zondag 12 februari 2006

Martelen 18

De pas begonnen Amerikaanse onafhankelijke, niet commerciele NewStandard bericht: 'Report: Inside or Out, Gitmo Detainees Face Hardship, Detention. A leading international human rights organization has issued a report on the fate of people who have been detained at the United States military camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. According to the report, released yesterday by Amnesty International, those discharged from the prison are facing an increasingly difficult time assimilating back into society. Many of those returned to their home countries from US detention are subject to harassment from authorities, and others are stigmatized as suspected terrorists. The report details the cases of five men formerly interred at Guantánamo, one of whose whereabouts is still unknown. All the men reported being followed by law enforcement agents after returning to their home countries, and several were subsequently arrested on dubious criminal charges, according to accounts compiled by Amnesty. For instance, according to Amnesty, Wisam ’Abd Al-Rahman Ahmed, a Jordanian national returned to his home country in 2004 after the US released him, is currently being held incommunicado at an unknown location. He claimed to have been first apprehended in Iran in March 2002. In statements to the media shortly after his release from the US-run prison camp, Al-Rahman Ahmed said he had been mentally, physically and sexually abused by US authorities at the military base in Bagram, Afghanistan for over fourteen months prior to being transferred to Guantánamo Bay.' Lees verder: http://newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/2781 En de site van Amnesty International: http://web.amnesty.org/pages/stoptorture-030206-editorial-eng

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