maandag 30 april 2012

NAVO Agressie 2

Steve Lendman:

'What's Next for Libya?

NATO's "responsibility to protect" (R2P) was subterfuge to wage war. Months of terror bombing left Libya a charnel house.
Africa's most developed country was ravaged, not liberated. Protracted struggle continues. Expect it to persist for years.
When is war not war? It's when mass killing and destruction are called the right thing. It's also when terrorizing and traumatizing an entire population continues unaddressed.
Libya was developed and peaceful until NATO intervened. It arrived on cruise missiles, bombs, shells, other munitions, depleted and enriched uranium, other terror weapons, fifth column infiltrators, and media scoundrel complicity, as well as coverup and denial.
No nation or alliance may interfere in the internal affairs of another except in self-defense if attacked. NATO R2P authority was Trojan Horse deception. Crimes of war and against humanity followed. They continue out-of-control. 
NATO's still involved. Thousands of US forces guard key oil facilities, ports, and perhaps other strategic sites. Occasional air attacks occur. NATO warships occupy Libya's ports. US, Italian, French, and perhaps other forces are involved. January reports from Misrata said Apache helicopters slaughtered rebels trying to scale Brega oil platforms.
Insurgents battle each other and Green Resistance for control. Frequent clashes leave rivals and civilians dead or injured. Militias control local areas and neighborhoods. Thousands of Gaddafi loyalists and Black African guest workers were murdered or held captive and tortured. Dark-skinned Libyans and guest workers are especially threatened. 
On October 23, Obama duplicitously "congratulated the people of Libya on today's declaration of liberation. After four decades of brutal dictatorship and eight months of deadly conflict, the Libyan people can now celebrate their freedom and the beginning of a new era of promise."
He's a frontman for power. He's an inveterate liar and war criminal multiple times over. He added another imperial trophy to colonize, plunder and exploit. Keeping it's another matter. Libya's one of history's great crime. Green Resistance struggles to restore Jamahiriya rule. 
Obama matched the worst of Bush and exceeded him. Libyans, Afghans, Iraqis, and Syrians revile him. So do millions of others for good reason. Hopefully one day they'll have the last word.
Liberation never comes easily or quickly. For sure, it's worth protracted struggle to achieve, no matter the cost.
Gaddafi was no coward or quitter. Neither are Libyans and others throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.
Their liberating struggle won't end until America's imperial scourge ends, and NATO's consigned to the dustbin of history. Humanity depends on it.
NATO's sole new millennium accomplishment consists of endless unwinnable wars. Coalition partners eventually tire and pull out.
America may end up isolated. It excels in making enemies and losing friends. 
The battle for Iraq continues. Afghanistan's war was lost years ago. Libya's also though political Washington, coalition partners, media scoundrels, and NATO won't admit it.
The alliance wages lawless imperial aggression against nonbelligerent countries. Yugoslavia was first, then Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. 
Daily terror bombings massacred tens of thousands of Libyans. Insurgent gangs continue committing shocking atrocities. Libya's revolutionary struggle won't end until Green Resistance purges them eliminates NATO's control.
Gaddafi's murder investigation was whitewashed. Killers don't judge themselves guilty. 
In mid-February, a UN News Centre release "welcomed....Libya's new electoral authorities." It urged "free elections" be held as soon as possible.
On February 12, members of Libya's so-called Higher National Electoral Commission (HNEC) were sworn in days after National Transitional Council (NTC) officials adopted electoral laws to choose National Congress members. A 200-member constituent assembly is planned.
The Jamahiriya News Agency (JANA) quoted HNEC's Othman al-Kajiji saying last week in June "elections will be held on schedule as set by the constitutional declaration."
So-called elections install powerless puppets subservient to Washington, Britain, France, and other rogue NATO partners. Free Libya won't exist until loyalists regain it.
Last September, Security Council Resolution 2009 established a UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). Its mandate belies its mission. 
Allegedly it's tasked to "restor(e) public security and the rule of law, promot(e) inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation, and (help) the (NTC) embark on the drafting of a new constitution and on laying the foundation for new elections."
In fact, it's part of NATO's imperial occupation. UN Special Representative for Libya's Ian Martin heads it. He's Ban Ki-moon's Post-Conflict for Libya Special Advisor. He serves Washington and other NATO allies, not Libyans.
They face enormous challenges to overcome. They include imperial occupation, destabilization, divisiveness, and violence ravaging the country. Media scoundrels report nothing. Libyans fear what's next.
Insurgents battle for local control. Death squads eliminate rivals and other targeted victims. Tawergha residents were terrorized last year. Their nightmare continues.
