woensdag 15 februari 2006

Martelen 20

Terwijl Nederlandse militairen een misdadig beleid ondersteunen verzoekt de Verenigde Naties met klem ermee op te houden. De Independent bericht: 'Close Guantanamo now, UN tells White House. A UN report is expected to call on the United States to close its Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba without delay and transfer the near-500 supposed "enemy combatants" held there to American soil to guarantee them access to fair trials. A leaked draft of the document, written over 18 months by five independent experts in international law appointed by the UN Commission on Human Rights, says the inmates at Guantanamo are being denied their rights to mental and physical health to a degree that sometimes amounts to torture.
The draft, reported by the Los Angeles Times, raises particular concern about the treatment of inmates on hunger strike, which involves forcible insertion of feeding tubes through the nasal cavity and into the stomach, excessive violence during transportation and interrogation techniques that "must be assessed as amounting to torture".' Lees verder:
http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/article345252.ece Of: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0214-03.htm

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