Our events for the coming week include an interview with Richard Sambrook who is leaving the BBC after thirty years and a special event on 24 February when a panel of "witnesses" including Nick Davies, investigative journalist and author of Flat Earth News, writer and investigative journalist David Rose and The Independent's Patrick Cockburn, will be examining the role of the media in the lead up to the war in Iraq.
There is also a premiere of award-winning Last Train Home, a funny and poignant take on modern China that follows Changhua and Sugin Zhang as, along with 130 million other migrant workers, they make their way home for the New Year.
Details of the February and March programme can be found at the end of this email. For full details and to book, please visit our website www.frontlineclub.com .
We will announce the topic for the First Wednesday discussion next week.
If you missed our event on the digital election go to our blog which includes a round up of the event and audio interviews or listen to our podcast.

Iraq: The Media Inquiry
Wed 24 Feb, 7pm
Price: £12.50
As journalists, lawyers and peace activists - yet again - pore over the details of the Iraq invasion, isn't it time to consider what role the media played in the conflict? Were reporters duped by Tony Blair's "dodgy dossier"? And have they fairly reported the chaos and slow recovery of Iraq since then? Moderator: Paddy O'Connell, presenter of BBC Radio 4's Broadcasting House.
With: Nick Davies, Patrick Cockburn, David Rose
Aan de overkant van het water, in dat grote mensenland wordt serieus gedebatteerd over de rol van de pers door echte journalisten.
Voor Nick Davis zie: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/search?q=nick+davies
Voor Patrick Cockburn: http://stanvanhoucke.blogspot.com/search?q=Patrick+Cockburn
1 opmerking:
Nou,nou, als je een inktzwarte bladzijde wil hebben w.b. de periode voorafgaand aan de Irakoorlog dan kan je bij de journalistiek wezen. Een en al propaganda geweest. Misschien kunnen zij in een moeite doorgaan over Iran?
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