zondag 12 februari 2006

De Westerse Beschaving

Zo, dat was dertig, veertig jaar geleden. Maar nog steeds is het Westen druk bezig de harten en geesten van de rest van de wereld te veroveren. De Observer bericht vandaag: 'British troops videoed 'beating Iraqis.' The Observer .
Details emerged last night of a shocking video which appears to show a group of British soldiers brutally beating and kicking defenceless Iraqi teenagers in an army compound. The footage is said to show eight soldiers pulling four teenagers off the street following a riot and dragging them into their army base, before beating them with batons, as well as punching and kicking them. An urgent Military Police investigation was under way last night into the events shown in the video. The Ministry of Defence issued the following statement: ''We are aware of these very serious allegations and can confirm that they are the subject of an urgent Royal Military Police investigation. We condemn all acts of abuse and treat any allegation of wrongdoing extremely seriously.'' But the emergence of the footage, given to the News of the World by an anonymous whistleblower, will spark a huge controversy about the conduct of the army in Iraq. There were also fears that it could lead to more attacks on the British soldiers currently serving there.' Lees verder: http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,,1708161,00.html Misschien dat de immer wakkere televisiepresentator Jeroen Pauw parlementslid Hirsi Ali eens om commentaar hierop kan vragen. Dat allemaal natuurlijk in het kader van de vrijheid van meninsuiting en al die andere verworvenheden in de Westerse democratie, mensenrechten en Westerse beschaving en het internationaal oorlogsrecht en nog wat van die zaken. Zet hem op Jeroen, want 'the pump don't work because the vandals took the handle.' Zie verder voor beelden: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/story_pages/news/news1.shtml

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