donderdag 24 februari 2022

De Westerse OorlogsHysterie

Zoals te voorspellen was is er sprake van grote opwinding en nog grotere hypocrisie nu de Russische Federatie gedwongen werd om Oekraïne aan te vallen. Opvallend is ook de oorlogszuchtige reacties van de westerse 'vrije pers.' De BBC berichtgeving is exemplarisch voor de rest van de westerse mainstream-pers, onder de misleidende kop:

'Ukraine conflict world reaction: Sanctions, refugees and fears of war' dit:

'Bitter price' - US, UK and EU

A largely united voice spoke out with condemnation and promises of sanctions.

Joe Biden said: "President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering." He said the United States would meet with allies to hammer out economic punishment.

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said Mr Putin was "responsible for bringing war back to Europe". The sanctions would "weaken Russia's economic base and its capacity to modernise".

UK PM Boris Johnson said Mr Putin had "chosen a path of bloodshed and destruction" with an "unprovoked attack".

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he stood by his allies in eastern Europe, saying Mr Putin would pay a "bitter price" for his "serious error".

Calling for a speedy Nato summit, Mr Macron expressed France's solidarity with Ukraine. It was a view echoed by many, including Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who called Russia's attack "unjustified and unjustifiable".

But there was also huge concern at what could happen next.

One German minister spoke of a "land war in Europe that we thought was only to find in history books", while another, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, said Germany would help neighbours if there was a "large-scale influx" of refugees.

'Dire consequences' - Eastern Europe

That concern is also shared by Ukraine's neighbours, but many were also scrambling to shore up their own security.

The president of Lithuania, a Nato member, said he was going to impose a state of emergency.

A similar decree has been issued by Moldova further south. Dozens of cars were reportedly queuing on the border with Ukraine, with Moldova saying it would accept tens of thousands of refugees.

Romania said it could take half a million.

Poland is setting up reception points for refugees. It told Russia to end its attacks and leave Ukraine alone.

Georgia - which fought Russia in 2008 over disputed regions - backed Ukraine, saying the Russian attack would have "dire consequences" for the international community.

Russia's ally, Belarus, said it was not taking part in the military action, but would consider it if asked. Belarus has hosted Russian troops during the crisis, and they crossed from the country into Ukraine as part of the attack.

Ukraine has asked Nato member Turkey to close the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to Russian ships. Turkey has said it will consider the request and has backed Ukraine's territorial integrity.

'Typical Western question' - China

There has been a lot of interest in how China would respond. Its initial response was to call the word invasion a "typical Western media question method", with the foreign ministry saying "we won't go rushing to a conclusion".

Senior diplomat Wang Yi said China understood Russia's security concerns.

China and Russia now have a strategic partnership aimed at countering US influence, sealed when Mr Putin and President Xi Jinping met just before the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

China told its citizens in Ukraine to fly a Chinese flag to try to protect themselves.

In een gesprek met een Britse voormalige minister  vroeg de BBC-presentatrice of het niet tijd werd voor de NAVO om Rusland aan te laten vallen. De oud-minister liet gelijk weten dat daar geen sprake van kan zijn. Deze reactie was begrijpelijk  omdat er dan een wereldoorlog uitbreekt tussen het verzwakte Westen enerzijds en anderzijds Rusland en China. De VS was zelfs niet in staat om militair te winnen van Vietnam, Irak en Afghanistan, laat staan dat het van nucleaire grootmachten als Rusland en China kan winnen. Maar omdat veel van mijn westerse collega's de ware machtsverhoudingen niet kennen, blijven zij naar oorlogen verlangen. Zo stelde mijn oude vriend Max Pam in de Volkskrant van woensdag 23 februari 2022: 'Poetin rammelt aan de poorten van Europa,' terwijl de Russische Federatie niet met militaire bases het Westen omsingelt, maar daarentegen de NAVO wel Rusland omsingelt, en steeds verder oostwaarts blijft oprukken, waardoor met veel meer recht gesteld kan worden dat 'Biden aan de poorten van Rusland rammelt.' 

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Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

  Mitch @everyonetalks21 This you? 3:28 a.m. · 12 mrt. 2024 · 194 Weergaven