maandag 21 december 2009

Trouw Misschien Wel 43

Trouw bericht:

De Israëlische minister van gezondheid verklaarde aan Channel 2 dat alle transplantaties werden verricht met instemming van de nabestaanden, maar dat 'de richtlijnen niet helder waren'. Volgens het ministerie werkt het instituut inmiddels al tien jaar volgens de ethische normen en de joodse wet.

Voor alle duidelijkheid, dit is geen grap!!! Trouw neemt deze onzin klakkeloos over, omdat het de waarheid niet durft te vertellen. 'De richtlijnen [waren] niet helder?' Beste collega's van Trouw. De 'richtlijnen' zijn uiterst 'helder' vastgelegd in het internationaal recht dat voorschrijft dat de stoffelijke overschotten van de vijand aan de betreffende families moeten worden teruggegeven en zeker niet leegplunderd mogen worden, zelfs niet door Joden in Israel zoals Trouw kennelijk meent. 'Volgens het ministerie werkt het instituut inmiddels al tien jaar volgens de ethische normen en de joodse wet.' Beste collega's van Trouw, is het verstandig om dit op te schrijven,? Hiermee wordt namelijk bewezen hoe laag de 'de ethische normen en de joodse wet' in de 'Joodse staat' werden geinterpreteerd.

Het Rode Kruis stelt dit:

Does the return of mortal remains fall within the ICRC's mandate ?

This is one of the ICRC's longstanding humanitarian activities, particularly in this region. Families are entitled to respect for their religious convictions and practices and their customs.

The ICRC recognises the importance to the relatives of the restitution of remains, in order to enable them to bury their dead in accordance with their religion. This is consistent with international humanitarian law, which says that parties to the conflict must try to facilitate the return of the remains of the deceased. For a family it is important to be able to bury a dead relative; it is a vital element in coping with their grief.

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Ma'an citeert meer dan wij in Nederland te horen krijgen:

"We used to take corneas without plucking out the eyes. We used to glue them shut. We did that for the purpose of scientific advancement," Hiss said in the interview.

"We used to take skin from the backs of dead people, and the families wouldn’t notice that because they buried the dead without turning them over," another pathologist is quoted as saying in the report.

Hiss said he ignored Israeli law that prohibits harvesting organs without a family’s consent.

"We used to send organs to Israeli hospitals, particularly Tel Hashomer in Tel Aviv, because many doctors there were friends of mine. We didn’t ask for money in return, but four years later, the hospital gave us a microscope. We also sent organs to Hadassah Hospital, and in return they gave us a video camera that can film corpses from inside," Hiss was quoted as saying.

According to Channel 2, In 1986, Israel established a skin bank. Skin supplied by the Abu Kibir institute was used in transplants for wounded soldiers and burn patients.

The right-wing Israeli Knesset member Aryeh Eldad, a plastic surgeon, was also quoted on the program saying, “We had orders to harvest organs without families consent.”

Lawsuits were filed against the institute, however, including by the families of Israeli soldiers. One of these came from the father of a soldier, who appeared on the Channel 2 report saying that he opened his son’s coffin to find that his neck was cut and his eyes plucked out.

Under mounting pressure, Hiss was fired in 1998.

Israel’s Health Ministry told Channel 2 that all harvesting had been done with permission and, "For the last 10 years, Abu Kabir has been working according to ethics and Jewish law."

Video met journalist Bostrom en een Israëlische "hoogleraar" (en 25 jaar geheime dienst IDF) over wie je je kunt afvragen uit welk agitprop-instituut ze die vandaan hebben gehaald.

Sonja zei

"We did that for the purpose of scientific advancement," Hiss said in the interview.
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