woensdag 20 augustus 2014

Zionist Fascism 224

Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled'

Right mr. president, as appalled as 'the entire world' is about the zionist fascism which you support. 

De foto hierboven toont een Palestijns kinderdie tijdens Israelische terreur-aanvallen werd onthoofd. Hieronder een kind van christelijke Syriërs die werd onthoofd door wat de westerse mainstream-media de 'Syrische rebellen' noemde, maar die in werkelijkheid door het westen gesteunde islamitische fundamentalisten zijn, nu in Irak actief. Maar pas nadat ze een blanke Amerikaanse journalist hebben vermoord is volgens Obama 'the entire world appalled.' En zo gaat de leugen verder, verspreidt door de commerciële massamedia. Dat onder andere Saoedi Arabië, VS-bondgenoot, deze extremisten steunt is iets dat de westerse massamedia angstvallig verzwijgen en zeker niet ter discussie stellen.

One Palestinian Child has been Killed by Israel Every 3 Days for the Past 13 Years

In-depth Report: 
  190  6 

Official statistics from the Ministry of Information in Ramallah have revealed that 1,518 Palestinian children were killed by Israel’s occupation forces from the outbreak of the second Intifada in September 2000 up to April 2013. That’s the equivalent of one Palestinian child killed by Israel every 3 days for almost 13 years. The ministry added that the number of children injured by the Israelis since the start of the Second Intifada against Israel’s occupation has now reached 6,000.
“The International Day for the Protection of Children is on June 1,” said a spokesman, “but Palestinian children are still subject to attacks by the Israelis and Jewish settlers on an almost daily basis.”
Noting that 2012 saw an unprecedented rise in the number of children arrested by Israeli forces, the report pointed out that 9,000 Palestinians under 18 years old have been arrested since the end of September 2000. Almost half of the Palestinian population is under 18. Almost two hundred and fifty Palestinian minors are being held in prison by Israel; 47 of them are children under 16 years of age.

1 opmerking:

anzi zei

Why the torture photos should be released

May 30th, 2009
Mary Shaw

Jackson Hinkle delivers a POWERFUL speech in Yemen!

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