donderdag 14 mei 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 124

Net als in Nederland is ook in de VS de pro-Israel lobby druk doende met het kopen van steun voor acties tegen Iran. Ben Knapen constateerde gisteren in de NRC dat 'Wall Street vele jaren de dienst uit [maakte], praktisch voor elke senatorcampagne [betaalde], kortom, het centrum [was] van financiële, politieke en ideologische zwaartekracht.' Daar kan aan toegevoegd worden dat ook de joodse zionistische lobby in de VS en de christelijke zionistische lobby veel steun kopen van corrupte volksvertegenwoordigers.

Congress Pushes Iran Sanctions

Thursday 14 May 2009

by: Maya Schenwar, t r u t h o u t | Report

    Twin bills recently introduced in Congress would significantly expand US sanctions on Iran, pressuring global energy companies to divest from the country, blocking its gas imports and urging the president to sever investments in the central bank of Iran. They would also authorize the president to impose sanctions on US businesses with ties to Iranian petroleum.

    Critics say the divestments would cripple the already troubled Iranian economy, with the brunt of the impact coming down on the population. The country's government could emerge relatively scot-free.

    "As past cases of sanctions have confirmed - such as in Iraq, Cuba and yes, Iran - civilians more than regime targets feel their impact," Farrah Hassen, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, told Truthout. "If these proposed sanctions were successful in leading to shortages of petrol in Iran, then that would certainly affect the Iranian people - and ironically, the language in both the House and Senate version of the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act takes the time to say that their concerns are a result of the 'actions of the Government of Iran,' and that Americans 'have feelings of friendship for the people of Iran.' But when Iranian people feel the brunt of sanctions, are they really going to like us and our government back?" 

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