dinsdag 15 december 2009

Rabbijn Menachem Froman

The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition

Rabbis, Yasuf elders meet at junction

Dec. 13, 2009

Bearing copies of the Koran, a Hanukka song translated into Arabic, and a lot of good will, a colorful contingent of moderate rabbis, poets and modern Orthodox youths and professors arrived Sunday at the entrance to Yasuf, a village near Nablus, to protest an arson attack there against a mosque.

"We've come here to make a statement that the burning of holy sites is opposed to Halacha," said Rabbi Menachem Froman, who personally paid for over a dozen new Korans to replace those that were burned by unknown arsonists on Friday.

"We want to help clean the mosque and rebuilt it and drink coffee with the residents of Yasuf," added Froman, who lives in Tekoa, a settlement in Judea.

However, the group, which included Rabbi Yehuda Gilad and Rabbi David Bigman of the Kibbutz Ma'aleh Gilboa Yeshiva, the poet Eliaz Cohen and others were prevented from entering the village located at the Tapuah junction in Samaria.

According to reporters who entered the village Sunday morning, the atmosphere was tense. There were reportedly some disturbances when it was learned that the Jews were at the village entrance. The security forces thus prevented the Jewish visitors from entering, fearing for their safety.

Munir Aboushi, governor of the Salfit region, which includes Yasuf, told The Jerusalem Post that he feared a violent reaction to the torching of the mosque.

"I believe that someone might do something," said Abbushi. "People are very angry."

He blamed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman for squandering all of the headway made by the late prime minister Yitzhak Rabin during the Oslo Accords.

Abbushi accepted the Korans that were brought by Froman, who has a long history of interfaith dialogue with Islamic leaders, including those of Hamas, out a belief that religious faith could bridge the differences between Jews and Muslims in the Middle East.

Young men with large knitted kippot, scraggly beards and loose-fitting flannel shirts, who might've looked more in place on a lone hilltop building an outpost, sang "We Came to Dispel the Darkness" ("Banu Hoshech Legaresh") in Arabic and in Hebrew.

The young men held hands with a reluctant Abbushi and began dancing.

Cohen, a teacher at Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's yeshiva high school in Gush Etzion, read a poem he wrote in protest against the attack on the mosque.

"Those who in the fervor of their foreign fire saturate the land with blood - they are not my brothers," read Cohen.

"Those who in the desecration of God, set fire to a house of prayer - they are not my brothers.

"Those who destroy this home together with its residents - they are not my brothers, they are not my brothers."

Gilad, a former Meimad MK who is the rabbi of Kibbutz Lavi, said that other rabbis, including Rabbi Ya'acov Meidan, head of the Gush Etzion Yeshiva, supported the delegation's message of peace.

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger had planned to visit Yasuf but was forced to postpone his arrival, because Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was visiting the village and the security coordination would have been too complicated, Chief Rabbinate Director-General Oded Weiner said.

Metzger, who sharply condemned Friday's attack, might visit the village on Monday.

Speaking to Army Radio on Sunday morning, Metzger said the act was "not the proper way" for settlers to fight for their cause.

"I am shocked by the attack," he said. "People cannot take the law into their own hands."

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites, said that holy sites must be "off limits" when it comes to the regional conflict, adding that "the severe attack" must be investigated and its perpetrators caught swiftly.

"We were all shocked by the attack on the synagogues in Gush Katif and other places in the world, when people of no faith and values found a way to attack our holiest ways," he said in a statement on Sunday. "We must not replicate those vandals."

Early on Friday, unknown arsonists set fire to the Yasuf mosque, destroying copies of the Koran and carpets.

The arsonists also spray-painted threatening messages in Hebrew on the building's floor, including "We will burn you all."

Arab news outlets blamed Jews from Tapuah, the neighboring settlement.

5 opmerkingen:

Paul zei

For Palestinians, Every Day Is Kristallnacht

Sonja zei

"Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background check by the American Jewish community."

Sonja zei

Felle reactie op oproep Palestijnse christenen:
"NIJKERK – De kerken in Nederland mogen Palestijnse christenen niet steunen als zij Israël demoniseren. Evenmin mogen zij meegaan in hun „propaganda” en „leugens.”"

Israël schiet laptop dood

AdR zei

Sinds de tijd van de kruistochten (of moet je toch zeggen: de vorige kruistochten?) moet de Europese christenheid niets hebben van de oorspronkelijke christenen - want dat zijn de christenen van het Midden-Oosten natuurlijk. Pogrommetje hier (ook tegen Joden en moslims natuurlijk), bloedbadje daar, beleg van Byzantium - dit alles uit naam van de man die opriep de andere wang toe te keren.

Dus dat Christenen voor Israel zich tegen de geloofsgenoten in Palestina keren is niet verwonderlijk. Het zou pas opmerkelijk zijn geweest als ze een keer gewoon het zwijgen er toe hadden gedaan.

Bescheiden kuchje.

Sonja zei

Rabbijn naar aangestoken moskee
Gepubliceerd: 15 december 2009

Tel Aviv, 15 dec. De Israëlische opperrabbijn Yona Metzger heeft in een zeldzame trip naar de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever een vrijdag in brand gestoken moskee bezocht. Metzger veroordeelde de brandstichting in Yasuf, dichtbij de Palestijnse stad Nablus. Alles wijst erop dat joodse kolonisten verantwoordelijk zijn. Korans en tapijten werden verbrand, en op de muur werd in het Hebreeuws gekalkt: „prijskaartje”.

Rabbijn Metzger zei dat de brandstichting herinneringen opriep aan de verwoesting van joodse gebedshuizen in nazi-Duitsland.

Het bezoek van een van de twee opperrabijnen van Israël was een kennelijke poging de woede onder Palestijnen weg te nemen over de brandstichting. Linkse Israëlische activisten probeerden dit weekeinde het dorp te bereiken om de inwoners te steunen, maar zij werden door het Israëlische leger tegengehouden.

De tekst op de muur verwijst naar een tijdelijke en gedeeltelijke bouwstop in nederzettingen, onlangs afgekondigd door de regering. Het woord ‘prijskaartje’ wordt vaker in wraakacties door kolonisten achtergelaten.

Premier Netanyahu heeft opgeroepen de daders te straffen. Tot dusverre zijn er nog geen arrestaties verricht. Leiders uit de kolonistenbeweging hebben de actie ook afgekeurd, omdat zij „geen goede dienst” aan de kolonisten bewijst. Goedkeurende woorden werden gesproken door een parlementslid van de extreem-rechtse Nationale Unie, Michael Ben Ari. Die zei „geen traan te laten”.


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