irgun in the 1940s, were the first couple to be married in the newly-formed state of Israel.
"Both of them were in the Irgun," Livni said. "They were freedom fighters, and they met while boarding a British train. When the British Mandate was here, they robbed a train to get the money in order to buy weapons."
To which New York Times reporter Deborah Solomon responded: "It was a more romantic era."
"I've met interviewer Deborah Solomon -- smart lady," writes Philip Weiss, who brought attention to the comment on his blog. "I wonder whether she was inoculated, as I was, by Zionism, and to what degree. This is typically one-sided."
Irgun's membership was absorbed into the Israeli Defence Force after the creation of Israel. Its political arm is a predecessor to today's Likud party, whose leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, is prime minister of Israel.
Matt Duss at ThinkProgress goes even further than Weiss in his criticism of the Times' portrayal of Irgun.
"What’s amazing here is not only does Solomon neglect to challenge Livni’s characterization of her parents’ membership in a terrorist group as 'freedom fight[ing],' Solomon herself volunteers further assistance in the whitewash," he opines.
Duss points out that, at the time of Irgun's attacks, the Times itself referred to the group's activities as "terrorism."
"Can you imagine any mainstream American journalist performing this service in regard to Hamas terrorism? I doubt it," Duss writes.
Irgun staat voor terrorisme, tegen Palestijnse bevolking alswel tegen de Britse militairen die tegen de nazi's vochten.
Israel has been a terrorist state from its beginning, and has its foundations in terrorism. Three Israeli prime ministers were or are terrorists:
- Menachim Begin took part in terrorist acts in the 1940s, including the attack on the King David Hotel which killed 91 people.
Begin ordered ... the destruction of the central British administrative offices in the King David Hotel. — Jewish Virtual Library
In 1946, Jewish terrorists agitating for their own state in British-occupied Palestine blew up Jerusalem's King David Hotel, killing 91. Two years later, an independent Israel was established. "There were a lot of innocent British women and children killed there," says Hanson. "But in the end, it worked; the British left." — Some Dirty Little Secrets About Terrorism
- Yitzhak Shamir was the operations commander, and later leader, of the Stern Gang, a terrorist group which was responsible for a string of political assassinations.
Shamir was a member of two militant Jewish underground organizations which ... were active in counter-terrorist acts against Arabs as well as sabotage against the British. — The Department for Jewish Zionist Education (Note the use of the term counter-terrorist to disguise terrorism.)
In post-war British-mandated Palestine the words Stern Gang equalled "terrorism" — assassinations, bombings, the full works. ... Yitzhak Shamir had been the gang's operations commander. ... By appointing Shamir Foreign Minister, Prime Minister Menachem Begin had selected the organiser of two famous assassinations: the killing of Lord Moyne, the British Minister representative in the Middle East, in 1944, and that of Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN's special Mediator on Palestine, in 1948. — Stern Gang: what does 'mekhabbel' mean?
During the fight for Jewish statehood, extremist military groups sometimes resorted to the use of terrorist tactics. One such instance occurred in 1948 when members of the Jewish underground organization LEHI (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) killed UN Peace Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte to protest his diplomatic efforts to modify the Palestine partition plan. ... Yitzhak Shamir reputedly played a role in planning the assassination; however, he was never tried and went on to become Prime Minister of Israel. — The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
Ariel Sharon initiated the Sabra-Shatila massacre in which between 1000 and 3000 people (mostly Palestinians) were murdered, and now leads a terrorist campaign against all Palestinians living in the occupied territories of the West Bank.
