The Israel Project’s 2009
Property of The Israel Project. Not for distribution or publication. 2009.
This manual will provide you with many specific words and phrases to help you
communicate effectively in support of Israel. But what is the big picture? What are some
general guidelines that can help you in your future efforts? Here are the 25 points that matter
1) Persuadables won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Show Empathy for BOTH sides! The goal of pro-Israel communications is not simply
to make people who already love Israel feel good about that decision. The goal is to win
new hearts and minds for Israel without losing the support Israel already has. To do this
you have to understand that the frame from which most Americans view Israel is one of
“cycle of violence that has been going on for thousands of years.” Thus, you have to
disarm them from their suspicions before they will be open to learning new facts about
The first step to winning trust and friends for Israel is showing that you care about peace
for BOTH Israelis and Palestinians and, in particular, a better future for every child.
Indeed, the sequence of your conversation is critical and you must start with empathy for
BOTH sides first. Open your conversation with strong proven messages such as:
“Israel is committed to a better future for everyone – Israelis and Palestinians
alike. Israel wants the pain and suffering to end, and is committed to working
with the Palestinians toward a peaceful, diplomatic solution where both sides can
have a better future. Let this be a time of hope and opportunity for both the
Israeli and the Palestinian people.”
Use Empathy: Even the toughest questions can be turned around if you are willing to
accept the notion that the other side has at least some validity. If you begin your response
with “I understand and I sympathize with those who…” you are already building the
credibility you will need for your audience to empathize and agree with you.
Indeed, if the heart of your communications is a chorus of finger pointing of “Israel
is right, they are wrong” then you will lose more support for Israel than you will
gain. Some people who ALREADY support Israel may nod their heads and say “way to
go,” but people who are not already supportive of Israel will be turned off.
Property of The Israel Project. Not for distribution or publication. 2009. 5
2) Explain your principles. All too often both Arab and Israeli spokespeople go right into
an attack against the other, and virtually no one on either side explains the principles
behind their actions. Americans respond much better to facts, actions, and results
when they know why—not just how. For example, why is there a security fence?
Because more than 250 times terrorists have come through that area killing innocent
people. Israel is forced to defend its citizens from terrorism, and the fence is a part of this
“As a matter of principle, we believe that it is a basic right of children to be
raised without hate. We ask the Palestinian leadership to end the culture of hate
in Palestinian schools, 300 of which are named for suicide bombers.
Palestinian leaders should take textbooks out of classrooms that show maps of
the Middle East without Israel and that glorify terrorism.”
“As a matter of principle, children should not be raised to want to kill others or
themselves. Yet, day after day, Palestinian leadership pushes a culture of hate
that encourages even small children to become suicide bombers. Iran-backed
Hamas’s public television in Gaza uses Sesame Street–type programming to
glorify suicide bombers.
As a matter of principle, no child should be abused in such a way. Palestinian
children deserve better.”
3) Clearly differentiate between the Palestinian people and Hamas. There is an
immediate and clear distinction between the empathy Americans feel for the Palestinians
and the scorn they direct at Palestinian leadership. Hamas is a terrorist organization –
Americans get that already. But if it sounds like you are attacking the Palestinian people
(even though they elected Hamas) rather than their leadership, you will lose public
support. Right now, many Americans sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians, and
that sympathy will increase if you fail to differentiate the people from their leaders.
Property of The Israel Project. Not for distribution or publication. 2009. 5
7 opmerkingen:
Ik mis de Holocaust, antisemitisme en Darfur of komt dat nog?
Stom mij van mij, Iran bedoelde ik i.p.v. Darfur
Uit het rapport:
Palestinian leaders should take textbooks out of classrooms that show maps of
the Middle East without Israel ''
Gelukkig krijgen kinderen op Israelische scholen in hun schoolboeken de juiste voorlichting over de indeling van het land voor de oorspronkelijke bewoners....
Staaltje "mind control" door de joden.
niet joden, maar zionisten, er zijn ook joods-Israeli's die zich fel verzetten tegen de terreur van de 'Joodse natie', en talloze joodse organisaties buiten israel die zich verzetten.
Stan, ik zit ook vaak te twijfelen of ik nu joden, zionisten of israeli's moet gebruiken. Je hebt geloof ik ook een keer eerder een reactie van mij verwijderd omdat ik "joden" had gebruikt. "Er zijn namelijk ook zionisten die zich tegen de bezetting verzetten en t zelfde geldt voor "israeli's". Ik weet natuurlijk ook wel dat er veel goede joden zijn, zoals meneer Finkelstein. En veel van de terroristen tegen de Palestijnen zijn geen zionisten. Maar we kunnen wel afspreken dat we voortaan "zionisten" gebruiken om de groep misdadigers aan te duiden die dagelijks dood en terreur zaaien onder de Palestijnse bevolking.,7340,L-3744516,00.html
De Volkskrant is echt de weg kwijt en geeft deze schrijven constant de ruimte om leugens te verkondigen.
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