woensdag 15 februari 2006

De Oorlogsstaat 13

Robert Scheer schrijft over he totale failliet van de Irak oorlog en het dreigende gevaar van een confrontatie met Iran. 'Confronted by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos with the news that fiery Moqtada al-Sadr, whose Mahdi militia has twice engaged in fierce armed conflict with U.S. troops since the 2003 invasion, was the kingmaker in the selection of Iraq’s next prime minister, Rice replied sanguinely, “Iraq is a complex place, there’s a lot of voices.”
But as Stephanopoulos pointed out, the voice in question has been raised to offer military support to Rice’s nemeses, Syria and Iran. In Syria, al-Sadr pledged to fight in “the defense against our common enemies,” the United States, Britain and Israel. Visiting Tehran, he offered the support of Iraqi fighters in the event of an attack by the United States over the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, stating unequivocally, “If neighboring Islamic countries, including Iran, become the targets of attacks, we will support them.” There is no way to soft-pedal it: The astounding rise of an anti-American firebrand like al-Sadr is an indicator of how wide and complete a political defeat pro-Western forces have suffered in Iraq. Written off by most Western observers as nothing more than a rabble-rousing irritant in the first months of the U.S. occupation, al-Sadr has more than survived his confrontation with the world’s only superpower: His faction was the big winner in the recent elections, now entrenched as the largest single force in the dominant Shiite coalition. So it is that the political support of a young radical, who not so long ago was considered a wanted outlaw by the occupiers, has now determined the selection of Iraq’s new leader.' Lees verder: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20060215_condoleezza_iraq_al_sadr/ Desalniettemin blijven de dappere Nederlandse volksvertegenwoordigers pal achter het Amerikaanse beleid in het Midden Oosten staan door nog meer militairen naar oorlogsgebied te sturen. Tot er hier terroristische aanslagen gaan plaatsvinden fo daar teveel soldaten sneuvelen en dan is het met die dapperheid gauw afgelopen.

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