maandag 31 mei 2010

Israel als Schurkenstaat 179

3 people killed, more than 50 injured, people shouting
“please don’t shoot, we are unarmed”
Latest REUTERS tweet says 10 have been killed

A few hours ago, Israeli warships surrounded the unarmed flotilla bringing
humanitarian aid to the besieged people in Gaza. Israeli masked gunmen
descended from a helicopter on the IHH Turkish ship and immediately opened
fire on unarmed civilians.

It is beyond imagining that any civilised state would resort to such
unprovoked violence full-well knowing that the boats are carrying hundreds
of civilians amongst them parliamentarians, journalists, lawyers, doctors,
activists from some 50 countries as well as 10,000 tonnes of aid. It is
without a doubt an act of piracy and a crime against humanity. Israel has
shown once again that it is prepared to defy international law and just
plain human decency with impunity.

The international community must respond. Such criminal acts cannot be
allowed to continue and cannot go unanswered. Please contact your
government and media urgently and demand an official condemnation of
Israel’s actions. The Turkish cabinet is in an emergency meeting now to work
out how to respond to what has been done to the civilians on this ship.

Our deepest condolences go out to all those who are grieving for the loss of
those brave souls who risked their lives to bring some much-needed relief to
the suffering people of Gaza.


Please write emails condemning the attacks to the following:

Israeli Prime Minister’s Office

Israeli Ministry of Defence

Israeli Members of the Knesset Presidium
Dalia Itzik
Collete Avital,
Mohammad Barakeh
Amnon Cohen
Yuli-Yoel Edelstein
Yitzhak Levi
David Rotem
Otniel Schneller
Yitzhak Ziv

Israeli Knesset public complaints department
Gila Rothschild

Israeli Chairman, Security and Foreign Affairs Committee
Tzachi Hanegbi

Israeli Ambassador to Australia
HE Yuval Rotem

And please ask our own government to condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms

Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Hon Stephen Smith

Australian Ambassador to Israel
HE John Larsen
Fax: +972 3 6935002

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

This action is Disgusting. When will the world finally treat Israel as a state that harbours terrorists, they call their army.

Anoniem zei

It would appear that Israel - an illegal state to start with as the AMericans had no right to give land away they did not own - has forgotten the holocaust. I will NEVER support Israel again. I hope the Arab world gets together and blows them off the face of the earth.Was it not for Jewish American money - the world would have call these murderers to heel a long time ago. THIS IS DISGUSTING. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. THIS IS AN ILLEGAL ACT BY THE LOWEST LIFE FORM ON EARTH-THE ISRAEL GOVERMENT.

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