Thousands were killed or exiled to refugee camps. Raids continue. Arrests, torture and deaths result. Human rights atrocities are horrific. Other areas are targeted. Libya's a raging cauldron. No central control exists. 
NATO intends the same fate for Syria and elsewhere. Installing Western puppets is planned. In Libya, they got more than they bargained for. The same holds for Afghanistan and Iraq. Nonetheless, conflicts and violence continue. With more planned, the entire region's threatened.
Libya was ravaged and destroyed. Tens of thousands were killed, many more injured and displaced. Violence, fear and poverty replaced Gaddafi's social state. No wonder most Libyans supported him. No wonder they revile NATO.
The alliance hailed a successful mission accomplished. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called the war an "inspiring revolution." He added that Washington helped "creat(e) a unique alliance against tyranny and for freedom." 
Libyans know otherwise. Daily terror replaced peace and calm. None of it shows signs of ending. No one knows who's next to die. Everyone suffers. Kafkaesque reality plagues the country. Few doubt who's responsible.
In February 2011, the UN Human Rights Council established the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya. In March 2012, it reported crimes of war and against humanity committed by both sides.
It said insurgents "committed serious violations, including war crimes and breaches of international human rights law, the latter continuing at the time of the present report. The Commission found these violations to include unlawful killing, arbitrary arrest, torture, enforced disappearance, indiscriminate attacks, and pillage."
It didn't address horrific NATO war crimes. Instead it said participating nations "conducted a highly precise campaign with a demonstrable determination to avoid civilian casualties." It added that further investigations are recommended to evaluate its effectiveness.
Thousands of bombing missions reigned death and destruction for months. Civilians were willfully targeted. Western and Qatari Special Forces aided insurgent violence. Coverup and denial whitewash NATO crimes. Washington orchestrated and directed them. Gaddafi's Libya no longer exists.
On January 21, Press TV cited the London-based pan-Arab daily Asharq Alawsat saying Washington sent 12,000 soldiers to Libya. They landed in Brega. They came to control key oil fields, facilities and ports.
A Final Comment
Wherever NATO intervenes, death, destruction, and human misery follow.  Libya's disintegrating in chaos and violence. Tribes and rebel gangs battle for dominance. NTC control's impossible. A new semi-autonomous Cyrenaica region was declared. It extends from Sirte to Egypt's border. It holds about two-thirds of Libya's oil.
Oil rich Fezzan region also seeks independence. Tripolitania remains. Its own oil fields lie close to Tripoli. Syrian insurgents are being trained there.
Last year, some observers predicted balkanization. In early March, factional Eastern leaders discussed recognizing Tripoli as Libya's political capital and Benghazi its financial one - sort of like a Washington/New York division.
Given ongoing violence, instability and lawlessness, perhaps June elections won't happen as planned. Establishing legitimate rule's impossible. Restoring peace and calm won't happen soon. It may take many years to accomplish.
Dozens of insurgent factions remain heavily armed. Operating independently, they won't integrate into a national army. Clashes continue across mostly Northern areas. Thousands of Gaddafi supporters languish in prisons. 
Green Resistance fighters struggle for freedom. So do major tribes against puppet governance. Libya's so violent, dysfunctional, and unstable, neighboring countries are threatened. 
Mali's late March military coup appears fallout from Libya. It may be replicated elsewhere in North Africa and perhaps beyond. Niger's also endangered. There's more involved than meets the eye, including controlling regional resources. Besides oil, Libya, Mali, and Niger have valuable uranium deposits. Washington seeks control.
America and the IMF are involved in Nigerian violence. Western oil giants largely control its oil. However, China made inroads with exploration and infrastructure deals. It wants more. That puts Beijing at odds with Washington and other Western interests.
Currency wars are also at issue. Nigeria's foreign reserves are 80% in dollars. The rest are in euros and Sterling. Russia, China, India, Iran, and other countries increasingly want less dollar dependence. Moving away enough threatens it as the dominant world reserve currency. Washington's determined to prevent it. Succeeding's another matter.
The more China becomes a major Nigeria player, the less dominant dollars in the country become. Destabilizing violence may be involved to prevent it. It's too early to know for sure but bears watching.
At issue is controlling North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Washington seeks global dominance, especially over resource rich areas. Independence and freedom depend on preventing it.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at 
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

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