De Irakese stad Najaf nadat onze Amerikaanse bondgenoot er was binnengedrongen. Is dit nu een Westerse overwinning? Is dit het gezicht van de democratie en mensenrechten? Nolan K. Anderson is a retired engineer and a veteran of Korea who was once a “conservative” until he found there was nothing left to conserve. (He may be reached at nkanders@bellsouth.net ). Hij schrijft in Information Clearing House: 'How Will We Know When We Have Lost, America?What is it that tells us we have lost a battle or a war? Is victory marked by a nation’s leader dressing the part of a warrior and declaring, “Mission Accomplished”. Is “loss” defined by politicians officially reporting victory at least three times? Is a “loss” the “beautiful people” hanging onto the “last helicopter out”? Is it a “loss” when the most powerful army the world has ever seen can’t travel its own six-mile road from its Baghdad airport to its administrative headquarters? Is defeat an Army’s friendly fire killing its own military hero and then lying for months on end about the circumstances of the event? Does the need to manufacture a heroine like Jessica Lynch mark the end of a blatantly unjust cause and therefore defeat? How does a commander-in-chief wage a war when one of his senior generals says, "I don't know if I have the moral authority to send troops into combat anymore. I'm no longer sure I can look (a soldier or a Marine) in the eye and say: ‘This is something worth dying for.’' Lees verder:
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