zondag 13 december 2009

De Westerse Terreur 33

Krankzinnig hoe het Westen en hun zetbazen in de Arabische wereld geen enkel mededogen kennen. Een bevolking van anderhalf miljoen mensen in 1 groot concentratiekamp opsluiten en dan de andere kant opkijken, net als tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog. Onvoorstelbaar en toch gebeurt het. Kosten noch moeite worden gespaard om de Palestijnse bevolking in Gaza te vernietigen. En dan te bedenken dat volgens het internationaal recht collectieve bestraffing verboden is. En dat terwijl de wereld sinds maart 2008 weet dat de Israelische blokkade tot een humanitaire crisis heeft geleid:

Humanitarian crisis in Gaza is 'worst in 40 years', say aid agencies

Last updated at 10:01 06 maart 2008

The humanitarian situation in Gaza is worse now than at any time since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967, UK human rights and aid organisations said today.

A coalition of charities and groups labelled the blockade unacceptable and called on the UK Government to condemn it publicly and press for a new strategy for the war-torn area.

Poverty and unemployment levels are rising, hospitals are suffering 12-hours-a-day power cuts and the water and sewage systems are close to collapse, according to today's report.

Egypt starts building steel wall on Gaza Strip border

By Christian Fraser
BBC News, Cairo

When it is finished the wall will be 10-11km (6-7 miles) long and will extend 18 metres below the surface.
Egypt has begun constructing a huge metal wall along its border with the Gaza Strip as it attempts to cut smuggling tunnels, the BBC has learned.

The Egyptians are being helped by American army engineers, who the BBC understands have designed the wall.

The plan has been shrouded in secrecy, with no comment or confirmation from the Egyptian government.

The wall will take 18 months to complete.

For weeks local farmers have noticed more activity at the border where trees were being cut down, but very few of them were aware that a barrier was being built.


That is because the barrier, made of super-strength steel, has been hidden deep underground.

The BBC has been told that it was manufactured in the US, that it fits together in similar fashion to a jigsaw, and that it has been tested to ensure it is bomb proof.

It cannot be cut or melted - in short it is impenetrable.

Intelligence sources in Egypt say the barrier is being sunk close to the perimeter wall that already exists.

They claim 4km of the wall has already been completed north of the Rafah crossing, with work now beginning to the south.

The land beneath Egypt and Gaza resembles a Swiss cheese, full of holes and tunnels through which the Palestinians smuggle the everyday items they are denied by the blockade.

But the Israelis say the tunnels are also used to smuggle people, weapons, and the components of the rockets that are fired at southern Israeli towns.

The wall is not expected to stop all the smuggling, but it will force the Palestinians to go deeper and it will likely cut the hundreds of superficial tunnels closer to the surface that are used to move the bulk of the goods.

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