donderdag 14 mei 2009

Het Neoliberale Geloof 449

Breathing Easier After Bank Stress Tests? You Shouldn't

by: Kevin G. Hall and Greg Gordon  |  Visit article original @ McClatchy Newspapers

    Washington - Largely unnoticed in last week's government report on the condition of the nation's biggest banks was the disclosure that five of them, topped by Bank of America, could lose $99 billion from the kinds of exotic bets that sank the global economy.

    Even that figure, however, could prove to be exuberantly optimistic if the economy hits new depths, a McClatchy analysis has found.

    Moreover, the regulators' recent "stress tests" on bank holding companies didn't fully measure the cash squeeze those institutions could face if souring conditions forced them to post tens of billions of dollars in additional collateral on some of their insurance-like bets, known as derivatives.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Tijdens het schrijven van het
GOVERNMENT report.. was the disclosure that FIVE (banks).. COULD lose $99 billion from BETS:

'Is 'n triljoen nou met twee of drie nullen?'
- Als je maar duidelijk maakt dat 't om veel gaat.
'Daarom dacht ik aan honderd miljoen. Effe serieus, heet dat dan niet een triljoen...?'
- Iedereen twijfelt toch bij al die nullen. Komt door die verdomde Europese telling. Maak er maar 99 van. Klinkt prettiger.
'Heus? Is dat niet teveel supermarkt...?'
- Welnee, als 't maar klinkt alsof 't betaalbaar is.

Bert Ely, a veteran banking analyst, likened the results (of the government report) to a striptease act.

"You get this initial revelation, but then you say, 'What about this? And this?'" said Ely, predicting there may be pressure for more detailed results. "If that skepticism comes to grow . . . it seems to me they may be forced to reveal more information."

Let's be skepitcal, Bert, yummy.

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