donderdag 21 augustus 2014

The Peoples Voice

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Why the torture photos should be released

May 30th, 2009 
Mary Shaw 


Permalink Global Warriors Revisiting Iraq’s Wounds to Destroy the Arab World

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
Warriors Continuing More Wars in the Arab world
Long ago, John Adams describing how the British lost America noted: “the pride and vanity of that nation is a disease; it is a delirium, it has been flattered and inflamed so long by themselves and others that it perverts everything.” Wars are not a prelude to peace but kill people and undermine the habitat for the living human beings, destroy humanity by raging coercive man’s instinct - animosity of each against all and of all against each, accumulative madness practically denying all prospects of peace and co-existence. Previous wars of centuries were aimed at annihilation of political and economic enemies but the 21st century conflicts are ready-made recipes not only to eliminate the mankind but also the environment in which human beings survive and the planet Earth that sustains life. Given the strategic know-how and the scientific-technological advancements, it is an established fact that any futuristic global warfare will end the very existence of man and humanity on this planet. Is it not the same march to folly that President Obama is making the history? William Astore, a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF), is an editor of blog The Contrary Perspective and speaks of the American cult embedded in bombing (“The American Cult of Bombing.”Tom Dispatch and Information Clearing House: 8/19/2014):

Permalink Ferguson, Ethnicity and American Idealism

by Tracy Turner
The 4-decades after the Watt's riots were a period of growth ultimately resulting in an African American President and First Family as well as black journalists such as Glenn Ford; numerous black judges in all branches of courts including the Supreme Court and in the House and Senate.
Quoted from USA Today, "FERGUSON, Mo. — St. Louis County prosecutors plan to begin presenting evidence Wednesday to a local grand jury as part of an investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Edward Magee, spokesman for St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, said local investigators have interviewed Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson and he will be "offered the opportunity'' to testify if he chooses.”

Permalink KIev's Dirty War

by Stephen Lendman
Rogue terror states wage wars the same way. America does it. So does Israel.
Kiev's illegitimate fascist government operates extrajudicially. Rule of law principles don't apply.
Dirty war is waged on its own non-combatant men, women and children. Residential neighborhoods are bombed and shelled.
Banned chemical and other terror weapons are used. Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) member of parliament Miroslav Rudenko said:
"According to our soldiers' information, the Ukrainian forces are using chemical ammunition on DPR territory."
"Once a shell bursts, a gas affecting sense organs is emitted. We have this information."
In early June, Southeastern Ukrainian freedom fighters said Kiev forces attacked Semyonovka near Slaviansk with an unknown chemical weapon.

Permalink Failure in Cairo

Failure in Cairo
by Stephen Lendman
It didn't surprise. Failure was inevitable. Talks were dead on arrival. Israeli policy is hardline. It's all take and no give.
Rogue terror states operate this way. Israel is one of the worst. It's a democracy in name only.
It treats Palestinians like subhumans. It considers its Arab citizens fifth column threats.
It ignores fundamental international laws. It violates them repeatedly. It does so unaccountably.
Its negotiators were told to maintain status quo conditions at all costs. Demand everything. Give little or nothing in return.
Delay, make new demands, and deny Palestinians what they most want and deserve. Long denied justice remains elusive.


Permalink A Summary of the Situation in Embattled 'New Russia,' Ukraine's Southeast

BY Eric Zuesse, via OLGA LUZANOVA ⋅ Video posted by elektropostman

Video: A Summary of the Situation in the Embattled Novorossiya
Translation from Russian by Alan and Alya Bailey, Subtitles by Marcel Sardo / Edited by Olga L. and Gleb Bazov
Alexey Mozgovoy: The peaceful population is being eliminated using missiles. These actions make the civilian population leave their homes. So, generally speaking, Kiev does not need the population; it is irrelevant in the area where they plan to conduct fracking.
There’s already a drilling rig in Slavyansk and it’s starting its work. The equipment for building the rigs has already been delivered to a little settlement near Slavyansk. So what use is there for the population? It’s not needed there. The complete elimination of the population is being covered up by the so-called ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation -- the 'terrorists' are the local residents there].


