dinsdag 14 februari 2006

De Oorlogsstaat 10

Zoals bekend kan men een dubbeltje maar 1 keer uitgeven en als dat geld naar de oorlog gaat, levert het ook nog eens niets op, behalve dan voor de aandeelhouders van de oorlogsindustrie. Het onafhankelijke Amerikaanse 'New Standard' bericht: 'White House Looks to Cut EPA Library Funds. Continuing a four-year trend, the White House budget proposal for 2007 would cut 80 percent of the Environmental Protection Agency’s library budget, drastically reducing the amount of information available to government scientists and the public. The library cuts come on top of funding reductions for several other EPA programs that environmental groups maintain are vital to the global ecosystem and the national interest. The $7.3 billion proposed EPA budget would trim $2 million from the $2.5 million EPA library fund, which, according to the watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), may cause many regional libraries to shut down. The pared-down library budget would de-fund the agency’s electronic catalog and pull $500,000 from the EPA headquarters library coordination network, according to EPA documents released by PEER. The cuts come even as the president has called on the EPA to become more aggressive in researching and adopting cutting-edge technology, PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch noted. Ruch asked, "How are EPA scientists supposed to engage in cutting-edge research when they cannot find what the Agency has already done?" PEER is an advocacy organization representing local state and federal resource professionals "Access to information is one of the best tools we have for protecting the environment," Ruch said. "Closing the Environmental Protection Agency libraries actually threatens to subtract from the sum total of human knowledge."' Lees verder:

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