woensdag 13 mei 2009

Het Neoliberale Geloof 448

Ter zake beste mensen,

Actual Bailout May Exceed $10 Trillion

Wednesday 13 May 2009
  Washington, DC - A freshman congressman has elevated the stakes in an ongoing fight between Congress and the Federal Reserve over transparency in the massive bailout of the financial sector.

    Ask most people on the street how much money taxpayers are using to save banks and you will probably hear the number $700 billion. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) passed by Congress at the urging of the Bush administration and then Treasury secretary Henry Paulson, allocated an unprecedented sum of taxpayer money for the sole purpose of propping up the financial sector in its darkest hour.

    But the actual number is much bigger. The current block of taxpayer money that has been pledged by the US government and the Federal Reserve to prevent the system from collapsing, according to an analysis by Bloomberg News, is roughly $12.8 trillion as of March 31. This money has been lent, spent or guaranteed to prevent a systemic collapse. The Bloomberg report and a chart showing broad categories of where the money has come from and the programs it funds can be found here.

    Critics have pointed out that the Federal Reserve, the public-private partnership that controls the supply of dollars on the world stage and in the United States, controls the majority of this emergency money - $7.765 trillion - and is being secretive about where the money is going.

    In an interview with Truthout, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida), said the Federal Reserve is practicing "Enron accounting," and has "socialized Wall Street's bad bets."

    A lawyer with years of experience battling corruption on behalf of taxpayers and whistleblowers, Representative Grayson began a crusade to follow the bailout money after taking office in January 2009. As a member of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, Representative Grayson has been challenging bank executives and members of the Federal Reserve to disclose the terms of the massive hidden deals.

    "The Federal Reserve likes to bill itself as an independent agency but what it really is is an agency that is entirely dependent on banks. When you look and see how it is structured, you see that Wall Street runs the show. This is something that people on the political right have been complaining about for decades. Everybody's worst nightmares are now taking place because we are seeing the transfer of literally trillions of dollars of wealth from the taxpayer to the bad banks," Grayson said.

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

1 trillion is bij ons 1 biljoen, Dat zijn 10 miljard briefjes van 100.

Visualisering met briefjes van 100 dollar:
Dit is 100 miljoen
Dit is 1 biljoen

Wat is 1 biljoen en wat kun je doen met 1 biljoen dollar:

- Je kunt 32.000 jaar lang 1 dollar per seconde uitgeven.
- Het is 2 x de New Deal óf 10 x het Marshall Plan
- Het is 147 x de wereldbevolking
- 1 biljoen dollar is het jaarlijkse Defensiebudget van alle landen in de wereld gezamelijk
- Plant 100 miljard bomen
- Je kunt er 5 jaar lang alle aan honger en armoede gerelateerde ziektes mee bestrijden
- Voer 2 jaar oorlog in Irak
- 5 jaar lijdt niemand honger
- Je kunt er 200 keer de hele wereld mee alfabetiseren
- De waarde van het bezit van Amerika's 400 rijkste mensen
- 111+ jaar schoon drinkwater voor iedereen
- Alle Palestijnse vluchtelingen 2x terug naar hun eigen land
- 92 Disney pretparken per land in de wereld
- 100 jaar lang gratis kleding voor iedereen
- Zonne-energie voor 50 miljoen woningen
- 100 Wereld Natuur Fondsen
- Los in een keer vrijwel alle schulden van alle ontwikkelingslanden af
- Koop 10 keer het Amazone regenwoud

Sonja zei

- De VS hebben bijna 2 biljoen dollar schuld aan China
- De Amerikanen hebben in totaal 2.551 biljoen dollar bij de bank aan leningen uitstaan.
- De Duitse staatsschuld bedraagt 1.563 biljoen euro (70% van het bruto nationaal product)

Obama gaat 2 biljoen (in 10 jaar) op ziektekosten besparen
Meer dan 46 miljoen Amerikanen zijn niet verzekerd, op een bevolking van ruim 300 miljoen.

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