woensdag 30 juni 2010


Zwarte slaven in Belgisch Kongo.

Wij leven in een wonderlijke wereld. Het Acht Uur Journaal van de NOS berichtte over 50 jaar onafhankelijkheid van Kongo. Er werd terloops verteld dat Kongo destijds onder koning Leopold II van Belgie tot kolonie van hemzelf werd gemaakt en dat het land toen flink werd geplunderd. Maar het absoluut belangrijkste feit werd verzwegen, namelijk de genocide waarmee deze roof gepaard ging en die misschien wel tien miljoen zwarten het leven heeft gekost, zoals de Amerikaanse schrijver Adam Hochschild ons voor rekent. Daarover zweeg het blanke NOS-Journaal. Kunt u zich voorstellen dat de Tweede Wereldoorlog wordt herdacht zonder de moord op zes miljoen joodse Europeanen? Nee toch. Waarom worden dan wel die tien miljoen zwarten in Kongo vergeten? Omdat ze zwart waren? Omdat ook wij Nederlanders als kolonialen hebben gemoord, geroofd en verkracht? Omdat ze bij de NOS niks uitzoeken? Zou iemand dit eens aan de NOS kunnen vragen?

The story of Leopold's Congo

The story chronicles the efforts of King Leopold II of Belgium to make the country into a colonial empire. With a complex scheme of political intrigue, corruption and propaganda, he wins the assistance of one of the best-known explorers of the time, Henry Morton Stanley, as well as that of public opinion and of powerful states. Through the Berlin Conference and other diplomatic efforts, he finally obtains international recognition for his colony. He then establishes a system of forced labour that keeps the people of the Congo basin in a condition of slavery.
The book places King Leopold among the great tyrants of history. The death toll in the Congo under his regime is hard to pin down, both because accurate records were not kept and because many of the existing records were deliberately destroyed by Leopold shortly before the government of Belgium took the Congo out of his hands. Although Wm. Roger Louis and Jean Stengers[3] characterize the earliest population and mortality estimates as "wild guesses", Hochschild cites many subsequent lines of inquiry that conclude that the early official estimates were essentially correct: roughly half the population of the Congo perished during the Free State period. Since the census taken by the Belgian government (after acquiring the Congo from Leopold) found some 10 million inhabitants, Hochshild concludes that roughly 10 million perished, though the precise number can never be known.
Hochshild profiles several people who helped make the world aware of the reality of the Congo Free State, including:
George Washington Williams, an African American politician and historian, the first to report the atrocities in the Congo to the outside world.
William Henry Sheppard, another African American, a Presbyterian missionary who furnished direct testimony of the atrocities.
E. D. Morel, a British journalist and shipping agent checking the commercial documents of the Congo Free State, who realized that the vast quantities of rubber and ivory coming out of the Congo were matched only by rifles and chains going in. From this he inferred that the Congo was a slave state, and he devoted the rest of his life to correcting that.
Sir Roger Casement, a British diplomat and Irish patriot, put the force of the British government behind the international protest against Leopold. Casement's involvement had the ironic effect of drawing attention away from British colonialism, Hochschild suggests. The Congo Reform Association was formed by Morel at Casement's instigation.
Hochschild devotes a chapter to Joseph Conrad, the famous Anglo-Polish writer, who captained a steamer on the Congo River in the first years of Belgian colonization. Hochschild observes that Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, despite its unspecific setting, gives a realistic picture of the Congo Free State. Its main character, Kurtz, was inspired by real state functionaries in the Congo, notably Leon Rom. While Heart of Darkness is probably the most reprinted and studied short novel of the 20th century, its psychological and moral truths have largely overshadowed the literal truth behind the story. Hochschild finds four likely models for Kurtz: men who like Kurz boasted of cutting off the heads of African rebels and sometimes displayed them.


2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

BBC Documentaire Leopold II in Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death (1 uur 50 min)

AdR zei

De BBC Radio deed vanmorgen geen moeite uit te leggen waarom Lumumba zich boos toonde tegen Boudewijn, die zoals dat heette "geschoffeerd" werd.
Maar de wraak was totaal.
Hij heeft tien weken geregeerd, werd gevangengenomen, ontvoerd en door Belgische gendarmes in tien stukken gehakt, voor iedere week regeren een.
Dat zal ze leren.

Vijftig jaar later. In het binnenland woedt nog steeds wat als de Afrikaanse Wereldoorlog wordt omschreven. Conservatieve schattingen bedragen zo'n vijf miljoen doden. Nog minder nieuwswaardig dan de doden van Irak of Afghanistan (en we weten hoe weinig nieuwswaardig die doden zijn).

Begin over Afrika als je me nog eens authentiek kwaad wilt hebben.

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