woensdag 11 oktober 2023

Wierd Duk en Joost Niemoller Verspreiden Propaganda

Wierd Duk en Joost Niemoller, hebben jullie inmiddels laten weten dat jullie propaganda hebben verspreid? Zo nee waarom niet? Zo ja, wat hebben jullie daarvan geleerd?

So this story has been retracted by the LA Times and the Israeli army has officially disowned it. Perhaps it’s time to question the other propaganda set pieces Israel has deployed to falsely paint itself as the victim and drag the West deeper into its war of extermination.
Max Blumenthal
So far, the lone source for the claim that 40 babies were beheaded and/or killed by Gaza militants was @Nicole_Zedek, an Israeli state sponsored media reporter citing “soldiers.” She’s since issued a clarification stating death toll is “unknown.” twitter.com/israel/status/…
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