maandag 21 december 2009

Yochanan Visser als Crimineel 22

The L. Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine (Hebrew: המכון הלאומי לרפואה משפטית ע"ש ל' גרינברג‎) also known as Abu Kabir Forensic Institute, is an Israeli forensic research laboratory located in the Abu Kabir neighborhood of Tel Aviv, Israel. Established in 1954, the institute is a department of the Israeli Health Ministry and has academic affiliation with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tel Aviv. Administratively it reports to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital after former Director Yehuda Hiss was removed from his position due to "management irregularities".[1][2]
The Abu Kabir Institute is the only place in Israel and the occupied territories authorized to conduct autopsies in cases of unnatural death.[3][4]
Hiss ceased being the director of the institute in 2005 when allegations of a trade in organs resurfaced.[10] After Hiss admitted to having removed parts from 125 bodies without authorisation, and following a plea bargain with the State of Israel, Israel's attorney-general, decided not to press criminal charges.[10] Hiss was given only a reprimand and continued to hold his position as chief pathologist at Abu Kabir.[10]
Yehuda Hiss said: "We started to harvest corneas ... whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family."

Yochanan Visser met JNF-petje

Yochanan Visser is a Dutch-language analyst for the Israel Facts Group (, a European media watchdog organization, as well as manager of Israel Facts Monitorgroup and www. israelfacts. eu. He lives in Efrat, Israel.

Yochanan Visser,

Kunt u mij een reactie geven op dit bericht uit de Britse Guardian van gisteren:

Israel admits harvesting Palestinian organs

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Sunday 20 December 2009 21.46 GMT

Article history

Israel has admitted that pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others without the consent of their families – a practice that it said ended in the 1990s, it emerged at the weekend.

The admission, by the former head of the country's forensic institute, followed a furious row prompted by a Swedish newspaper reporting that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to use their organs – a charge that Israel denied and called "antisemitic".

The revelation, in a television documentary, is likely to generate anger in the Arab and Muslim world and reinforce sinister stereotypes of Israel and its attitude to Palestinians. Iran's state-run Press TV tonight reported the story, illustrated with photographs of dead or badly injured Palestinians.

Ahmed Tibi, an Israeli Arab MP, said the report incriminated the Israeli army.

The story emerged in an interview with Dr Yehuda Hiss, former head of the Abu Kabir forensic institute near Tel Aviv. The interview was conducted in 2000 by an American academic who released it because of the row between Israel and Sweden over a report in the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet.

Yochanan Visser, mijn vraag aan u is de volgende: in wat voor een barbaarse staat leeft u? Ik bedoel dit: deze orgaanroof komt voort uit een mentaliteit die van een diepe minachting getuigt ten opzichte van de Palestijnse burgerbevolking. Eerst vermoorden, of zo u wilt doden, Israelische militairen een Palestijn en vervolgens worden zijn of haar organen ontvreemd, zodat nu Joden in Israel rondlopen met bijvoorbeeld een Palestijnse huid, of door het hoornvlies van een Palestijnse man of vrouw de wereld kunnen zien. Deze orgaanroof komt voort uit dezelfde minachting die ook u bezit, gezien het feit dat u meent het land van Palestijnen te kunnen roven. Er is geen wezenlijk verschil tussen orgaan- en landroof, zoals u zult beseffen. Beide gevallen zijn het product van een schrikbarende morele verloedering. Waar komt die morele verloedering vandaan, Yochanan Visser? En waarin eindigt dit tenslotte?

In afwachting van uw antwoord,

Stan van Houcke



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