Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Geert Mak en De Kroning van 2013 (11)" achtergelaten:
Volstrekt off topic, sorry.
Patents/Intellectual Property Rights
"Primates are mammals that took a special direction over the course of evolution, that was to enlarge their brains and become the most intelligent animals on Earth" ~ Demond Morris - Planet Ape
Nu er in Europa patenten aangevraagd zijn op genetisch gemodificeerde mensapen door een Amerikaans biotechnologie bedrijf en er in Nederland in tegenstelling tot Duitsland nauwelijks iets over in de pers verscheen, en er van daar uit wel protest georganiseerd is, dit:
What ethical considerations should be put in place?
Primatenonderzoeker Frans de Waal, een Nederlander, die vermeld staat in de Times top 100 van meest invloedrijke levende wetenschappers zei ooit over experimenten met de Chimpanzee:
"The same reason chimpanzees are biomedically important provides a compelling ethical argument against their use. The more an animal is like us, the easier it is to extend our moral outlook to it [sic]. Recent studies have amply documented cognitive, social, and emotional similarities between chimpanzees and humans, including empathy and the rudiments of morality, power politics, and the ability to pick up habits from each other as reflected in multiple cultural traditions across the African continent."
Frans de Waal: We Should Only Do Experiments on Chimpanzees That We're Willing to Do on Humans
Toevallig kwam ik nog wat andere, oudere berichten onder ogen.
"Recent experiments indicate that animal behavior can be permanently altered, turning aggressive animals into models of passivity. Neurobiologist Barry Richmond and his team have done this by blocking the effects of a gene in the brain called D2, which cuts off the link between the monkey's motivation and perceived reward.
Humans have an identical gene. " -
Brave New World Getting Closer
""The Great Ape Project is campaigning to have the United Nations endorse a Declaration on Great Apes.[2] This would extend what the project calls the "community of equals" to chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans. The declaration seeks to extend to non-human great apes the protection of three basic interests: the right to life, the protection of individual liberty, and the prohibition of torture."
The Great Ape Project
"Our second chromosome has telomere DNA at the center. It has two centomeres. We have placed it as being from primate chromosomes 12 and 13 and so exact is the correspondence that people who work on the chimpanzee genome now call the chromosomes they used to call 12 and 13 2A and 2B, because they correspond to those two halves of the human second chromosome. "
Tracing human evolution by mistakes
Hey Hey We're the Monkeys
Volstrekt off topic, sorry.
Patents/Intellectual Property Rights
"Primates are mammals that took a special direction over the course of evolution, that was to enlarge their brains and become the most intelligent animals on Earth" ~ Demond Morris - Planet Ape
Nu er in Europa patenten aangevraagd zijn op genetisch gemodificeerde mensapen door een Amerikaans biotechnologie bedrijf en er in Nederland in tegenstelling tot Duitsland nauwelijks iets over in de pers verscheen, en er van daar uit wel protest georganiseerd is, dit:
What ethical considerations should be put in place?
Primatenonderzoeker Frans de Waal, een Nederlander, die vermeld staat in de Times top 100 van meest invloedrijke levende wetenschappers zei ooit over experimenten met de Chimpanzee:
"The same reason chimpanzees are biomedically important provides a compelling ethical argument against their use. The more an animal is like us, the easier it is to extend our moral outlook to it [sic]. Recent studies have amply documented cognitive, social, and emotional similarities between chimpanzees and humans, including empathy and the rudiments of morality, power politics, and the ability to pick up habits from each other as reflected in multiple cultural traditions across the African continent."
Frans de Waal: We Should Only Do Experiments on Chimpanzees That We're Willing to Do on Humans
Toevallig kwam ik nog wat andere, oudere berichten onder ogen.
"Recent experiments indicate that animal behavior can be permanently altered, turning aggressive animals into models of passivity. Neurobiologist Barry Richmond and his team have done this by blocking the effects of a gene in the brain called D2, which cuts off the link between the monkey's motivation and perceived reward.
Humans have an identical gene. " -
Brave New World Getting Closer
""The Great Ape Project is campaigning to have the United Nations endorse a Declaration on Great Apes.[2] This would extend what the project calls the "community of equals" to chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans. The declaration seeks to extend to non-human great apes the protection of three basic interests: the right to life, the protection of individual liberty, and the prohibition of torture."
The Great Ape Project
"Our second chromosome has telomere DNA at the center. It has two centomeres. We have placed it as being from primate chromosomes 12 and 13 and so exact is the correspondence that people who work on the chimpanzee genome now call the chromosomes they used to call 12 and 13 2A and 2B, because they correspond to those two halves of the human second chromosome. "
Tracing human evolution by mistakes
Hey Hey We're the Monkeys
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Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Geert Mak en De Kroning van 2013 (11)" achtergelaten:
hear hear hear!
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