maandag 5 juli 2010

Boycot Israel 94

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The Alternative Information Center | 15 June 2010
Haifa University “Proud to Be Academic Home of (Israeli) Security Forces”

 “Haifa University is proud to continue being the academic home for the security forces and to teach the IDF leadership a large number of different and diverse perspectives. This is the sole way to be better people and better commanders,” said Haifa University Rector Professor Yossi Ben Artzi through a press release.
Professor Ben Artzi made this announcement following Haifa University’s winning of an Israeli army tender to continue training students at the army’s College for National Security for MA studies in the next five years. 
“This is a very big achievement for the university…National security in our age deviates from the classic perspective of the concept and includes wide aspects of competition between societies for their position in the world, awareness, public relations, the struggle for public opinion, a steadfast, healthy society and more. A good commander must understand…(that) education is (also) the key to the national security of Israel,” Professor Ben Dor is quoted as saying. 
Haifa University, like other Israeli academic institutions and universities, both explicitly and implicitly supports the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian citizens of Israel. Haifa University, amongst other measures, sponsors scholarships for army veterans and those who took part in the 2008/9 military attack on the Gaza Strip; discriminated against Palestinian students in the allocation of student housing (a policy that was declared illegal by the High Court); and hosted a conference focusing on the “demographic threat” to Israel, amongst others. 
Activists may contact Haifa University to express their support of the 2005 Palestinian United Call for BDS against Israel. There is no pride in occupation. 
Haifa University Communications and Media Relations
Telephone +972-4-8288722
Fax +972-4-8246995
Posted on 15-06-2010

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