maandag 27 november 2017


Info-Krieg um MH17 – Trump hat gekniffen! (INFO WAR ON MH17 - TRUMP BACKED OFF)

3 opmerkingen:

Ron zei

"Former Air Force pilot Brandon Bryan is one of the first ever United States drone operators to speak out against what has been happening overseas for a number of years now, which is the murder of countless innocent lives. "

Ron zei

"If you feel threatened by anybody you’re able to engage that person. Many soldiers felt threatened just by the fact that you were looking at them, so they fired their weapons on anybody who was looking at them because “I felt threatened.” We were told that if we were to fire our weapons at people, and we were to be investigated, “officers would take care of you.” "

"This happens on a daily basis. I’ve watched . . . [the destruction of] vans full of children who were in the way when an IUD went off. The destruction of the Iraqi people happens on a daily basis."

...en dit alles onder Barack Obama en Hillary Clinton ,waar de Groene eind vorig jaar nog de dubbele loftrompet over wereld is compleet gek geworden.....

Ron zei

(loftrompet-stukken van onnozele Steven Sanders en zelfs De Groene hoofdredacteur Xandra Schutte.............)

De Propaganda van de Halsema's in Nederland

 Now what to think about this:   The mayors argue that while criticism of the Israeli government is not anti-Semitism in itself, “holding Je...