woensdag 15 februari 2006

Nieuwe Beelden Abu Ghraib

Nederlanders die zich zo hebben opgewonden over de reactie in de islamitische wereld op de spotprenten doen er goed aan de nieuwe gruwelijke beelden van Abu Ghraib eens goed te bestuderen. "The extent of the abuse shown in the photos suggests that the torture and abuse that occurred at Abu Ghraib in 2004 is much worse than is currently understood," aldus de presentator van de Australische televisiezender SBS die de beelden zojuist heeft uitgezonden. CNN bericht: 'Australian TV shows more Abu Ghraib images. Program airs newly released videos, photos of apparent abuse. More grisly photographs and videos have emerged that appear to show U.S. soldiers abusing prisoners at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. The Australian television network SBS program "Dateline," broadcast the pictures and videos Wednesday night. The images reportedly date from 2003 -- the same time that previously released photographs of prisoner abuse were taken. "We hope that the release of these photographs will bring about further pressure to hold high-ranking officials accountable for what we now know to have been systemic and widespread abuse occurring throughout Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay," said American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Amrit Singh on "Dateline," adding that she had not seen the images. The Pentagon had no immediate comment about the release of the photographs… The latest photographs appear to show more abuse, including cases of torture and sexual humiliation -- including forcing them to masturbate for the camera. In September, after the ACLU won access to those set of pictures via a Freedom of Information Act request, the U.S. government appealed the decision, tying up their release. "Dateline" Executive Producer Mike Carey said on the network's Web site that his program "obtained a file of hundreds of pictures." He did not detail how or from whom those pictures, some of which were broadcast on Wednesday's program, were obtained. Some images too graphic to air. The program did not show all of the pictures. It deemed some of them -- with prisoners apparently performing sexually humiliating acts -- too graphic for air, he said. Included among the images broadcast were pictures of naked men who appeared to have suffered physical trauma, one of whom the report said had 11 nonlethal bullet wounds in his buttocks. Other pictures show dead bodies, one of which the program said a U.S. Army report identified as one of three men killed during a riot over living conditions at the prison. According to the TV report, two Abu Ghraib soldiers said that guards were ordered to use lethal rounds on prisoners when they ran out of rubber bullets trying to halt the riot. A video shows five men wearing hoods and masturbating for the camera, presumably under orders of their guards. One image depicts two women described by a guard to "Dateline" as prostitutes held at the prison for two days. In one picture, the breasts of one of the women are exposed. Another grisly image shows a corpse that appears to have had a section torn from its head while another one features a man whose arms are covered in purple bruises. Also broadcast was video that appears to show a prisoner -- handcuffed to a metal door -- repeatedly slamming his head full force against the door. Though the guards appear to have videotaped the incident from several vantage points, no one is seen intervening to stop the prisoner. The TV program obscured most of the prisoners' faces so they could not be identified.' Lees verder: http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/02/15/abughraib.photos/ Ondertussen laat de BBC World Service beelden zien van een Irakese geestelijk gehandicapte man die in de gevangenis zijn hoofd tegen een stalen deur kapot slaat, tot groot plezier van zijn Amerikaanse bewakers. De rest van de beelden durft de BBC niet uit te zenden omdat ze te schokkend zijn. Zie: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4715540.stm De Westerse beschaving, de rechtstaat, het internationaal recht, de Conventies van Geneve, de mensenrechten, ze hebben nooit een rol gespeeld in de naoorlogse opbouw van het Amerikaanse rijk. De Amerikanen hebben zelfs de 'School of the America's' opgericht waar buitenlandse militairen getraind werden in de nieuwste foltertechnieken. Zie: http://www.soaw.org/new/ Alleen hele onnozele Kamerleden geloven dat de Amerikanen door Nederlandse militairen gearresteerde verdachten uiteindelijk niet zullen martelen. Zie ook de Australische Omroep SBS die de beelden uitzond: http://www9.sbs.com.au/theworldnews/region.php?id=127322&region=6# Of via: http://smh.com.au/news/world/the-photos-america-doesnt-want-seen/2006/02/14/1139890737099.html

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