maandag 15 juni 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 135

Dit verklaarde onlangs een Israelische minister: 'In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled recommends intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic congressional candidates. He predicted that this would result in Democratic candidates pressuring Obama to become more pro-Israel.'

Het is algemeen bekend zoals Ben Knapen het in de NRC stelde dat: 'Wall Street maakte vele jaren de dienst uit, betaalde praktisch voor elke senatorcampagne, was, kortom, het centrum van financiële, politieke en ideologische zwaartekracht.'

De rijke pro-Israel lobby heeft een buitensporig grote invloed op de Amerikaanse Midden-Oosten politiek. Het is ook niet verwonderlijk dat president Obama onmiddellijk omgeven werd door pro-Israel adviseurs zoals de pro-Israel lobbyist Dennis Ross. Er is desalniettemin een kleine verandering waarneembaar:

Last update - 12:10 15/06/2009
Why is Dennis Ross being ousted as Obama envoy to Iran?
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: Israel News, Dennis Ross

Dennis Ross, who most recently served as a special State Department envoy to Iran, will abruptly be relieved of his duties, sources in Washington told Haaretz. An official announcement is expected in the coming days.

The Obama administration will announce that Ross has been reassigned to another position in the White House. In his new post, the former Mideast peace envoy under President Bill Clinton will deal primarily with regional issues related to the peace process.

Washington insiders speculate that a number of reasons moved the administration to reassign Ross. One possibility is Iran's persistent refusal to accept Ross as a U.S. emissary given the diplomat's Jewish background as well as his purported pro-Israel leanings. Ross is known to maintain contacts with numerous senior officials in Israel's defense establishment and the Israeli government.
Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem surmised that another possibility for Ross' ouster is his just-released book, "Myths, Illusions, and Peace - Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East."

Ross, who co-wrote the book with David Makovsky, a former journalist who is a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, argued against a linkage between the Palestinian issue and the West's policy against Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Ross and Mokovsky also raised the possibility of military action against Iran.

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