'And what's up with Larry Summers as the Treasury Secretary? Didn't that guy already have a chance at that position? Wasn't he closely cooperating with Phil Gramm - McCain's first choice for Treasury Secretary - on the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act, which had been passed post-Great Depression precisely to prevent the mess we are in now? So, he is one of the architects of the current crisis. He also profitted handsomely from it, and still does through his hedge fund, since he is obviously an insider of this crisis. And how can Obama's first choice for the position be a pal of the McCain's first choice?
This is just four (or maybe even eight) more years of the same sh*t from my perspective....
He is the author of austerity measures for the other countries, and also the one who said that waste should be shipped to poor countries where people's lives are shorter and less healthy anyway. Harvard economics professor? Economists from Harvard are more dangerous than WMD's, they should be handled in hazardous waste suits, and kept away from public.
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