maandag 20 juli 2009

Gilbert Moerkerk van The Netherlands Honduras Promotion 8

Honduras Crisis Talks Break Down

Monday 20 July 2009

by: Rory Carroll | Visit article original @ The Guardian UK

Coup leaders reject Costa Rica-brokered compromise plan to reinstate ousted President Manuel Zelaya.

Talks to resolve the political crisis in Honduras broke down today when coup leaders rejected a compromise plan to reinstate the ousted president, Manuel Zelaya.

The interim government in Tegucigalpa, which took power last month after soldiers bundled the president into exile, ruled out his return even at the helm of a proposed unity administration.

The decision revived the possibility that Zelaya, who is in neighbouring Nicaragua, will try to storm back into Honduras to rally supporters and topple his usurpers. Minutes after the talks collapsed he told Reuters. "Absolutely no one can stop me [from returning]. I'm a Honduran. It is my right."

The US and most Latin American leaders had prodded both sides into four days of on-off mediation talks in Costa Rica brokered by that country's president, Oscar Arias.

Arias proposed that Zelaya return this week to head a coalition government and serve the end of his term before presidential elections in October, a month earlier than planned.

2 opmerkingen:

Paul2 zei

En vredesengel Obama?
Die vraagt om 5 nieuwe militaire bases in Colombia.

How will Washington react now? Will Obama-Clinton continue to skirt the issue of a "coup" and the return of Zelaya to power and back the 72-hour request by Arias? Probably. And Clinton lawyer and Advisor Lanny Davis will continue to make roadways in Washington for acceptance of the coup regime in Honduras.

Meanwhile, the outrage is growing in Latin America over Obama's request (happily accepted by Colombian president Alvaro Uribe) to occupy 5 new military bases in Colombia. This agreement, which was consolidated in the Oval Office this past June 30, 2009, as Obama simultaneously and cynically declared the Honduran coup "illegal", will turn Colombia into a dangerous launching pad for US military operations in the region, never seen before in history. $46 million of US taxpayer monies was already approved by Congress - as requested by Obama - for pumping up the capacity of just one of the Colombian bases that US forces will occupy. The base in Palanquero - central Colombia - is set not just for counter-drug operations, which is the usual justification for US military presence in the region, but also for "hemispheric security operations". Hmmm, security operations? Against whom? Maybe neighboring Venezuela and Ecuador, two nations that are in revolution and maintain anti-imperialist doctrines.

The people of the US and the world should express outrage and disgust at this violent, intimidating and threatening massive US presence in Latin America, authorized by "agent of change" Barack Obama.

Paul2 zei

"A senior U.S. official said Friday the Obama administration continues to stress to Mr. Zelaya its opposition to him trying to return. The official said Washington fears another attempt by Mr. Zelaya could reignite political tensions while undercutting efforts to find a negotiated settlement. 'Zelaya is well aware of our position," the official said.'"

Such statements are very disturbing, especially combined with the fact that the administration has not issued a single warning to the coup government, which has already shot and killed peaceful demonstrators, that such human rights abuses are unacceptable.

In fact, there has not been a single statement from the Obama administration since President Zelaya was overthrown on June 28, condemning the violations of human rights and civil liberties committed by the coup government. These violations include shootings and beatings; arrests, intimidation and deportation of journalists; and the closing of independent radio and TV stations.

Dus :vermoorden van politieke tegenstanders,mishandelingen,arrestaties,intimidatie
deportatie van journalisten.
En dan is Zelaya de krimineel,als hij slechts een niet bindend referendum wil houden onder de bevolking.
Toen Chavez het contract van een TV-zender niet wilde verlengen,een zender die had opgeroepen tot een staatsgreep tegen de democratisch verkozen president, was dit wereldnieuws in de VS.Chavez zou de vrijheid van meningsuiting torpederen.

Ben blij dat MSM het wereldgebeuren zo goed voor ons in de gaten houdt.

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