Palestinians outraged by Netanyahu’s speech
Bethlehem, June 14, 2009, (Ramattan)- This has nothing to do with a Palestinian state,” said Mohammed Yaqoub from Bethlehem. “This is a political speech addressing the Jews. We need to hear about our own country, and instead he just panders to his people. In the West Bank we have over 600 checkpoints in all areas and cities. They should at least remove the checkpoints and the wall.
I am a Palestinian and I can’t move on my land because of the wall. He said no refugees will ever go back to their land. For us there are three essential things: Jerusalem, return of refugees and a Palestinian state according to 1967 borders. He wants to deny us everything.”
Netanyahu appealed to Palestinians “begin negotiations immediately without preconditions”, but he proceeded to list his own list of preconditions. Palestinians have to “clearly and unambiguously” recognise Israel as a Jewish state. He said the Palestinian refugee problem has to be settled outside Israel’s borders, a Palestinian state has to be totally demilitarised with no control of the air space, and Jerusalem would remain “the undivided capital of Israel”. Netanyahu added he had no intention of freezing existing settlements, turning down US President Barack Obama’s request to stop the so-called “natural growth” of settlements and illegal outposts. He also concluded by calling on Palestinians to decide “between the path of peace and the path of Hamas”.
Isam Abu Al Rub from Jenin said: “Netanyahu’s speech said nothing new about the Palestinians. He talked about Palestinian state without a military. Every country in the world has weapons and military to protect itself from any threat. In this speech he tried portraying Jews and Israelis as sheep, while he tried to portray the image of Palestinians as foxes. But we see every day Palestinians being killed by Israelis and Jews taking over our land, while Israelis live in peace without any problems.
“Refugees should be able to return to their land. Netanyahyu also tried saying that Palestinian refugees should stay in Jordan, Lebanon and scattered all over the world. I don’t see anything good happening in the future after this. This is a speech aimed only at pleasing the Jewish people.”
Iyad Zian Al Din agrees Netanyahu brought nothing new.
“He missed the opportunity to bring change,” he said. “The refugee problem will remain as it is, and there is no solution. He is talking about a Palestinian state without military. This is unacceptable. This speech gives us nothing and confirms Netanyahu is the enemy of peace.
“I think one of two things might be happening. Maybe Netanyahu wants to confront President Obama because of his speech in Cairo in which he reiterated his view in favour of a Palestinian state and a freeze on all settlements. Or else this might all be a game between the US and Israel not to have a Palestinian state at all. Israel and the US just want the Palestinian to get a little, tiny country that is not a state at all.”
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Ziehier Yoeri Albrecht, die door een jonge journalist van het mediakanaal Left Laser betrapt werd tijdens een privé-onderonsje met twee ...
1 opmerking:
What else is new van dit criminele bloeddorstige regime. En dan zeggen de EU en Obama dat ze blij zijn te horen dat moordenaar Netanjahu een Palestijnse staat steunt. Hoe is het mogelijk dat dit als een "staat" wordt getypeerd. Is het niet internationaal vastgelegd wat een defintie van een staat is? Welke staat heeft geen controle over zijn eigen luchtruim of heeft geen leger?
Vervolgens ga je weer te horen krijgen: "Als de Palestijnen echt een onafhankelijke staat willen, konden ze die allang krijgen". We krijgen nu in ieder geval duidelijk te horen wat het aanbod is voor de Palestijnen voor een zelfstandige staat. Het aanbod is namelijk...:Niets. Noppes. Nada. Niente. Met het onvriendelijk verzoek dit te accepteren. Zo niet. Dan gaan we gewoon door op de huidige voet. Roven, plunderen, terroriseren, moorden en natuurlijk expanderen. De Westoever langzaamaan opvreten totdat de Palestijnen in reservaten leven zoals de Indianen.
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