Shir Hever. Zeer de moeite waarde om deze Joods-Israelische econoom te horen spreken. Hij denkt en handelt in de aloude traditie van het joods humanisme, waarop ook het judaisme is gebaseerd.
Tijd: March 10, at 20:00
Plaats: University Theatre, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16 Amsterdam
Organisatie: Gate48 in cooperation with Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA)
The Political Economy of Aid to the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Discussion with Shir Hever, Alternative Information Center
discussant: PW Zuidhof, Lecturer in European Economics, UvA
The Palestinians under the Israeli occupation are amongst the highest recipient of per-capita aid in the world and the Gaza Strip is the most aid-dependent area in the world today. Shir Hever will address the following related questions: why is the international community investing so much money in Palestine? And why have the billions of Euros invested failed to improve the standard of living of Palestinians?
Shir Hever is a researcher at the Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli organization based in Jerusalem and Beit-Sahour. His analysis of the economic aspects of the Israeli occupation addresses international aid, the effects of the occupation on the Israeli economy, and the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns against Israel.
2 opmerkingen:
Collega, het kopje is wel verwarrend, want het afgebeelde drietal hoort nu juist niet bij de CIDI-delegatie maar bij de persconferentie-naar-aanleiding-van.
ik verander het.
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