Irakese politie-eenheden van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, die volgens soennieten opereren als doodseskaders. De BBC bericht: 'Iraq has launched an investigation into claims by the US military that an Iraqi interior ministry "death squad" has been targeting Sunni Arab Iraqis. The probe comes after a US general revealed the arrest of 22 policemen allegedly on a mission to kill a Sunni. "We have found one of the death squads. They are part of the police force," US Maj Gen Joseph Peterson said. Sunnis have long accused Iraqi forces of operating death squads - but the claims have never been substantiated… Hundreds of Sunni Arab Iraqis have been found dead since the 2003 war in what appear to have been extra-judicial killings.
On Wednesday, the bodies of four unidentified men were found in Baghdad's Shia district of Shula. They had been handcuffed, blindfolded and shot in the head.' Lees verder:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4719252.stm Of:
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