As commander of the notorious Unit 101, Sharon led attacks on Palestinian villages in which women and children were killed. The massacre in the West Bank village of Qibya, on October 14, 1953, was perhaps the most notorious. His troops blew up 45 houses and 69 Palestinian civilians — about half of them women and children — were killed. — The Electronic Intifada
No one has ever been tried for the massacre, but an official Israeli commission of inquiry found that Israel's defense minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, "bears personal responsibility" as well as "indirect responsibility." It was Sharon, after all, who had ordered the Israel Defense Forces to invade Beirut and surround the camps. ... Like Pinochet and other war criminals, Sharon and his Phalangist underlings should be brought to book; if they can successfully evade justice, then it will give heart to killers everywhere. — Marking a Massacre, The Nation
Sharon's preemptive logic undercuts all form of dialogue and negotiations. Its rule of thumb is violence, and then more violence, whether it manifests itself as a military attack or as an aggressive act of dispossession. So while it may seem that the bloody routine is in some way preordained, it is actually Sharon's preemptive zeal alongside Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's fundamentalism that has clouded the horizon and concealed, as Arendt might have said, the possibility for a better future. — Neve Gordon, Sharon's Preemptive Zeal, Counterpunch, 2003-09-24
See also:- Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal
- Sharon's willing accomplices
- Gilad Atzmon: Sharon is the right man for the Job
- The Likud Party was founded by terrorists.
The terrorists of the 1940's were given full amnesty after establishing their nation, so instead of being brought to justice, they were able eventually to take power and keep all dissenters in line through terror and fear. The terrorists have become statesmen of the Jewish State. They have little moral ground to condemn modern Arab terrorists for doing what they themselves did in the 1940's and 1950's and have continued to do to the present day. — Zionism in Bible Prophecy: Part 6
And, of course, the terrorist state of the U.S.A. continues to support the terrorist state of Israel by giving it tanks, planes, rocket launchers and financial support to the tune of three billion dollars a year (why?), with which Israel has built up the fourth-largest military machine in the world. Israel's hegemony over the Middle East will continue, however, only as long as American money makes it possible. One day this money will no longer be forthcoming, for one reason or another. That will be Israel's Day of Reckoning. And none too soon either.
See also:
- Ronald Bleier: In the Beginning, There Was Terror
- G. J. Neuberger: The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism
Jacob de Haan, a former distinguished Dutch diplomat ... initiated talks with Arab leaders with a view toward the eventual establishments of a state there in which Jews and Arabs would have equal rights. In this way he hoped to forestall the creation of a Zionist state. Despite threats to his life, de Haan, fully aware of the ultimate dangers of a Zionist state, continued his talks and negotiations. On the eve of his departure in 1924 for Britain to meet with authorities there, he was assassinated by the Haganah, the Zionist paramilitary force, in the center of Jerusalem as he came from evening prayers.
- David Hirst: The Lavon Affair
In July 1954 Egypt was plagued by a series of bomb outrages directed mainly against American and British property in Cairo and Alexandria. ... The trial established that the bombings had indeed been carried out by an Israeli espionage and terrorist network.
- More Evidence Mossad Killed JFK Over Israeli Nukes
- Israel's 'Use' Of Its Nuclear Weapons Against US
- John Pilger: The Unmentionable Source of Terrorism
[Israel, the] creation, then guardian of the west's empire in the Middle East, the Zionist state remains the cause of more regional grievance and sheer terror than all the Muslim states combined. Read the melancholy Palestinian Monitor on the Internet; it chronicles the equivalent of Madrid's horror week after week, month after month, in occupied Palestine. No front pages in the West acknowledge this enduring bloodbath, let alone mourn its victims. Moreover, the Israeli army, a terrorist organisation by any reasonable measure, is protected and rewarded in the west.
- FBI evidence of Mossad involvement in September 11 attacks on the U.S.?!
- A short history of Israeli state terrorism
- Wayne Madsen: Rahm Emanuel's father specialized in bus bombings in Palestine
Is Israel Planning a Nuclear Terrorist Attack in the US?
- MadCow Morning News reported on 2004-05-20:
For the second time in the past two weeks Israelis in a moving van have been detained near a U.S. nuclear facility, this time at the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base near St. Marys, GA., near Sea Island, host of the G-8 Summit next month.
- Paul Howard, 2004-05-27: Terror In The US? — Back To The Old Shell Game
The Bush administration has come out full force this week with what they claim are mountains of intelligence that claim Al Queda is determined to hit America before the elections in a massive attack. ... Could this be a way of trying to cover the fact that Israeli reservist teams have been found in this country working for "moving companies", yet they keep getting arrested around US nuclear facilities? And why do these people keep getting arrested, only to have the Feds step in to make sure they are released?
