vrijdag 19 juni 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 138

Jewish Voice for PeaceTell YouTube not to censor "Feeling the Hate" video
After it was seen by over 400,000 people, YouTube took down Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana’s video “Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem on Eve of Obama’s Cairo Address” without explanation. They have stonewalled all attempts to find out what happened.
Feeling The Hate In Jerusalem -- The Censored Video from Max Blumenthal on Vimeo.
Blumenthal and Dana took a video camera to downtown Jerusalem and asked kids on the street – mainly Americans in Jerusalem over the summer - how they felt about Obama. The answers they heard: mainly hardcore racism enhanced by expletives, homophobia, Islamophobia, Arab hatred, and a lot of ignorance. Youtube also just took down another video of a Palestinian forced to slap himself by the Israeli Border Police. A pattern is emerging. We know this kind of hatred and extremism is a real phenomenon in our Jewish communities. It needs to be unearthed and looked at with the same seriousness we want to see in any community confronting its own extremists. As we seek real peace in the Middle East, the stakes couldn't be higher.
Write to YouTube and ask them to put this video back up.
Dear YouTube: Please re-post Max Blumenthal’s video “Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem on the Eve of Obama’s Cairo Address,” originally posted on June 5, 2009.You also recently took down a video featured in Ha'aretz of Israeli Border Police abusing a Palestinian. Removing these important videos is censorship. The videos, while showing disturbing viewpoints, do not violate YouTube’s community guidelines. YouTube has just announced that it is relaxing some of its guidelines so that videos showing the current events in Iran may be posted. I am asking you to draw upon that same commitment to supporting human rights by returning Max Blumenthal’s video and any other similar ones to your site. The extreme views represented in these videos need to be heard and acknowledged so that they can be overcome. Making the videos disappear doesn’t make the hateful views expressed in the video disappear, too. Please re-post the videos. Thank you,Optional Member Code
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Please share your thoughts on the issue with JVP. We'll collect them and send a selection of them to Jewish leadership, as we ask communal leaders to take responsibility for this extremism and work to counter it by building Jewish communities based on respect for others, faith in equality, and reverence for justice.
Zie: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/301/t/9047/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1990

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