woensdag 17 juni 2009

De Israelische Terreur 883

Persistent acts of genocide against 1.5 million Palestinians in occupied Gaza; ethnic cleansing in occupied Jerusalem; visceral expressions of a dominant culture of violence, fanaticism and racism by government ministers; top leaders (like Lieberman) residing in illegal colonies and proud of it; a prime minister that commits a symbolic act of political-cultural genocide, wiping the Palestinian people out of national existence and regarding them as mere, disparate groups of guests in Eretz Yisrael; Knesset toying with the idea of banning protest against ethnic cleansing (Nakba) and imposing on the indigenous minority loyalty oaths and pledges of allegiance to maintain an apartheid order; popular T-shirts advocating the murder of Palestinian babies and pregnant women; fanatic, mainstream rabbis indoctrinating the "popular army" with fundamentalist dogma endorsing acts of genocide and a public at large cheering "the boys" on when they do just that ... all signs of Israel's inexorable descent into fascism. 

When Obama, Sarkozy, Brown and Merkel ignore all this or even welcome it (as in their reaction to Netanyahu's speech), it is a sign of a world order that cannot last for long -- it is simply too unjust, immoral, illegal and unsustainable. 

Intensifying BDS is the loudest, most effective protest against all this ugliness.

Omar Barghouti

PS: Please continue to correspond with me on my regular email address: <omar.barghouti@gmail.com>


Palestinians 'treated like animals'

Agence France-Presse

From correspondents in Gaza City

Courier Mail   June 17, 2009

FORMER US president Jimmy Carter today met Hamas leader Ismail Haniya in the Gaza Strip, where he called for a lifting of Israel's blockade, saying Palestinians are being treated "like animals".

Following the talks, Mr Carter called for an end of "all violence" against both Israelis and Palestinians.

"This is holy land for us all and my hope is that we can have peace... all of us are children of Abraham," he said at [a meeting] with Mr Haniya, prime minister of the Hamas government in the Palestinian enclave.

Mr Haniya in turn said Hamas supported the creation of a Palestinian state in the territories Israel has occupied since the 1967 Six-Day war.

While Hamas has made similar statements in the past, it has more often insisted that the future state should encompass not only the West Bank and the Gaza Strip but also all of Israel.

"If there is a real plan to resolve the Palestinian question on the basis of the creation of a Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967 and with full sovereignty, we are in favour of it," Mr Haniya said.

He also praised US President Barack Obama's June 4 speech in Cairo to the Muslim world.

"We saw a new tone, a new language and a new spirit in the official US rhetoric," he said.

Such praise is rare coming from Hamas, a group pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state and which is listed as a terrorist group by the United StatesIsrael and the European Union.

The Islamist movement violently seized power in Gaza two years ago, ousting forces loyal to the secular and Western-backed Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas.

Mr Carter also passed to Hamas a letter from the parents of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier seized by Gaza militants including Hamas in a cross-border raid almost three years ago, and who remains in captivity.

"I met earlier with Noam Shalit. He asked me to ask them (Hamas) to accept a letter from him to his son. They accepted the letter," Mr Carter said in Tel Aviv.

"My conviction at this moment is that he is alive and well," Mr Carter said of the soldier whose father he met in Jerusalem on Friday.

Earlier Mr Carter denounced the Israeli blockade and the destruction wrought by its 22-day military offensive against Gaza in December and January.

"My primary feeling today is one of grief and despair and an element of anger when I see the destruction perpetrated against innocent people," Mr Carter said as he toured the impoverished territory.

"Tragically, the international community too often ignores the cries for help and the citizens of Palestine are treated more like animals than like human beings," he said.

"The starving of 1.5 million human beings of the necessities of life - never before in history has a large community like this been savaged by bombs and missiles and then denied the means to repair itself," Mr Carter said at a UN school graduation ceremony in Gaza City.

The United States and Europe "must try to do all that is necessary to convince Israel and Egypt to allow basic goods into Gaza", he said.

"At same time, there must be no more rockets" from Gaza into Israel, said Mr Carter, who brokered the historic 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

"I have to hold back tears when I see the deliberate destruction that has been wracked against your people," he said at a destroyed American school, saying it was "deliberately destroyed by bombs from F16s made in my country".

Israel's offensive killed more than 1400 Palestinians and left large swathes of the coastal strip sandwiched between Israel and Egypt in ruins. Thirteen Israelis also died in the conflict.

"I feel partially responsible for this as must all Americans and Israelis," Mr Carter said.

Israel has insisted that the Gaza blockade, which bars all but essential humanitarian supplies from entering the enclave, is necessary to prevent Hamas from arming, but human rights groups have slammed it as collective punishment.



Haaretz 16/06/2009

Public security minister calls cop 'dirty Arab'

By Yuval Goren, Yoav Stern and Mazal Mualem, Haaretz Correspondents

Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, of Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu party, called an undercover police officer a "dirty Arab" during a tour of the crime-ridden old central bus station in Tel Aviv. 

Aharonovitch asked to meet undercover agents who were active in the region. One of the agents who arrived to meet the minister apologized, saying "I'm a little dirty," to which Aharonovitch replied "dirty? You look like a real dirty Arab." 

Aharonovitch later apologized for the remark, saying that it did not reflect his worldview. 

A spokesman for the public security minister also issued a response, saying that "in a moment of jest, and using common slang, the minister said what he said, not intending to hurt anyone. If this or that person were offended, that was not his intention." 

The chairman of the Arab party Ra'am-Ta'al, Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsur, harshly criticized Aharonovitch's remark, and demanded that he apologize immediately for having said it. He warned that this kind of comment intensifies the tension between Jews and Arabs in 

In a statement issued following the incident, Sarsur said "these are base and racist remarks. It is an embarrassment that the one making these remarks is a minister holding a high office." 

MK Ahmed Tibi, also of Ra'am Ta'al, said that "Aharonovitch`s dirty mouth emits the odor of sewage."

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