- R. Leland Lehrman: Israeli Nationals, Nukes, And Attacks On US Nuclear Facilities
The Assassination of Rafiq Hariri
If some recent events are put together the finger pointing at Israel and the U.S. for Hariri's assassination will be more justified. The U.S. wants to attack Iran but fears that any attempt to do so will put Israel at risk from Hezbollah and Syrian troops. Being desperate, the U.S. connived with France to pass the most unacceptable and ridiculous resolution ever in UN history while they are in Iraq and Afghanistan, they want Syria out of Lebanon so that Israel has a free hand on Hezbollah in case of any attack on Iran. After the resolution failed to garner support, now the U.S. is using another strategy to cause a civil war in Lebanon. Al Hariri's assassination is clearly the combined efforts of the CIA and the Mossad.
See more on the assassination of Rafiq Hariri at Syria is Doomed.
And for a mention of a few acts of Israeli state terrorism from 1950 to the present see this article by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad: Motive and Precedent in the Gemayel Assassinatio
History of terrorism
Middle East
Operating in the Palestine, Irgun was a clandestine militant Zionist group that split off from another militant group, Hagannah, in 1931.[74] The group was founded by Avraham Tehomi, who was inspired by Ze'ev Jabotinsky's belief that only Jewish armed force would ensure the establishment of a Jewish state.[75][76] Like Hagannah, Irgun sought to end British rule[77] by assassinating police, capturing British government buildings and arms, and sabotaging British railways. It also smuggled Jews into Palestine[citation needed]. Its tactic of attacking Arab communities, including bombing a crowded Arab market, is considered among the first examples of terrorism directed against civilians.[78] Irgun's most famous attack was the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel, the British Military headquarters in Jerusalem. Ninety-one people, both soldiers and civilians, were killed.[79] After the creation of Israel in 1948, Menachem Begin (Irgun leader from 1943 to 1948) transformed the group into the political party which later became part of Likud.[80]
Lehi (Lohameni Herut Yisrael, a.k.a. "Freedom Fighters for Israel," a.k.a. Stern Gang) was a revisionist Zionist group that splintered off from Irgun in 1940.[78] Abraham Stern formed Lehi from disaffected Irgun members after Irgun agreed to a truce with Britain in 1940.[77] Lehi assassinated prominent politicians as a strategy. For example, on November 6, 1944, Lord Moyne, the British Minister of State for the Middle East, was assassinated.[81] The act was controversial among the Zionist militant groups, Hagannah sympathizing with the British and launching a massive man-hunt against the other Lehi and Irgun. After Israel's 1948 founding, Lehi was formally dissolved and its members integrated into the Israeli Defense Forces.[82]
6 opmerkingen:
Terroristen? Bedreigd? Hier weer een aardig inkijkje in onze 'democratie':
Hero Brinkman niet vervolgd voor bedreiging
(Novum) - PVV-Kamerlid Hero Brinkman wordt niet vervolgd voor het bedreigen van zijn aannemer met een bijl. Dat heeft hij vrijdag te horen gekregen, bevestigt een woordvoerder van het Openbaar Ministerie zaterdag. Brinkman mag zich de komende twee jaar echter niet schuldig maken een enig strafbaar feit. Doet hij dat wel, dan kan er een sanctie volgen.
Maar nu: hoe zouden de zaken ervoor staan wanneer iemand (een moslim of zo...) Brinkman met een bijl had bedreigd?
En krijgt die aannemer nu ook 24-uurs beveiliging tegen boze politici?
You left out one significant point, and failed to note one main difference.
The King David Hotel was called hours before and given the opportunity to evacuate. The British commander refused to leave.
The Irgun attacked military targets; they did not fire randomly into civilian populations or target civilians.
The name is the game.
During 11 years of attacks, Hundreds of Palestinian civilians, over 20 British officers and over 20 Jewish civilians were killed in total by the Irgun
indeed, hasbara with the same old lies. even now the israeli army kills children as i as a journalist have witnessed myself on the westbank and in gaza. have you never heard about the zionist massacre in deir yassin? please, wake up, your hasbara propaganda doesn't work anymore. find a job instead of this bullshit.
stan van houcke
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