'In Debt We Trust America Before the Bubble Bursts
This hard-hitting documentary investigates why so many Americans - college and high school students in particular - are being strangled by debt. Zeroing in on how the mall has replaced the factory as America's dominant economic engine, Emmy Award-winning producer Danny Schechter shows how college students are being forced to pay higher interest on loans while graduating, on average, with more than $20,000 in consumer debt. Click here for more info.
"A frightening portrait of debt out of control, with skilled film making, and an effective mix of interviews with experts who proffer very explicit opinions about the danger of the present economic situation and segments reporting on activists and individuals who themselves have been adversely affected by consumer debt. The documentary is eerily prescient when addressing the devastating potential of a widespread failure of over-extended consumers to maintain their mortgage payments - the high-risk mortgage loan bubble that has since burst."
- Educational Media Reviews Online
The Overspent American Why We Want What We Don't Need
A fascinating examination of what Juliet Schor calls "the new consumerism" -- a national phenomenon of relentless upscale spending that is reshaping identity and redefining what it means to be happy and successful. The film raises serious questions about the impact of commercial media on our lives, and about the financial and social costs of our endless search for identity and satisfaction through spending. Click here for more info.
"Juliet Schor ties it all together -- over-consumption, debt, overwork, inequality, environmental degradation, and the other high costs of our over-spending culture. A perfect discussion-starter about a social problem that Americans ignore at their peril."
- John de Graaf, co-producer of "Affluenza"
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