donderdag 21 augustus 2014


Een lezeres stuurde mij de volgende afbeelding op:

Ons kent Ons. Er wordt een toneelstuk opgevoerd en de mainstream media zijn maar al te graag bereid om hierin mee te spelen. Vooral geen vragen stellen, collega's, gewoon jullie propagandistische taak gehoorzaam uitvoeren. Deze informatie moet geheim blijven.


We live in the 21st Century not in the 7th any more!

Video from CNS - Catholic News Service.

Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan discusses Christian plight in Mosul, Iraq, and the problem of not separating religion from state government.

“How could those criminals let’s say bed of criminals cross the border from Syria into Mosul [Iraq] and occupy invade the whole city of Mosul and imposing on the population their Sharia without any knowledge of the international community?"

ISIS: From Syria to Iraq America is never far out of the picture.
Above left to right: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addressing the Geneva II Peace Conference this January 2014, behind his shoulder is former U.S. Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, chief organiser of the Syrian “opposition” delegation at Geneva. Centre: U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford in northern Syria in May 2013 last with rebel Free Syrian Army Colonel Abdul-Jabbar who at that time was head of the, western backed and funded, Aleppo Military Council. Right: Colonel Abdul-Jabbar celebrating,in August 2013 last, with ISIS Emir Abu Jandal after their forces jointly capture a military airport.

Muslim and Christian demonstrate at the UN offices in Erbil, Kurdish Iraq

In Erbil, Iraq, Muslims demonstrated together with Christians in front of the local UN mission in opposition of Christian persecution.
In Erbil, Iraq, Muslims demonstrated together with Christians in front of the local UN mission in opposition of Christian persecution.

THE JEWISH LOBBY IS CRIMINAL   ADAM @AdameMedia “I’m telling you lsraeI is getting 30k a year for every man woman and...