dinsdag 17 maart 2009

De Israelische Terreur 779

'**Please forward widely**
"United Against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation - Dignity & Justice for the Palestinian People"
Israel Review Conference
Geneva, 18-19 April 2009
United Against Racism, Dignity & Justice for All - is the slogan of the United Nations' Durban Review Conference to be held in Geneva between 20 and 24 April 2009.

United Against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation, Dignity & Justice for the Palestinian People - is the slogan of those who believe that international law can and should become relevant for the people and governments in the Middle East
The Israel Review Conference

The Israel Review Conference will take place in Geneva on 18 – 19 April, two days before the United Nations' Durban Review Conference
(http://www.un.org/durbanreview2009/) will examine the progress made in implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) adopted by the World Conference Against Racism (2001) and strengthen its recommendations.
The Israel Review Conference will bring together internationally renowned experts and actors for social and political justice who will:
*examine how the UN anti-racism instruments apply to Israel's policies and practices regarding the Palestinian people; and, *develop practical recommendations on how to make Israel accountable to international law and protect the rights of the Palestinian people.
The second day of the conference will be reserved for self-organized workshops and planning meetings of the global Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law.
The Israel Review Conference is open to the public. It will be held at the Hotel Le Grenil, Avenue Sainte-Clotilde 7, 1205 Geneva.
For more information and a detailed program of the conference, please visit:

The Israel-Review Conference is sponsored by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) in cooperation with the:
* European Coordinating Committee on Palestine (ECCP)
* International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
* International Coordinating Network on Palestine (ICNP)
To contact the organizers, please write to: mailto:info@bdsmovement.net'

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