woensdag 10 maart 2010

Derk Sauer 17

De SP-multimiljonair Derk Sauer, mede-eigenaar van de NRC.


Editor's note: We don't know if there's some kind of quiet revolt going on at the Moscow Times, but this letter, from a Moscow Times employee unrelated to the author of the earlier [sic] letter explaining why their stand-alone photos are all shot in Northwest Moscow, says to us that someone's got a lotta unhappy employees on their hands.

from the internal e-mail system Oct. 8 plus copy of letter to Derk March 23, enjoy!

Dear colleagues,

We are collecting signatures for a petition to Derk Sauer on wage erosion - a problem he told us he would address half a year ago, but has completely failed to address to date. Early next week, we will be sending him the petition pasted in below.

If you would like to sign, please speak to / contact Will [email deleted-Ed.] or Kevin [***].

To Derk Sauer:

You may recall that on Tuesday, 23 March 2004, you visited the Moscow Times newsroom to address the staff. One of the main issues discussed at the time was the problem of wage erosion -- the fact that MT employees' salaries had effectively been slashed by 1/3 over a 2-year period through a combination of ruble inflation and dollar depreciation. We handed you a letter laying out the concerns of many at the newspaper (please find a copy of the letter enclosed).

At the meeting, you told us that you were fully aware of the wage erosion problem and that you would get back to us with your proposals within 3 weeks.

Far from the prompt response we were given to expect, more than 25 weeks have now elapsed since that meeting took place and we still have not heard a word from you or anyone else in management on this matter.

This is frankly disappointing and gives an impression - rightly or wrongly - of utter disregard for your staff, as well as indifference to our well-being and that of our dependents.

Wage erosion is a very real problem which has hit almost every staff member hard.

To reiterate the requests formulated and presented to you over six months ago, we would like to hear your proposals: (1) for raising salaries across the board to compensate the losses sustained by employees; (2) for putting a system in place to protect salaries against any further erosion.

If it is your intention to do nothing you could at least have the decency to inform us of that,so that we can plan our futures accordingly.

[Names of petition signers deleted, but believe us, they're not copy editors or coffee pourers -- Ed.]

Letter handed to Derk Sauer on March 23, 2004

To: Derk Sauer,

Since January 2003, the ruble purchasing power of Moscow Times employees' dollar-denominated salaries in real terms has fallen by more than 22% (more than 10% dollar depreciation combined with 12% ruble inflation in 2003).

This follows on from 2002, when employees sustained a 10% drop in ruble purchasing power, due to inflation of over 15%, which was only partially offset by the 5% appreciation of the dollar that year.

Thus, over the past two years MT employees have lost approximately 1/3 of the real ruble purchasing power of their salaries. This means that employees whose salaries have not been raised in this period have suffered a de facto 1/3 pay cut, and those whose salaries have risen by less than 30% have not actually received a raise in real terms (but merely been partially compensated for the erosion of their purchasing power).

At the same time, we note that The Moscow Times raised its dollar-denominated advertising rates by as much as 15% on Jan. 1, 2004 (from $250 to $290 per unit of ad space). And on Jan. 1 2003, TMT raised its advertising rates by as much as 13% (from $220 to $250).

Therefore, while advertising rates have more or less risen in line with ruble inflation and dollar depreciation, no attempt seems to have been made to index our salaries in a similar fashion.

In light of this, we would like to meet to discuss the following proposals:

1) that salaries be raised across the board to compensate the very real losses sustained by employees;

2) that a system be put in place to protect salaries from further erosion.

Dear Mr. Leak,

The problem as far as we can tell is that Sauer is showing weakness. So Derk, if you're reading this, here's our helpful advice. Immediately after the first letter was circulated, he should have imposed a lockdown and fired two or three seemingly "untouchable" employees as an example. When he dresses down the entire staff, he should wear wooden Dutch clogs with tapping heels, only with heels should be platforms about 8 inches off of the ground so that Derk can at least see over the computer tables as he screams accusingly at his rebellious staff. He should also wear fake yellow-blond pig tails and carry a beer or at least intersperse his harangue with anecdotes about his fondness for beer. Derk, we promise you one thing. If anyone on your staff tries to demand more money, just remind them that there are a hundred more cubs out there ready to take their place at the drop of a hat -- and for less money. Heck, we can name two or three in our offices right here! In fact, we only have two or three people in our offices. And we hate every one of 'em.

Zie: http://exile.ru/articles/detail.php?ARTICLE_ID=7495&IBLOCK_ID=35

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Jan Marijnissen (NRC Handelsblad op 28 februari 2009):
Kritische journalistiek steunpilaar democratie

"Er is geen keus. Op straffe van het totaal verdwijnen van de controle op de macht en de voorlichting aan de burgers, moet daar steun worden gezocht waar dat tot op heden niet zo voor de hand lag."

"Er is geen keus" is altijd dé argumentatie voor onpopulaire maatregelen door de slippendragers van een totalitair systeem.
Re: het buitenparlementair akkoorderen van de miljardeninjecties van Bos is failliete banken werd door de SP ook "noodzakelijk" en "onvermijdelijk" genoemd. Net als de maffia die het systeem in stand wil houden, en menen dat de niet-rijken dat moeten betalen.

Sonja zei

Het is natuurlijk ook het toppunt van onnozelheid (of zo u wil geslepenheid) om te beweren dat kranten tegenwoordig 'de macht controleren' i.p.v. de macht dienen.

Bernard Claeys: Koersk

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