Permalink More Than Half Of All Americans Can’t Come Up With $400

According to a Federal Reserve report on American households’ “economic well-being” in 2013, fewer than half of all Americans said they’d be able to come up with four Benjamins on short notice to deal with an unexpected expense.

Permalink Iceland Raises Bardarbunga Volcano Alert To Orange

The risk of an eruption at Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano has increased, with signs of “ongoing magma movement”; Iceland’s meteorological office. Risk level to the aviation industry has been raised to orange, the second-highest level.

Permalink Russia Moves to Toughen GMO Food Sanctions, Introduces Fines for Vague Labeling

President Putin: Russia must protect its citizens from overconsumption of products containing genetically modified organisms. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvede: Russia has no intention to import GMOs. Russian Minister of Agriculture Nikolai Fyodorov: Russia must remain a GMO-free country.

Permalink Poland dismisses reports mercenaries fighting in Ukraine

Polish Foreign Ministry dissociates itself from mass media speculation about alleged involvement of Polish mercenaries in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Under Polish laws, “anyone serving in foreign military units without consent of authorities commits offense punishable by prison up to five years”.

Permalink Marijuana Helps Reverse Woman’s Crohn’s Disease, Replaces Pharmaceuticals - Video

Hear how marijuana was able to help one woman overcome Crohn’s disease. Inhaling small amounts of marijuana from a vaporizer to help reduce her pain and increase her appetite. After afew days, Shona could walk without a cane.

Permalink EU Advisors Advocate use of Military Against Strikes and Protests

Experts at a European Union (EU) think-tank are demanding that the EU prepare to put down strikes and protests with military force. Due to the deepening social inequality in a globalised economy and growing military conflicts within the EU’s borders, such outbursts will inevitably increase.

Permalink Watching 'beheading' video may be a terrorism offence

The Metropolitan Police has warned that watching or downloading an Islamic State video that purports to show the beheading of a US journalist could constitute a terrorism offence, downloading or disseminating extremist material within the UK may constitute an offence under Terrorism legislation.

Permalink Solar Panels Denied to Homes by Utility Companies - Video

Solar panels are being denied to certain states as utilities companies and politicians are looking out for their own interests in an effort to eliminate the competition. We look why homes are being prevented from supplying stored energy, in this Lip News clip with Lissette Padilla and Mark Sovel.

Permalink A Summary of the Situation in Embattled 'New Russia,' Ukraine's Southeast - Video

The peaceful population is being eliminated. Kiev does not need the population; it is irrelevant to conduct fracking. American weapons brought from Poland are being used without remorse. Mercenaries who have worked in other countries – Syria, Libya, Lebanon. They are on the other side now and they are having fun.

Permalink Egyptian court convicts Israeli for spying

An Egyptian court has convicted a Jordanian and an Israeli of spying on Egyptian officials and security deployments, according to the country’s state news agency. The Jordanian sentenced to 10 years in prison, the Israeli, who was tried in absentia, sentenced to life.

Permalink Staged Provocations Ahead Possible US-Syrian War

Wave of anger and aggression across Western audiences generated. Upon that wave rides two objectives. One is to create plausible deniability for the West which created the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS), the other is to create a pretext to justify direct US military intervention across the region.

Permalink Thousands flee Donetsk as Ukrainian army closes in - Video

Eastern Ukraine has sustained another day of heavy shelling. At least 5 people were killed in an army assault on a village near Donetsk, while the city itself was also hit. Inside the city, people are struggling with a dire humanitarian situation.

Permalink Crisis in the eastern Ukraine unlikely to be solved exclusively by force - Poroshenko

President Pyotr Poroshenko: Ukrainian leaders understand the crisis in Donetsk and Lugansk cannot be settled only by force.“People in Donetsk and Lugansk want peace. Our desire to implement proposed peace plan is determining our actions. Solution cannot be found exclusively by military means.

Permalink Ukraine Asks for Combined IMF Loan Installment of $2.3Bln by Year-End

Ukraine has proposed that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) lump together the third and fourth tranches of its financial assistance to Ukraine, giving the country a bailout of up to $2.3 billion by the end of 2014, the Ukrainian finance minister said Wednesday.

