maandag 10 november 2008

Obama 42

'Obama Spells New Hope for Human Rights
Monday 10 November 2008
by: Marjorie Cohn,
t r u t h o u t Perspective

Celebrations of Barack Obama's election as president of the United States erupted in countries around the world. From Europe to Africa to the Middle East, people were jubilant. After suffering though eight years of an administration that violated more human rights than any other in US history, Obama spells hope for a new day.
While George W. Bush was president, I wrote "Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law," which chronicled his war of aggression, policy of torture, illegal killings, unlawful Guantanamo detentions and secret spying on Americans. When the book was published, it seemed unimaginable that we could elect a president who would turn those policies around. But the election of Obama holds that potential.
This is the first in a series of articles in which I will suggest how the Obama administration can start undoing some of the damage Bush wrought, by ratifying three of the major human rights treaties and the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court.'

Feit: meer dan 900 miljoen mensen op aarde lijden elke dag honger. Die zijn natuurlijk niet 'jubilant', de meesten weten niet eens wie Obama is, laat staan wat zijn programma inhoudt. Zelfs wij weten dat niet. Bovendien zal de doorsnee Rus of Chinees, of Iranier, of Egyptenaar het worst zijn wie in de VS president wordt. Dus over wie heeft Marjorie het? Dit is nu een standaard voorbeeld van blanke propaganda.

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