De zionisten beginnen nu echt wanhopig te worden.
Israel's rebranding craze is getting out of control!
After its initial success since September 11th -- that lasted years, admittedly -- in painting the Palestinian struggle for liberation and self determination as part of the global "Islamic terror," Israel has effectively lost the battle for hearts and minds, including in the Western public. A sobering realization of this fact set a very aggressive Israeli propaganda machine in motion, throwing millions of dollars over subway ads, artists' tours, films' screenings in every festival, facebook image control campaigns, Wikipedia misinformation projects -- all in a desperate attempt to counter the growing, well-deserved perception of Israel among peoples around the world as a pariah state that needs to be held accountable for committing terrible crimes, just as apartheid South Africa was.
Rebranding Palestinian resistance, in all its forms, has always been an integral part of this well-oiled, but ill-conceived spin campaign.
Perhaps since they are opening up the files on collaboration with the Nazis now one can start exposing what has long been known but suppressed: the shameful and lengthy history of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis, as revealed by Lenni Brenner, among other scholars:
Here's an article by Brenner on this:
And those collaborators were not only from the ultra-right factions of the Zionist movement but some of its most prominent Labor faction leaders as well.
THAT exposure could turn this latest attempt at image control into yet another classic of shooting oneself in the foot.
Omar Barghouti
PS: I personally believe that all this drummed-up reporting on "pressure" by Obama and his European entourage on the fanatic-right Netanyahu government is nothing but a tempest in a teacup, designed to divert attention away from the West's continuing complicity in Israel's crimes and grave violations of international law and/or its scandalous paralysis to end Israel's criminal impunity.
Israel circulates Hitler photo to battle critics
By Allyn Fisher-Ilan
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:10 PM
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel has ordered its diplomats to use an old photograph of a former Palestinian religious leader meeting Adolf Hitler to counter world criticism of a Jewish building plan for East Jerusalem.
Israeli officials said on Wednesday Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Israeli ambassadors to circulate the 1941 shot in Berlin of the Nazi leader seated next to Haj Amin al-Husseini, the late mufti or top Muslim religious leader in Jerusalem.
One official said Lieberman, an ultranationalist, hoped the photo would "embarrass" Western countries into ceasing to demand that Israel halt the project on land owned by the mufti's family in a predominantly Arab neighborhood in East Jerusalem.
Israel captured East Jerusalem in 1967, annexing it as part of its internationally unrecognized claim to Jerusalem as its capital.
Some diplomats opposed Lieberman's move, arguing it could earn Israel stiffer world criticism for seeming to sidestep the wider conflict it faces with the Palestinians who want East Jerusalem as capital of a future state, another official said.
Asked why Lieberman issued the order, a spokesman said: "because it's important for the world to know the facts" and would not elaborate.
The United States and Europe this week protested the plan by private Israeli developers to build 20 apartments on the land which Israel says was bought by an American-Jewish millionaire as well as Israel's threats to demolish Palestinian homes that could leave thousands homeless.
The controversy has complicated an Israeli rift with the U.S. over its refusal to meet President Barack Obama's demands to halt Jewish settlement building throughout the West Bank so that stalled peace talks may resume.
About half a million Israelis live in the settlements built in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, areas that are home to some three million Palestinians.
An official in Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's government accused Lieberman of "political bankruptcy" in ordering the distribution of the Husseini-Hitler photograph.
"It's an old story that has its own circumstances and doesn't apply to the present," Adnan al-Husseini, the Palestinian Authority-appointed governor of Jerusalem, and a relative of the late mufti, told Reuters.
Israel's Yad Vashem memorial to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust said Husseini supported Nazi Germany to try to win backing for Arab nationalistic goals and that he lobbied for the extermination of Jews in North Africa and Palestine.
(Additional reporting by Mohammed Assadi in Ramallah)
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Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...
1 opmerking:
Justin Raimondo schreef een leuke column met interessante links over de, mijns inziens, paniek die uitgebroken is nu Israel steeds minder populair wordt:
Israel and the Nutbar Factor - Have Israel and its supporters gone over the edge?
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