Permalink Militia Shoots Down Ukrainian Su-25 Attack Aircraft over Luhansk Region – Official

ndependence supporters have downed a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 Frogfoot attack plane over the Luhansk region late on Wednesday, a spokesman for the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine said. Fate of the pilot is unknown.

Permalink Germany prepared to send arms to Kurds in Iraq

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier cited the "barbaric" actions of the Islamic State group that has taken control of large parts of Iraq in recent weeks, and the threat that their further advance could pose to the region and Europe, prepared to arm Kurdish fighters battling Sunni insurgents in northern Iraq.


World’s first commercially available security robot is set for mass production in the US. Has a digital camera and array of sensors to detect presence of unauthorised intruders, will activate alarm and send out an alert. Additional sensors to provide other industry-specific data.

Permalink Ukraine Overnight Interest Rates Soars to 17.5%; External Debt Cannot Be Paid Back; Ukraine Demands Rebels Surrender

Conflict has cost Ukraine $8 billion, Ukraine’s central bank raised its overnight refinancing rate to 17.5 percent today from 15 percent Ukrainian currency fell 1.6 percent before trading taking its decline for the month to 5.8 percent. Debt rose from $40 billion in 2005 to$140 billion today.

Permalink Russia may consider ban on car imports from West: Report - Video

Moscow may “fully or partly” ban car imports should Washington and its EU allies adopt fresh sanctions. Bans would not apply to the production of foreign automakers operating inside Russia. Russia imposed year-long food bans on US, EU, Australia, Canada and Norway for their embargoes.

Permalink East Ukraine clashes leave 34 civilians dead - Video

At least 34 civilians have been killed in clashes between the Ukrainian army troops and pro-Russia forces in the country’s restive eastern Donetsk Province over the past 24 hours, local officials say. Overnight fighting in the town of Ilovaysk in the east of Donetsk has left nine Ukrainian soldiers dead.

Permalink Activists seek blacklist on foreign drinks at state-sponsored banquets

Representatives of Russia’s Public Chamber suggest government ban on purchasing foreign-made drinks, including liquor and wine, for official banquets sponsored with state money. Serve only domestic drinks at banquets – be it Russian vodka or Crimean wine.

Permalink Four Moscow McDonalds shut by Russian consumer watchdog - Video

Russia’s consumer watchdog shut down four McDonald's restaurants in Moscow over “administrative violations.” Companys 430 Russian franchises are under investigation. Food and waste disposal violations detected during inspections, microbe pollution with E.Coli bacteria, hygiene breached.

Permalink Nearly four-dozen arrested in Ferguson on eve of attorney general’s visit

A relatively calm evening gave way to the arrest of 47 protesters early Wednesday morning in Ferguson, Missouri, marking the eleventh night of demonstrations touched off by the killing of an unarmed black teenager by a local police officer.

Permalink Underground life: E.Ukraine civilians pushed to basements by constant shelling (VIDEO)

Heavy shelling of eastern Ukraine by the country's military continues, with people in despair and badly in need of water and electricity, hiding out in basements. Constant bombardment is laying waste to entire cities. Going out into the street is too dangerous, so people stay inside without water or electricity.

Permalink Ukraine's Next Crisis? Economic Disaster

Ukraine's next crisis will be a economic one, as violent conflict destroys critical infrastructure in the east and brings key industry to a halt, furthering weakening the energy sector by crippling coal-based electricity production.

2 opmerkingen:

anzi zei

Wat is de reden dat de Guardian deze advertentie niet plaatst en die van Wiesel wel?

The Guardian rejects Dershowitz ad on 'human shields' in Gaza
Haaretz 18 augustus

Harvard University professor, whose ad questioned claims that Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, accuses paper of anti-Israel bias.

Sonja zei

Sybrand Buma & oppositie wil verheerlijking van geweld en terreur strafrechtelijk vervolgen. Ik ben alleen bang dat dat niet voor de verheerlijking van Westerse terreur en door het Westen veroorzaakte terreur geldt.

Jackson Hinkle delivers a POWERFUL speech in Yemen! Nieuwe posts bekijken Gesprek The Saviour @stairwayto3dom Jackson Hinkle delivers a...