'Governments refuse to stand-up in the face of crimes against humanity and
war crimes (as is evident from the arm twisting that subdued the so called
G8 leadership statement to blame the victims instead of the perpetrators).
Meanwhile, on the positive side, hundreds of civil society organizations
mobilized against the Zionsit aggression. Examples include ADC, Al-Awda,
Gush Shalom, Jewish Voice for Peace, Jews against the Occupation, PAC,
B’Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights, NCA, US Campaign to End the
Occupation, ANSWER, Harvard University Employees,and dozens of
orghanizations in Europe and throughout the world. There were also
demonstrations in hundreds of cities (even in Arab countries were such
demonstrations were prohibited by the puppet regimes). Thousands of
individuals also acted in their own ways ( I personally got copies of over
200 letters written to media and politicians).' Lees verder: http://Qumsiyeh.org
Zie voor informatie over Palestina die u niet in de Volkskrant en andere commericele media vindt: http://www.theheadlines.org/06/01-07-06.shtml
'United Church of Canada's Toronto Branch Announces Boycott of Israeli Products.'
IMEMC & Agencies bericht:
'United Church of Canada's Toronto branch announced a boycott Thursday of Israeli products and companies that do business with the Israeli Army. Their decision also supports CUPE's (the National Public Employee's Union, Ontario branch) decision to join an international boycott of Israel to protest how the country has treated Palestinian refugees, Ynetnews said.The Toronto Star reported that United Church of Canada's Toronto branch unveiled boycott of Israeli products, companies doing business with its military to end 'illegal occupation of Palestinian lands'.The plan calls on Ottawa to require that products originating in the occupied territories be labeled differently from those coming from the rest of Israel.The move comes on the heels of a similar controversial move by the Ontario wing of CUPE, which last month voted to support an international boycott campaign against Israel to protest its treatment of Palestinian refugees."We want to commend that position," Frances Combs, co-chair of the Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada's task force on Israel was quoted by the Toronto Star as saying.According to the report, the boycott is being undertaken only by the 300-church Toronto conference of the United Church, not the church as a whole.The Toronto Star said Combs's task force was asked three years ago to devise a plan for implementing a resolution passed by the Toronto conference to pressure Israel to leave the occupied lands. That resolution has never been made public until now.The plan called on Ottawa to require that products originating in the occupied territories be labeled differently from those coming from the rest of Israel, the report said, adding that the group asked that occupied-territory products be boycotted by church members.According to the report, the group also wants the church and its members to divest from companies supplying the Israeli military, and will be pushing for the church as a whole to adopt similar measures at its general council meeting in Thunder Bay in August.A 20-page resolution to be debated in Thunder Bay also calls on the church to invest in Palestinian companies, the Toronto Star said.' Lees verder:
Counter Punch bericht:
'Israel's Appalling Bombing in Gaza.
Starving in the Dark.
On the excuse of rescuing one kidnapped soldier, Israeli is now bombing the Gaza Strip and is poised to re-invade. It has also arrested a third of the Palestinian parliament, wrecking even its fragile illusion of capacity and reducing the already-empty vessel of the Palestinian Authority into broken shards.
In the shambles, Palestinians may be observing one bitter pill of compensation: vicious angling by Fatah to reclaim control of Palestinian national politics and its rivalry with Hamas are now rendered obsolete. Even the dogged international community cannot maintain its dogged pretense that the PA is actually capable of any governance at all. The demise of the disastrous Oslo model, Israel's device to ensure its final dismemberment of Palestinian land and its fatal cooptation of the Palestinian national movement, may finally be at hand. Perhaps Palestinian unity again has a chance.
But no one knows what will replace the PA. It is therefore not surprising that this transformed diplomatic landscape is absorbing the principal attention of an anxious international community.
Nevertheless, politics should not be the greatest international concern. For over in Gaza, one appalling act must now eclipse all thoughts of "road maps" or "mutual gestures": on Wednesday, Israeli war planes repeatedly bombed and utterly demolished Gaza's only power plant. About 700,000 of Gaza's 1.3 million people now have no electricity, and word is that power cannot be restored for six months.
It is not the immediate human conditions created by this strike that are monumental. Those conditions are, of course, bad enough. No lights, no refrigerators, no fans through the suffocating Gaza summer heat. No going outside for air, due to ongoing bombing and Israel's impending military assault. In the hot darkness, massive explosions shake the cities, close and far, while repeated sonic booms are doubtless wreaking the havoc they have wrought before: smashing windows, sending children screaming into the arms of terrified adults, old people collapsing with heart failure, pregnant women collapsing with spontaneous abortions. Mass terror, despair, desperate hoarding of food and water. And no radios, television, cell phones, or laptops (for the few who have them), and so on.' Lees verder: http://www.counterpunch.org/tilley06302006.html
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